
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois Heartland Library System Budget and Finance Committee met August 10.

Webp meet

Illinois Heartland Library System Budget and Finance Committee met  Aug. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call to Order Sandy West Called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m.

Roll Call Sandy West – present Geoff Bant – present Sara Zumwalt – present (exited at 4:56 p.m. rejoined at 5:00 p.m.) Tiffany Droege – present (entered at 3:42 p.m.)

Others present: Leslie Bednar, Stacie Bushong, Troy Brown

Public Comment None

Approval of Minutes Sara Zumwalt motioned to approve July 17, 2017 minutes. Geoff Bant second. Motion carried.

SHARE Update Leslie Bednar reported South County Public Library (Brussels) sent in a memorandum of agreement. They are able to join using the WalMart Grant.

Administrative Updates Accounting and Human Resources The final pieces of the audit are in process. The HR staff member is out for an extended period and Rhonda Johnisee will be covering those duties in addition to her own.

IT Brandon Chapman is preparing all electronics for the surplus sale, including wiping computers and creating a list. There are new photos of staff on the website.

Facilities and Operations Leslie Bednar reported that our first surplus sale netted $21,000. The second round of surplus will be in the fall. IHLS operations staff are assisting with the “Think Outside the Barn” project by delivering donated materials, and participating in event set up and booth staffing.Membership and Grants Ellen Popit and Chris Dawdy visited 11 libraries in the last few weeks. They are focusing on visiting libraries that have new directors. Washington Park library has requested to join again. Our goal is to assist them with the legalities and requirements of libraries.

Administration Leslie Bednar reported IHLS is preparing for the FY2017 Annual Report which includes: audit, narrative (our achievements and challenges), and finance and operations tables for submission. Lesley Zavediuk will transition to a part-time position in September, and it is anticipated she will continue as a part-time employee through the end of the calendar year as IHLS fills her SHARE e-resource position.

Open Meeting Act Compliance New members are in the process of completing their OMA training.

Committee Updates Advocacy Committee Sandy West reported the committee reviewed the DoGood documentation from board training. The IHLS Priorities and Communications teams will be working on some projects.

Budget and Finance Committee Sara Zumwalt reported a routine meeting.

Facilities and Operations Committee The committee did not meet.

Membership and Policy Committee The committee did not meet.

Personnel Committee The committee did not meet

Unfinished Business Personnel (This portion of the meeting may be held in executive session pursuant to Section 5 ILCS 120 § 2(c)(1)) Sandy West asked for a motion to go into closed session. Sara Zumwalt motion. Geoff Bant second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Entered closed session at 4:01 p.m. Returned to open session at 4:19 p.m.

There are seven applicants for the SHARE director position. HR and Accounting staff held phone interviews with all. Leslie joined team to review interview question answers and resumes. The applicants have been narrowed down and will be interviewed all in one day. April

Becker and two additional SHARE Executive Council members will be part of interview team along with Leslie, Ellen, Rhonda and Troy.

IHLS Board Training Troy has created a video of the Laura Huth training so those who were unable to attend can view the video.

New Business IHLS Board Networking Events Leslie Bednar recommends that every other month the physical board meeting location will change. Those local board members would attend an event prior to the 5 pm. board meeting at that location to allow members a chance for more access to our board members. Inviting members to present at Members Matter meetings was suggested by Sara Z.

IHLS Ethics Commission Leslie Bednar explained the Ethics Commission responsibilities. Sandy West will recommend Geoff Bant to the commission at the August board meeting.

FY2018 IHLS Committee Assignments Sandy West presented her recommendations for FY2018 IHLS Committee Assignments including the Member at Large position on the Executive Committee. Motion to share recommendations with board by Sara Zumwalt, second by Geoff Bant. Motion carried by voice vote.

Board Citation Review Committee discussed several options to replace current practice of board members presenting overviews of required citations at monthly meeting. Sandy West and Leslie Bednar will discuss further outside of this meeting.

August Board Meeting Agenda Committee reviewed draft August board agenda.

Public Comment None

Announcements CARLI sent a message regarding ILDS delivery on August 21 due to the eclipse. Leslie Bednar will verify that it only refers to the Carbondale hub.

Adjournment Sara Zumwalt motioned for adjournment. Geoff Bant second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Adjourned at 5:22 p.m.
