
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met August 22.

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John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met August 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, on August 22, 2017, commencing at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Board Chair Bill Kilquist.

The Board Chair directed the recording secretary to call the roll:

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Cheryl Graff -- present

Ray Hancock -- present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- present

Timothy McDaniel -- present

Bill Kilquist – present

Also present were: Ron House, president; Brad McCormick, vice-president for business services and college facilities; Melanie Pecord, acting vice-president for instruction; John Huffman, College legal counsel; Shannon Woodworth, public relations specialist; Susan May, recording secretary to the board of trustees; and other College personnel.

Chair Kilquist led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the Regular July Board Meeting:

Minutes of the regular meeting of July 25, 2017, were previously distributed.

Glenn Poshard and Mandy Little moved and seconded approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 25, 2017.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3569)

Closed Session Minutes:

Jake Rendleman and Cheryl Graff moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the content of the closed session minutes of November 22, 2016, and January 24, 2017, but that these minutes not be made available for public inspection at this time.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3570)

Treasurer’s And Financial Report (Appendix I):

The treasurer’s and financial report for the period ending June 30, 2017, was previously distributed.

Ray Hancock and Cheryl Graff moved and seconded approval of the treasurer’s and financial report for the period ending June 30, 2017.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3571)

Expenditure List (Appendix II):

The expenditure list for the period ending July 31, 2017, was previously distributed.

Glenn Poshard and Mandy Little moved and seconded approval of the expenditure list for the period ending July 31, 2017.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3572)

Recognition of Guests:


Opportunity for Public Comments/Questions:

Retiree Barb James announced the loss of retired faculty Helen Nall and Gary Kent. Mrs. Nall was a history instructor and a charter faculty member of the College. Mr. Kent taught speech and was instrumental in the development of the speech and theatre program at the College.

Board of Trustees Reports:

A. Comments by Board Chair – No comments.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

Board Chair Bill Kilquist complimented Athletic Director Greg Starrick for the recent event that was held for the student athletes and coaches.

C. Building, Grounds and Safety Committee – No report.

D. Board Policy Committee

Trustee Ray Hancock reported on policy revisions and additions presented on the agenda for first reading.

E. Budget and Finance Committee – No report.

F. Integrated Technology Committee – No report.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Mandy Little reported that she and Trustee Rendleman will be attending the ICCTA meeting in September at Heartland Community College. Trustee Rendleman reported on the ICCTA Executive Committee meeting he attended in August and commented that the main topic of discussion was the financial situation of community colleges.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the 40th Annual Foundation Golf Classic tournament included 34 teams, 28 hole sponsors, and 3 major sponsors. Approximately $25,000 was raised to support scholarships. Mr. Rendleman expressed his appreciation for the board members, administrators, staff, and retired employees that supported the Foundation by participating in this event.

Foundation officers Terrance Henry, president, and Megan Jones, vice-president, will begin their new terms in August.

The Foundation Special Projects Committee is developing an application for faculty and staff to request funding for campus grants. This program provides funding for unique projects that enhance teaching and learning and provide program enhancements or special services not typically funded through the College’s budgeting process.

I. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Timothy McDaniel reported that the Student Senate and Phi Theta Kappa will be hosting an open house to welcome students and promote student involvement. Student Senate assembled and distributed five hundred welcome kits to students this fall, and a voter registration will be held in September.

Group/Association Reports:

A. Faculty Association Report

Faculty Association President Richard Deutsch reported that the association had met to ratify the collective bargaining agreement. They are also working on a memorandum of understanding that will be beneficial to both faculty and administration.

B. Term Faculty Association Report – No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association Report – No report.

Officers’ Reports:

Instruction and Student Services Report:

Acting Vice-President Melanie Pecord reported that students will continue to register for the fall semester through August 23.

Diversity Report:

Two events in September sponsored by the Diversity and Inclusion Office include the Multicultural Perspective Series and the Faculty and Staff Diversity workshop. The next meeting of the Diversity Advisory Committee is scheduled for September 7th.

CPA Training:

A two-day CPA training event was conducted on campus with approximately 40 people earning CPDU’s required to maintain their CPA certification. This was the first training of this type in the southern Illinois area.

Eclipse Activities:

Vice-President McCormick introduced Campus Police Officer Danny Zoller, who reported that the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS) conducted training exercises on campus during the closure for the August 21st eclipse.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mr. McCormick provided a memo outlining changes from the tentative budget to the final budget. He reported that the majority of changes in revenue were associated with the recently passed state budget, and expense item changes mainly resulted from faculty recalls. The Budget Analysis document, which provides additional narrative and overview of the budget, was also provided for the Board.

A question was raised regarding the provision for contingency in the operating and maintenance fund. Mr. McCormick stated that this line item was set aside in the event that a specific project should develop during the fiscal year and includes dollars presently in the operations and maintenance fund.

