
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illinois Heartland Library System Policy and Membership Committee met January 11

Webp hall

Illinois Heartland Library System Policy and Membership Committee met January 11.

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

Call to Order:

Rachel Fuller called the meeting to order at 4:05 and a quorum was determined.

Roll Call:

Members present: Rachael Fuller, Mary Barteau, Clyde Hall and Bev Obert.

Others Present: Ellen Popit, IHLS Staff

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of November 7 were approved with a correction to the time the meeting was

adjourned. The motion was made by Mary Barteau and seconded by Clyde Hall.

Unfinished Business:

Policy Revision: The revision of Article VIII of the bylaws, dealing with Membership Input was

discussed. The final version to be sent to the board will read:

Article VIII: Membership Input

The Executive Director shall hold six regularly scheduled meetings for system members at rotating

sites throughout the system.

The purpose of these meetings is to:

1. Gather input and feedback from members regarding current System services and initiatives.

2. Offer an additional opportunity for communication and networking with and among membership.

3. Provide a forum in which suggestions can be made for the consideration of the Board of Directors

and the Executive Director.

These meetings will be held on a bi-monthly schedule at geographically diverse locations throughout

the system. Videoconference sites will be open to enable members from throughout the system to

attend in several locations. As they become available and effective, other electronic methods of

connectivity will be implemented to offer other meeting options for members.

The motion to move this policy revision to the board was made by Clyde Hall and seconded by Mary


Compliance Issues:

Ellen Popit reported that the Tilden Public Library is now open and that a site visit will be conducted

in the near future. Also, that the issues with the Brighton Public Memorial Library District have

been resolved.

Ellen also reported that issues regarding the Centreville Public Library are becoming more critical.

There is no longer a director and the library still has not opened. There will be a more complete

report at the February Meeting.

Sponsorship Policy

The committee moved to submit the following policy to the full board for consideration:

Draft Endorsements and Sponsorships Policy: All requests for endorsements (support without

funds) and sponsorships (support with funds) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Requests for endorsements and sponsorships in amounts less than $1,000.00 will be approved

at the discretion of the Executive Director. Requests for sponsorships greater than $1,000.00 will

be brought to the board for consideration and formal action. All requests will be considered in

the light of providing the greatest good to IHLS membership.

New Business

Ellen Popit reported that the certification process was going well.

Rachael Fuller led the group in a discussion of the Policy Regarding Meetings via Electronic

Means regarding the question of when and if microphones can be muted.

There was no public comment or additional business. A motion was made by Mary Barteau and

seconded by Bev Obert to adjourn at 4:41 p.m.
