
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carterville Water and Sewer Department met April 6.

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Carterville Water and Sewer Department met April 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Department:

Present at the meeting were: Mark Bollmann and John Geiselman, Water and Sewer Board Commissioners; Curt Oetjen, Council Representative; Rodney Potts, Crawford and Associates; Janice McConnaughy, H. R. Specialist; Mark Buatte, WWTP Operator; Garry Wiggs, Public Works Director; Mike Resczenski, Water Dept Superintendent and Amy Simpson, Secretary. Matt Crain, Water and Sewer Board Commissioner arrived at 7:00 p.m.

Delinquent Accounts were discussed (_181_) customers in the amount of ($13,361.70 ). The staff will do cutoffs on Tuesday, April 11, 2017.

Amy Simpson informed the Board that the new payment arrangement policy the board approved last month is working well. The policy states that the landlord must sign the payment arrangement form that the tenant fills out if they approve the payment arrangement.

The Rend Lake bill for March 2017 was not available for the meeting. We sold 9,188,000 gallons last month.

Motion 1: Bollman moved and Geiselman seconded to approve the minutes from the March 9, 2017 Regular Meeting as presented. All voted yea and the Secretary declared the motion carried.

Motion 2: Geiselman moved and Bollman seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March 2017. All voted yea and the Secretary declared the motion carried.

Motion 3: Bollman moved and Geiselman seconded to approve payment of the monthly bills for April 2017 as submitted. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Secretary declared the motion carried.

Motion 4: Bollman moved and Geiselman seconded to approve the following leak credits: Leak Credits:

14-1851 Brett Ashburn, 5875 Winterset Drive $20.95 16-0402 Lindsay Lamazzi, 1408 W. Grand $26.47 18-2122 Alfredick Moore, 1412 W. Stotlar Rd $14.12 Total Leak Credits $61.54 A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Secretary declared the motion carried.

Garry Wiggs Report:

Electronic Water Meters – Gary asked the board if they wanted to go out for bids for the electronic water meters or delay until we figure out the financing. Oetjen stated at the March meeting the board decided to go out for bids and see how the bids would come in at. At the March meeting, it was requested that the bid let have a 120 - day holding on the bid so the board will have concrete numbers to work with. The board agreed to go out for bids: drive – by with up-grade to fixed based types that will be compatible with current billing program. Then look at price difference on the bids. Wiggs stated that we currently have Census meters and with HD Supply using Census meters the initial cost would be less.

Motion 5: Bollman moved and Geiselman seconded to approve Gary to begin the bid process for Electronic Water Meters for drive-by with upgrade to fixed based option. All voted yea and the Secretary declared the motion carried.

Boring Charge for Quick Lube – Quick Lube wants to run all there plumbing out the east side of the building. (The closest line in on the far west) Donnie is trying to fix on their contract that they bid the bore and we provide everything else we do and not alter our tap fees. We would pay for the bore. Donnie is checking to see if the lines can go out on the west side of the lines. Tap fees would be on a 1 inch and the boring charges not be charged.

Water Tank Repairs - (Rodney) - Pittsburg Tank and Tower awarded the contracts on the ground storage tank and the elevated tank just for rods. Rodney brought paperwork for Mayor Brad Robinson to sign including contracts, notice of award and change order. Oetjen questioned the holes in the roof. Rodney removed cathodic protection from the ground storage original bid due to the cost of $32,000 to $35,000. Rodney made change order in the amount of $2,000 to cover those holes. Rodney found another way to do cathodic protection with the tanks with a price tag of $7,500 also included in change order. Ground storage: painting inside and outside, drainage valve, covering the holes, and cathodic protection. Elevated tank: windage rods only. Current price with change orders: ground storage price is $126,042 and the elevated price is $6,800.

Mike Resczenski Report:

Mike reported several new taps were installed in this past month with new taps coming on four new builds. Water Dept repaired two service leaks in March. Water Dept moving from sewer plant to green barn. Problems with the barn building: needs guttering and holes in the roof. Mike thought Dennis could fix the few problems. Mike stated they will need some construction parts (lumber) for shelving and other small projects for the green barn. Employees have questioned about raises since this is first April. Oetjen stated that nothing was discussed in committee meetings about employee raises. April 28, 2017 will be Mike Resczenski will be his last day and will be retiring.