There was discussion on the shift in percentage of estimated revenue over the years in terms of local and state government participation compared to tuition and fee revenue. Mr. McCormick explained that the state revenue has decreased from an excess of 40 percent in past years to 30 percent for FY2018. Local government revenue has remained at approximately 25 percent over the years, and estimated revenue from tuition and fees is currently at 43 percent.

Comments from President Ron House:

President Ron House commended the four collective bargaining teams for their professionalism exhibited during the negotiations conducted over the summer.

Consent Agenda:

A. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Availability for Public Inspection

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the recommendation of legal counsel that the following closed session minutes reviewed through February 28, 2017, be made available for public inspection: June 28, 2016, January 26, 2016, July 14, 2015 (special meeting), June 23, 2015, May 26, 2015, March 24, 2015, February 24, 2015, January 27, 2015, October 28, 2014, and June 28, 2011.

B. Destruction of Verbatim Recordings of Closed Session

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the destruction of the verbatim recordings of closed session meetings through and including January 26, 2016.

Legal Counsel John Huffman explained that state statute requires a semi-annual review of closed session minutes and authorizes, but does not mandate, the destruction of these recordings after an 18-month period. Historically, the College has destroyed verbatim recordings according to the time frame outlined in the statute.

C. Baseball Bullpen Renovation (Appendix III)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees award the contract for renovation of the baseball bullpen to ATG Sports for the base bid of $53,000.

Mr. McCormick clarified that funding for the baseball bullpen renovation project was provided through a donation from the Harrison-Bruce Foundation.

D. Athletic Transportation Bid (Appendix IV)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees award the athletic team transportation contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Southwestern Illinois Bus Company, LLC II, of Chester, IL, under the terms provided in Appendix IV.

E. Statement of Final Construction Completion

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Statement of Final Completion to be submitted to ICCB for the project listed below:

Project Name; Project Budget; Actual Expenditures:

Grounds Storage Roof & Electrical; $99,042.00; $85,470.00

System Replacement;

Jake Rendleman and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3573)

Old Business:

A. Adoption of 2017 – 2018 Budget (Appendix V and VI)

The tentative budget for the 2017-2018 academic year was presented at the May meeting and a public hearing was held at 7:00 p.m., June 27, 2017, in the Administration Board Room, John A. Logan College, 700 Logan College Road, Carterville, IL. Included with this appendix is a report identifying the changes between the tentative budget and the proposed final budget. An analysis of the FY2018 budget is included in Appendix VI.

The following resolution is recommended to be adopted by the Board of Trustees:

Whereas the Community College Board of John A. Logan College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Randolph, and Perry, and the State of Illinois caused to be prepared in tentative form a budget and the secretary of this Board has made the same conveniently available to public inspection for at least thirty days prior to final action thereon, and whereas a public hearing was held as to such budget on the 27th day of June 2017. Notice of hearing was given at least thirty days prior thereto as required by law and all other legal requirements have been complied with.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the Community College Board of said District as follows:

Section 1 -- That the fiscal year of the Community College District be and the same is hereby fixed and declared to be beginning July 1, 2017, and ending June 30, 2018, and

Section 2 -- That the budget containing an estimate of amounts available in each fund separately and of expenditures from each, and same is hereby adopted as the budget of this Community College District for the said fiscal year.

Trustee Becky Borgsmiller expressed concern over the budget deficit and stated that recent funding instability raises concern for future sustainability.

President House recommended and Cheryl Graff and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees adopt the 2017-2018 budget for John A. Logan College as recommended and that the administration be authorized to implement this budget effective July 1, 2017.

Upon roll call, members voted as follows: Ray Hancock – yes; Mandy Little – yes; Glenn Poshard – yes; Jake Rendleman – yes; Becky Borgsmiller – no; Cheryl Graff – yes; Tim McDaniel – yes; and Bill Kilquist – yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3574)

New Business

A. Proposed Revisions to Board Policies for First Reading (Appendix VII) (No Action)

The Board Policy Committee met on July 24, 2017, and presented the following board policy revisions/additions:

Board Policy 3630 (new) - Security Camera Policy

Board Policy 5142 – Emeritus Status

Board Policy 7154 – Purchasing

Board Policy 8231 – Grading System

These were presented for first reading to the Board of Trustees and will also be made available to College employees for input. They will be brought back to the Board for final approval at the September 26, 2017, regular meeting.

B. Personnel

Operational Staff:

President House recommended that Kari Ellet be employed as a full-time, grade IV, testing services clerk at John A. Logan College.

President House recommended that Laureen Doty be ratified as a part-time, grade III, dental lab technician III at John A. Logan College effective August 17, 2017.

President House recommended that Luke Snider be ratified as a part-time lifeguard at John A. Logan College effective August 16, 2017.

