
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Carbondale Police Pension Fund Board met April 18.

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Carbondale Police Pension Fund Board met April 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order / Roll Call

The City of Carbondale Police Pension Board of Trustees held a meeting on April 18th, 2017, at the Carbondale Civic Center, Room 103, 200 South Illinois Avenue. Mark Goddard called the meeting to order at about 1:30 p.m.

Roll Call

Present: Mark Goddard, Paul Echols, Anthony Williams, Jeff Davis.

Absent: Don Priddy

Acknowledgement of Guests

Also present was Pension Board Attorney Dennis Orsey.

2. Public Comments


3. Reading / Approval of Minutes

Minutes from March, 2017.

Motion: Echols moved, Davis seconded, acceptance of minutes, with one change; section 8, item A 1, the spelling of Dr. “Body” should be “Browdy”. All voted aye.

4. Correspondence

A) Board received communication from Mayor Henry indicating that Paul Echols has been reappointed to the board through May 14, 2019.

5. Bills


6. Treasurer’s Report

Davis presented the treasurer’s report. Fund lost approximately $70,000 due to payouts in the previous month.

Motion: Williams moved, Echols seconded motion to accept treasurer’s report. All voted aye.

7. Investment Report

The board was provided a handout from Graystone Consulting that indicated the investment fund value has increased by approximately $800,000 in the previous quarter.

Motion: Williams moved, Echols seconded, to accept the investment report. All voted aye.

8. Old Business

A) Discuss status of disability reviews

1) Julie Phillips Disability: Attorney Orsey relayed that Julie Phillips is scheduled for an appointment with Dr. Browdy on 5/26/17.

2) Dan Rice Disability: Attorney Orsey relayed that he has found a Dr. Tadzi with the Spinemore Surgical Associates that would be appropriate to conduct an exam of Dan Rice. The cost would be $800.

Motion: Davis moved, Williams seconded, to authorize payment of $800 for Dr. Yadzi to conduct an exam of Rice. Roll Call Vote: all voted yes.

3) Jeff Vaughn Disability: Attorney Orsey relayed that Jeff Vaughn is scheduled for an exam by Dr. Robson on 05/18/17. A $200 prepay is needed to secure the visit. This is a previously approved expense, and will be paid as soon as possible.

B) Trey Harris Disability: Attorney Orsey indicated that he is awaiting a signed medical release form from Trey Harris in order to proceed with his disability processing.

C) Training: All board members indicated that they have completed at least 16 hours of training in the preceeding year.

D) Paula Buristch Benefit Discrepancy: The board has not received sufficient information to make an informed decision. Matter tabled to next month.

9. New Business

A) Attorney Orsey made the board aware of new state legislation pertaining to the reporting of travel by state agencies. The law does not apply to the pension board.

B) Attorney Orsey discussed training opportunities for board members in 2017.

C) FOIA/OMA Training: Williams is FOIA/OMA Officer, and must complete training again in 2017 on Attorney General website.

D) Fiduciary Liability Insurance: Board discussed merits of continuing to fund fiduciary liability insurance. No action was taken.

10. Application for Membership


11. Application for Benefits


12. Next Meeting Date

Tuesday, May 16th at 1:30 p.m.

Motion: Echols moved and Davis seconded to adjourn the meeting. All present voted aye. Meeting adjourned.