Marc Buatte – Wastewater Treatment Plant

Aerators for the Oxidation Ditches- Working with what we have currently. Aeration Diffusers - Still in progress both Marc and Rodney have been very busy to make the trip. Pea Ridge Lift Station Rebuild – Pumps are running great. Last rain event no high level alarm and kept the flow down. Flow was at the bottom of the influent pipe and both pumps were on and keeping it steady. Pump station at Madison Ridge with both pumps running is afraid that it will go over the influent pipe at Pea Ridge. Marc is considering upping the pump size at Pea Ridge and take the pumps at Pea Ridge to Madison so we are not overwhelming the pumps at Pea Ridge. If we change the size of pumps from 12 to 14 horsepower, we will have to submit paperwork to EPA.

Kamper Supply Lift Station- Marc spoke with Spectra Tech because our valve vault stays full of water. Marc is asking Spectra Tech to come in and seal it for us so we can change some valves and pressure test and get see readings we must have. Spectra Tech quoted $250.00 per hour plus material. Spectra Tech estimated it would only take about two hours but Marc wanted approval if it went over that amount. Board recommended that this expense should not exceed $1,000.00.

Motion 6: Geiselman moved and Bollmann seconded to approve Spectra Tech to come and seal valve vault at Kamper’s Supply at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00. All voted yea and the Secretary declared the motion carried.

Telemetry System: Current bill is over $6,000.00 for using telemetry data. High Tide telemetry is used by Carbondale and we can go to a web page to check each alarm etc. High Tide buys the data and we would not run the risk of going over data. High Tide will call if something is not correct example: usage of high data. One basic system costs $1,400 for one lift station plus $300 to install each. Currently have six lift stations on telemetry. This system can be expanded and run reports for each lift station. The cost is $20.00 a month per lift station and we will be billed yearly for the basic system. Mickey is disputing the $6,000.00 bill with Verizon so it is not listed on bill list. Quail Run and Old Route #13 were the two telemetry stations using excessive data. Currently no telemetry is being used and Quail Run has been unplugged. Bollman is going to speak with Adam at Carbondale about High Tide Telemetry system and his experiences and opinion. Marc recommends maybe starting Kamper’s Supply, Madison or Quail Run to start with new telemetry.

Lining of Existing Sewer Lines – Rodney and Marc are looking the old data smoke testing and televising will come up with a plan to line our lines and get the inflow down as much as possible. We use and get by with the aeration system we already have in place. We have moved from grit chamber to aeration. EPA will eventually come in and give us their recommendations or requirements. If we need to put more air into the system, we could get a PD blower and aerators from Charleston to help add more air to our system for a smaller dollar amount. We have earmarked $300,000 and take these funds and cut the flow coming to the plant. EPA will see that we are in progress in attempting to cut the flow and possibly downsize the new plant plans due to cutting the flow to the plant. From the new plant study, will bring prioritize list of which runs are needed and use the $300,000 in this manner. Lift station readings from south and east infiltration which ones are the worse for Kamper’s Supply lift station. Marc shut off VTI and Kamper’s Supply lift station was still full. Will televise and see where it is coming from (thinking from the east).

Water Bath for Sewer Lab Fecal Coliform Test - The water bath Marc had went out last summer. Pricing: Blue book $2,299.00 and Fisher Scientific $2,200.00.

Motion 7: Bollman moved and Geiselman seconded to approve purchase for Fecal Coliform Tester from Fischer Scientific in the amount of $2,200.00. All voted yea and the Secretary declared the motion carried.

Marc tossed a new idea for the new plant future: JALC property owns to the south of our plant. Partner with JALC with courses at our sewer plant for students taking activated sludge classes. Partnering and can look for funding / grants. Classes on Activated sludge will benefit local towns and sewer operators because our area must go to Edwardsville for a 3-day class. New solar panel company in town; with a new plant much of the cost is the electrical and the aeration we could spec solar panels into our new plant design. Look for grants for plant using the growing green factors.

