
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met May 16.

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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met May 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call to Order (5:00 PM)

Members Present: Comparato, D. Bost, Hunter, Larkin, Maxwell, Peterson and Rowe

Also Present: John S. Rendleman, Andrew Erbes, Dottie Miles, Josh Barringer, Dan Brenner, Susie Kilquist, Lisa Jacquot, Mary Beth

Varner, Sharon Harris-Johnson, Michelle Tweedy

Approval of Minutes

I. 17-2409 April 10, 2017 Minutes

A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Comparato, to approve the April 10, 2017 minutes with the correction on page two of "like" to "line". The motion carried by unanimous vote.

II. 17-2410 March 23, 2017 Health Insurance Taskforce Minutes

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Maxwell, to approve the March 23, 2017 Health Insurance Task force minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chair's Report

III. 17-2457 Budget Timeline

Hunter discussed with the committee that she will be attending the ECCHIC workshop on Friday, gave an update of the progress with BS&A, and set the budget submission deadline of August 1st.


IV. 17-2411 Communications-Buzz May 2017

This is an informational item.

V. 17-2412 Worker's Compensation Update

Miles informed the committee about the classification work comp audit. There was some confusion between the auditors about the county being self insured verses fully insured. This was an error that is being corrected. The committee inquired about additional payments or refunds of premiums, and any claims that may have come through. Tweedy informed the committee that the matter should be cleared up immediately. Hunter stated she will send follow up emails so she can keep on top of the issue.

VI. 17-2460 Executive Session under 2 (c)(11)&(12) to discuss pending litigation and settlement of claims

A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Rowe, to approve entering into Executive Session under 2(c)(11)&(12) to discuss pending litigation and settl ement of claims. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 7 - Comparato, D. Bost, Hunter, Larkin, Maxwell, Peterson and Rowe

A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Maxwell, to authorize pro se settlement of work comp claim in the amount of $27,300. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

VII. 17-2413 Health Insurance Task force Report

Hunter informed the committee that there have been some quorum issues with the Health Insurance Task Force meetings. The consensus of the committee is to move the Health Insurance Task Force meeting to 4 pm on May 23rd.

VIII. 17-2414 Payment of Health Insurance Claims Due to the change over with the new financial software program the Health Insurance Claims will not be available until the Board meeting on the 23rd.

IX. 17-2415 Amendment #6 to Plan Document and Summary of Plan Description

Hunter informed the committee the amendment includes updating employee insurance cards.

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Rowe, to approve amendment #6 to Plan Document and Summary of Plan Description. The motion carried by unanimous vote.


X. 17-2465 Senate Bill 2199 Amending the IL Income Tax Act

This is for informational purposes. The committee briefly discussed what the bill includes.

XI. 17-2416 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2017-18 Parcel #14-05-281-007

A motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Maxwell, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolution 2017-18 Parcel #14-05-281-007. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XII. 17-2417 BS&A Update

a. Pay Period

b. Hours/Days-Week

c. Time Card System at JCAS

d. Employee Email Accounts

e. User Rights in BS&A

Hunter informed the committee about the request to adjust the pay schedule to accommodate the new financial software program. The county currently pays people up to the day that they receive their pay checks. This needs to be adjusted to pay in arrears to accommodate the new electronic record keeping of time off and accumulation of vacation and sick time. The committee decided to adjust the county pay schedule in the third check in June. This will mean that the third payday in June will only be for one week instead of two weeks.

Hunter stated that the hours/days in the week will need to be discussed during negotiations.

The Ambulance Service would like a new time card system and BS&A is exploring options with them. The current system does not work with the new BS&A program.

The committee was informed that the employee email accounts will be used to log in online to get their pay stubs and tax information.

The committee was informed that Tweedy and Chad from the Health Department are both accountants and will have administrative access to the BS&A program.

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Comparato, to authorize adjusting the county pay schedule starting with the third pay in June.