Mandy Little and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the operational staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3575)

Maintenance/Building Staff:

President House recommended that Dwight Hoffard be ratified as a part-time, stipend, coordinator of hunting and fishing days at John A. Logan College effective July 1, 2017.

Cheryl Graff and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the maintenance staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3576)

Non-Teaching Professional Staff:

President House recommended that Jason Snider be employed as a full-time, grade VII, business analyst at John A. Logan College.

President House recommended that Sara Ressing be employed as a full-time, grade IV, coordinator of testing services at John A. Logan College.

President House recommended that J. Patrick Morey be employed as a part-time, stipend, assistant baseball coach at John A. Logan College.

President House recommended that Jami McKena Miller be employed as a part-time, stipend, assistant women’s basketball coach at John A. Logan College.

President House recommended that T. J. Cox be employed as a part-time, stipend, assistant men’s basketball coach at John A. Logan College.

Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the non- teaching professional staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3577)

Full-Time Faculty:

President House recommended that Brennan Stover be ratified as a full-time, tenure-track faculty, criminal justice instructor at John A. Logan College effective August 16, 2017.

President House recommended that Aaron Carter be ratified as a full-time, temporary, HVAC instructor at John A. Logan College effective August 16, 2017.

Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the full- time faculty positions as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3578)

Term Faculty:

President House recommended that Taylor Bryant be ratified as a part-time instructor of English at John A. Logan College effective August 16, 2017.

President House recommended that Shawn Freeman be ratified as a part-time instructor of electronics at John A. Logan College effective August 16, 2017.

President House recommended that Tammy Holmes be ratified as a part-time instructor of speech at John A. Logan College effective August 16, 2017.

President House recommended that J. Lynanne Page be ratified as a part-time instructor of English at John A. Logan College effective August 16, 2017.

Glenn Poshard and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the term faculty positions as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3579)

Continuing Education Staff:

President House recommended that Lana Bain be employed as an Introduction to Computers instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 6, 2017.

President House recommended that Nicholas Brown be employed as an Introduction to Computers instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 5, 2017.

President House recommended that Robert DeFilippis be employed as a Near Death Experience instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 5, 2017.

President House recommended that Brittany Dorris be employed as a Portrait Photography 101 instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 5, 2017.

President House recommended that Kara Dunkel be employed as a Genealogy Basics instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 6, 2017.

President House recommended that Mark Fisher be employed as a Guitar (Beginner) instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 5, 2017.

President House recommended that Christina Fred be employed as a Spinning instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 7, 2017.

President House recommended that Lorrie Killion be employed as a Spinning with a Spindle instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 5, 2017.

President House recommended that Herb Klickner be employed as a Square Foot Gardening 101 instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 7, 2017.

President House recommended that Stephen McLaughlin be employed as an Adobe Photoshop with Digital Imaging instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 5, 2017.

President House recommended that Carolyn Milligan be employed as a Gypsy Crafters Bandwagon instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 14, 2017.

President House recommended that Elvira Muckelroy be employed as a Skin Care Workshop #1 instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 9, 2017.

President House recommended that Elvira Muckelroy be employed as a Skin Care Workshop #2 instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 16, 2017.

President House recommended that Elvira Muckelroy be employed as a Skin Care Workshop #3 instructor at John A. Logan College effective September 23, 2017.

Jake Rendleman and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the continuing education staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3580)

Operational Grant Staff:

President House recommended that Hillary Johnson be employed as a part-time, grant, grade II, administrative assistant II (adult education) at John A. Logan College.

President House recommended that Paige Leonard be employed as a full-time, grant, CCRR license exempt monitor at John A. Logan College.

Mandy Little and Cheryl Graff moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the operational grant staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3581)

Non-Teaching Professional Grant Staff:

President House recommended the approval of the resignation of Mitch Strang, full-time, grade III, coordinator of procurement technical assistance center, effective July 11, 2017.

Jake Rendleman and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees accept the resignation of the non-teaching professional grant staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3582)

Volunteer Personnel:

President House recommended the appointment of volunteer Betsy Brown for the Historical Village.

Cheryl Graff and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the volunteer personnel as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3583)

Ratification of Contracts:

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the two-year collective bargaining agreement with the John A. Logan IEA Association. This contract includes a step increase of a 2.11% average for both years.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the collective bargaining agreement with the John A. Logan College IEA Association.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3584)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the four-year collective bargaining agreement with the Logan Operational Staff Association. This contract includes a 2.11% salary increase for year one, with a wage opener each year to discuss potential salary increases on an annual basis.

Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the collective bargaining agreement with the John A. Logan College Operational Staff Association.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3585)


Trustee Mandy Little announced that a fundraiser for Jason Stutes, heating and air instructor, will be held at the Pinckneyville KC Hall on September 9th.


Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees be adjourned.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-3586)

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
