
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Carbondale Park District Board met April 10.

Webp chairs

City of Carbondale Park District Board met April 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Roll Call: Upon Roll Call, the following commissioners were Present: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioner Absent: None. Staff present: Childers, Day, Green, Keller, Lewis, Renfro, Robinson and Legal Counsel, Craig Reeves. Staff Absent: Burns.

General Announcements: None.

Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Coleman to approve the agenda as printed. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voting aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioner Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The Agenda was approved as printed.

Citizens Comments and Questions: None.

Reports of Park District Citizen Advisory Committees and Department Reports:

Administration and Finance Advisory Committee - - No report.

Aquatic Center Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Erickson reported that the committee had met with six members in attendance. The committee reviewed the contract with Midwest Pool Management for 2017 and they are currently hiring staff. The opening date for the SSP is set for May 27, 2017. The also discussed last season’s attendance and more signage to direct swimmers to the park. The 2016 financial figures were reviewed and discussed. The committee also discussed the ongoing fundraising by Master’s Swim Club for the Carbondale Cyclones youth swim team, the Carbondale Lion’s Club Art Sale, the bottle cap mural project, the 24 hour Swimathon and food saleS at the Cardboard Boat Regatta

Child Care Advisory Committee - - No meeting.

Golf Advisory Committee - - No meeting.

Grounds, Facilities & Recreation Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Hollister reported that the committee had met and discussed the Girl Scout Silver Award Project which is the Bottle Cap Mural for the SSP, the Skate park the Carbondale Public Safety will maintain grassy areas and Park District will maintain site stations. A representative from the District attended the Dog Park meeting and an ad will be placed in the Carbondale times requesting public interest in Life Center and being a committee member. A digital sign and Life Center was addressed at the Board retreat.

Treasurer’s Report: Commissioner Flowers reported that he will present his three-month report at the May meeting.

Directors Report: Director Renfro reported that a TAW was issued for $50,000 in March and that Gray Hunter Stenn LLP will be presenting the 2016 Audit at the May meeting. The Board Staff retreat was held on Saturday, March 4. The District agreed to participate in the planning and implementation of the Family Fun and Fitness Relay. The District is considering serving as the registration center and fiscal agent for the event. Staff continues to work on plans for the Solar Eclipse with Carbondale Tourism and SIUC and staff is working with the City of Carbondale to host a fitness class at Turley Park.

Superintendent’s Reports:

Superintendent of Golf Operations: Mike Day reported that golf operations generated in March of 2017 827 rounds of golf and $54,000 in revenue compared to March 2016 when they generated 1030 rounds of golf and $65,000 in revenue. The kitchen is open for business and league play at the course has started. The Saluki Invitational was held in March with great participation and the course hosted the Rotary Club Breakfast.

Superintendent of Golf Maintenance: Mike Green reported that during the month of March staff focused on getting the course ready for the Saluki Invitational and applying pre-emergence on the course to prevent most of the weeds from germinating. Staff started spraying fairways, tees with round up and pre-emergence.

Superintendent of Park Operations: Ed Robinson reported that staff has been picking up sticks and debris in parks. Staff stripped and wax main reception room at Life Center and worked on flowers in greenhouse. Soccer fields were laid out and painted for the new soccer season. Ball fields at the Superblock were worked up for the start of Jr Sports season. During bad weather, staff replaced boards on broken picnic tables. Staff also replaced exit light fixtures at the Pro Shop, did some cleanup at the SSP and had all trucks and trailers inspected for the year.

Director of Alice Wright Day Care Center: Debbie Keller reported that AWECC had generated in February 2017 $13,591.27 compared to February of 2016 when $9,485.42 was generated. Three SIU Students observed classroom for a child behavior class and two John A Logan students from the early childhood class are doing their lab hours at AWECC this semester. Staff attended a DCFS Forum.

Kids Korner: Katy Burns was absent but her report was include in packet.

Superintendent of Recreation: Jane Childers reported on the revenue for Aquatics Dept. in February 2017 they generated $6,532 compared to February 2016 when they generated $3,003. The Recreation dept. generated $1,096 in February 2017 compared to February 2016 when they generated $6,541 in revenue. The Super Splash Park generated in February 2017 $922 in revenue. There were no comparison for February 2016 since the Splash Park did not open until May 2016. Jane reviewed the program enrollment, pool attendance and upcoming events. She also reported that the Parrish School Swim lesson have started and the District had received a grant from SIH for the lessons. She briefly reported on the Community Fun and Fitness Relays, Lifeguard Certification and March programming and a Learn to swim classes.

After all reports were given and all questions and asked and answered it was moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Erickson to accept and place the reports on file. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The reports were accepted by the board and placed on file.

Consent Agenda: It was then moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Erickson to approve the consent agenda as presented. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The consent agenda was approved as presented.

Unfinished Business:

Discussion/Approval of Camping on Park District Property for the Solar Eclipse - - Director Renfro said it is not staff intention to provide camping for the Solar Eclipse unless the need arises. After discussion and all questions were asked and answered it was decided that the district would bring this agenda item back to the board if the need for camping on Park District property arises.

Action Taken: No action needed.

New Business:

Presentation/Discussion of the Golf Operations Department - - Mike Day, Golf Pro, presented to the Board a PowerPoint presentation and the highlights of the Saluki Invitational that was host by the Course in March. This was the 23 year for this event and it has been hosted at Hickory Ridge for 21 years. The other two years it was hosted at another venue due to flooding at the course. Mike introduced Brooke Cusumano, who a senior at SIU. Ms. Cusumano explained that she has been playing at Hickory Ridge for four years now and it is a wonderful course and a great staff.

Action Taken: No action needed.

Discussion/Appoval of Right of Way Easementwith Clearwave Communications - - Director Renfro said it is staff recommendation that the board approve an easement that will run along Pyles Fork Creek with Clearwave. After all questions were asked and answered, it was then moved by Commissioner Erickson and second by Commissioner Hollister to approve the Right of Way Easement with Delta Communications LLC d/b/a Clearwave Communications. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The approved the Right of Way Easement with Clearwave Communications.

Items for Future Agendas: Treasurer’s Report and 2016 Audit Report

Board Comments: Commissioner Coleman gave brief highlights regarding the group from the Republic of Kosovo and she commented on the newspaper article about Nicholas Mechler he was a AWECC graduated.

Adjournment: There being no further business it was then moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Erickson to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call, the following commissioners voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