XIII. 17-2418 Payment of County Monthly Claims

Due to the change over with the new financial software program the County Monthly Claims will not be available until the Board meeting on the 23rd.

XIV. 17-2419 Payment of Board Member Travel Expenses

Due to the change over with the new financial software program the Board Members Travel Reimbursement will not be available until the Board meeting on the 23rd.

XV. 17-2420 IMRF Retirement Fund Contribution Rate

This is informational and informs the committee what the rates will be in 2018.

XVI. 17-2421 Elected Officials Participation in IMRF

Rendleman informed the committee that the board will need to sign off on whether the elected officials work 1000 hours a year. The committee discussed what authorization is required and how to get that information. He suggested asking the elected officials to certify that they work the required 1000 hours. The committee continued to discuss responsibilities and decided to hold this item to the June meeting. Hunter stated that the resolution needs to be changed to 1000 hours from the 600 hours.

XVII. 17-2422 FY 2016 Audit Draft Presentation

Tweedy gave an update of the progress of the FY2016 Audit report and stated that it will be presented to the board at the May 23rd meeting.

XVIII. 17-2423 The Southern Illinoisan subscription

The committee discussed whether to continue the county subscription to the Southern Illinoisan.

A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Larkin, to authorize canceling the subscription for the board office. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 6 - Comparato, D. Bost, Hunter, Larkin, Maxwell and Rowe

No: 1 - Peterson

XIX. 17-2458 County Paper Delivery

The committee discussed where to purchase copy paper from. Modern Office Solutions costs $110 more a month but they will deliver the paper directly to the each office and each office will have to place their own order at least a day in advance and store the paper in their own offices. Larkin inquired if Stiles was contacted to see if they would do the same for less money. Tweedy informed the committee that Stiles would not do that. Tweedy then went on to inform the committee that the was an issue with other buildings getting paper when they were not authorized and that maintenance department has to deliver the paper. The committee discussed the issue. The consensus of the committee is to have each department budget for paper in the future.

A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Rowe, to authorize purchasing copy paper from Modern Office Solutions with each office making their own requests for paper and storing their own paper. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XX. 17-2459 Southern Illinois Wine Trail Funding

The committee discussed where the $10,000 in funding for Shawnee Hills Wine Trail advertising should come from, whether this is a one time fee, what the Hotel/Motel Tax is generally used for, what the money would be spent on, and tourism in the county. The committee went on to discuss whether the county funding should go to promote alcohol through the "wine buck" program. Varner produced information about how much has been in the Hotel/Motel Tax fund for the last few years.

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Comparato, to approve the release of $5,000 for advertising only to Shawnee Hills Wine Trail from the balance of the Hotel/Motel Tax fund as of May 15, 2017 and the remaining from Rehab and Care. The motion carried by unanimous vote. Labor Peterson suggested reassessing the required job duties for various positions and possibly requiring additional training.

XXI. 17-2424 AFSCME Ride Along Request

Hunter informed the committee that Matt Waylen contact all board members about participating in a ride along prior to AFSCME contract negotiations. The committee was informed that their is currently a ride along program and any board members interested can contact the Ambulance Director. D. Bost informed the committee that he responded to Mr. Waylen that this issue should be discussed at the committee not individually.

Computing Services

XXII. 17-2425 FileGenius/Office 365

Barringer informed the committee that the FileGenius subscription expires in June 2017. The consensus of the committee is to forgo FileGenius and use Office 365 One Drive instead. Barringer requested that the board members attend a training on the new program so that everyone will be able to utilize their Ipads. Tweedy discussed finding a way to reduce the number of times that the agendas and minutes have to be reproduced and/or find a way to have One Drive used as the public forum. She went on to say this would allow more time for the committee coordinator to be able to assist with other duties in the board office. The committee discussed the issue and possible scenarios. The decision was to use One Drive and Vision.

Old Business

Peterson inquired about how Williamson County is able to fix up their tax delinquent properties. The committee discussed where funds could be located to do work in Jackson County.

New Business

Executive Session

Adjourn (6:51 PM)