
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illinois Heartland Library System Policy and Membership Committee met February 6

Webp meet

Illinois Heartland Library System Policy and Membership Committee met February 6.

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

Call to Order:

Rachel Fuller called the meeting to order at 4:06.

Roll Call:

Members present: Rachel Fuller, Clyde Hall, Bev Obert and Sarah Zumwalt.

Others Present: Ellen Popit, IHLS Staff

There was no Public Comment

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the January 11th meeting were approved as presented.

Old Business:

Final policy revision regarding “Members Matter” meetings is in the process of

being posted to the website for member comment.

Ellen Popit reported that a site visit was scheduled for the Tilden Public Library.

Ellen Popit reported that there still had been no contact from the Centreville

Public Library regarding membership compliance. Sarah Zumwalt made motion

to recommend suspension of this library to the full board. The motion was

seconded by Bev Obert and passed unanimously.

The proposed policy on sponsorships and endorsements is also in the process of

being posted to the website for member comment.

Five weeks into the process, 287 libraries have completed the annual certification

with 237 left to complete the task.

A discussion on the policy regarding meetings via electronic means and the

muting of microphones will go to the executive committee for further discussion.

New Business

A brief discussion of the Membership Standards developed by RAILS was conducted.

At 4:32 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Sarah Zumwalt and seconded by Clyde Hall.
