
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illinois Heartland Library System Budget and Finance Committee met January 17

Webp meeting 07

Illinois Heartland Library System Budget and Finance Committee met January 17.

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order – 2:32 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Members present: Mary Biel, Rachel Fuller, and Sandra West

Others present: Adrienne Elam, Rhonda Johnisee, Colleen Dettenmeier, and Shirley Paden

Excused Absent: Tina Hubert

Absent: John Phillips

3. Approval of Minutes – December 14, 2016 - Motion to approve by Rachel Fuller, seconded

by Mary Biel. Motion accepted.

4. Unfinished Business - For information only – Champaign location roof repair status. Due to

the weather they have not been able to work. They are back to work today and stated that

they need 4 days to complete.

5. New Business –

December 2016 Bill Payments - Motion to accept by Rachel Fuller, seconded by Mary

Biel. Motion carried by roll call vote.

December 2016 Credit Card Transactions – Motion to accept by Mary Biel, seconded by

Rachel Fuller. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Financial Reports as of December 31, 2016 - Motion to accept by Mary Biel, seconded by

Rachel Fuller. Motion carried by roll call vote. Adrienne Elam shared that we have not

received any additional Area Per Capita for FY2016-2017 funding beyond the LSTA


Revised Financial Policies – Tabled until the next committee meeting in February when

more committee members are present. Rachel Fuller questioned if this is the language

the State Library is concerned about, and if they have looked at this. Adrienne Elam

stated that yes, this is the language and that they have reviewed it.

6. Next Steps – Review the Financial Policies. Sandra West asked will we be possibly needing

to look at the FY2017-2018 budget. Adrienne Elam replied that we will wait until we receive

direction from the State Library.

7. Next Meeting – Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 3:00pm

8. Public Comment - NONE

9. Announcements – Sandra West shared that the Executive Meeting is in about 45 minutes

and the Board Meeting is on January 24, 2017. She gave a reminder to be sure to use the

correct form for any travel expenditures, due to the rate change in 2017.

10. Adjournment 2:42 p.m. Motion to approve by Mary Biel, seconded by Rachel Fuller. Motion

