Illinois Adoption Advisory Council Institutional Review Board met June 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Chicago: Janet Ahern
Paula Jaudes
Mark Holzberg
Robin Albritton
Brooke Taylor
On Phone: Tammy Fuller
Arricka Newingham
Excused: Debra Dyer
Call to Order:
Janet Ahern called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m. A quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion: Mark Holzberg made a motion to approve the minutes May 23, 2017.
Tammy Fuller seconded the motion, Robin Albritton abstained, and a unanimous vote from the remaining board members carried the motion.
Follow Up:
Katherine Gibson. An Ethnographic Study of Professional Practices Psychotropic Drugs in the Child Welfare System – Amendment.
Nothing has been received from the researcher.
Motion: Motion made to table the proposal.
Milka Ramirez. Exploring Training and Work Climate for LGBTQQ Youth in Care. Nothing has been received from the researcher.
Motion: Proposal will be pulled from the agenda and the researcher will have to resubmit.
Salvador Sanchez. Increasing Reinforcing Statements by Foster Parents through Training and Feedback. Board members spoke to researcher about concerns that were brought up by the board. Researcher indicated to the board member that they would be crafting a response to the board’s issues and sending it along.
Nothing has been received from the researcher. Brooke will follow up with the researcher on the status of the response.
Motion: Motion made to table the proposal.
Friedhelm Wulczyn. Reviewing State Practices in Treatment/Therapeutic Foster Care. Board member spoke to researcher about the board’s concerns. Researcher will forward the U of C IRB approval letter. Researcher indicated that the outcomes are noted in the purpose or hypothesis section: placement stability, permanency rates and reentry).
Regarding the fact that Chapin Hall is no longer getting Medicaid information – they hope to receive it soon. They are in discussions with the state on access to data. If they do not get data, they will not do the study.
Researcher indicated that each state’s findings will be reported separately and also analyzed for national trends and that a federal grant is paying for the study. Board would like for researcher to let us know when he gets the Medicaid data – and the receipt of the IRB approval letter.
Motion: Motion made to table the proposal.
New Proposals:
Bethany Lee. Evaluation of the National Training Initiative (NTI) of Adoption Mental Health Competence -- Revised.
No comments.
Motion: Robin Albritton motioned to approve the proposal.
Mark Holzberg seconded the proposed motion and a unanimous vote from the remaining board members carried the motion.
Ram Yogev. IMPAACT P1112: Open-Label, Dose-Escalating, Phase I Study to Determine Safety and Phramacokinetic Parameters of Subcutaneous (SC) VRC02, a Potent Anti-HIV Neutralizing
Monoclonal Antibody, in HIV-1 Exposed Infants, Version 1.0, dated August 4, 2014. Research is a vaccine against HIV that has been tested in adults and will start at birth. If baby turns HIV positive, they’ll start treating the baby. Consenting only to blood draw and the follow up visits after initial parental consent.
Motion: Mark Holzberg motioned to approve the proposal.
Paula Jaudes seconded the proposed motion and a unanimous vote from the remaining board members carried the motion.
Rush University. Brooke has still received no response.
Procedure 432. Keep on agenda for next month. Dr. Jaudes is following up with the University of Chicago and distribute and everyone on the board will review and give comments.
MOUs/Michael C. Jones. This will stay on the agenda for next month since Debra could not attend this meeting and this was her agenda item.
Next meeting was scheduled for July 25, 2017 at a 2 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 2:34 p.m.