Rodney Potts, Engineering

Sewer Plant Study – Still in process and some price tags in on equipment to put in the study. 2013 Water Study: Studying the northwest part of town last month and looking for funding through a DCEO grant. Income survey must be done and unfortunately, people will not answer door due to election time. Crawford’s office spent four days collecting surveys and only have 80 of the 400 needed. Crawford’s office will begin next week to finish the surveys.

Downtown Water Main Replacement – Pay estimates for Dean Bush was submitted. We still are holding retainage. The job went really well and did a great job.

Motion 8: Geiselman moved and Bollmann seconded to approve the following payments for the Downtown Water Main:

Dean Bush Construction Pay Estimate No. 3 $16,675.34 Crawford & Associates Resident Engineering $ 2,000.00 A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Secretary declared the motion carried.

Rodney questioned the original contract was for $57,092.00. This pay estimate show work completed at $47,114.00. That is $10,000.00 below Dean Bush bid price. Has Dean Bush done something and not been paid for yet? Looking at the project we had specs for 138 square yards of bituminous concrete pavement removal and replacement. 138 square yards at a tune of $80 a square yard and we have only paid him for 45 square yard. We also supplied the rock after the first day.

(Matt Crain Water and Sewer Board Commission arrived at 7:00 pm.)

West Grand Waterline Relocation – Phase II - Finished and done. April 18th will begin the road work. Sludge Holding Structure - Permit came in and move forward from IEPA. Marc and Rodney will go out and decide what, how and when to the sludge holding structure. (done item)

Rend Lake Line - Had meeting with Rend Lake and discussed the breaks on their 6-inch line into storage tank and our booster pump station. Rodney explained we are always getting heat for having so many boil orders. Rend Lake will look at what they have in cost to participate in the moving Rend Lake line. Rend Lake is looking to do in the next 25 years double their lines to various towns. Future: possibility of another water tower and can tie on to the 12- inch line and feed a new water tank and not use our booster pump. Replacement of the 6” line is being discussed.

Texas and Willow - KPS scheduled for work in April but they are still tied up on the project in West Frankfort. This is not leaving a good taste with us because they are delayed for so long. Rodney is hoping these delays will help us out in the long run.

Sludge Disposal Renewal – I.E.P.A – Received the renewal for the land. (this is done every five years)

Motion 9: Geiselman moved and Bollmann seconded the approval for the engineering invoice for the Sludge Disposal Renewal – I.E.P.A.:

Crawford & Associates Engineering Invoice $750.00 A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Secretary declared the motion carried.

Jerry Hampton and Tyler Drake - Discussion of Jerry Hampton and Tyler Drake annual increase for receiving their Class D Water Operator License. Board voted to make retro-active to March 16 to 31st, 2017 pay (On next check (April 20th) they will receive a back pay of $25.00 each).

Motion 10: Crain moved and Geiselman seconded the approval for Jerry Hampton and Tyler Drake receiving their Class D Water Operator License increase of $600.00 annually. All voted yea and the Secretary declared the motion carried.

Replacement of Glass Front Doors - Bollman asked that it be tabled until next month. Bollmann is getting ADA information to present.

Move funds From First Mid Illinois Bank – Currently revenue funds are deposited into Bank of Herrin and then transferred into the accounts accordingly at First Mid Illinois Bank. First Mid has been charging us monthly fees and Mickey has asked for them to waive these fees and they have refused. Amy Simpson approached Banterra Bank and First Southern Bank about submitting a proposal of possible bank charges and what they would offer. Packets have the information from both banks. Both Banks submitted equal proposals. (Water Board flipped a coin to determine the outcome.)

Motion 11: Crain moved and Geiselman seconded the approval of moving four checking accounts from First Mid Illinois Bank and Trust to First Southern Bank. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Secretary declared the motion carried.

Garry Wiggs – Garry is moving personnel around due to issues with Bryan Edwards and Parks Department. Kyle Anderson asked to move over to the Sewer Department and learn the trade and have opportunity for advancement. Garry spoke to Bryan and does not look for him to stay long with us. Bryan will go to Parks and will be doing mowing etc. Keep Bryan’s pay in Sewer Department and Kyle’s pay out of City funds until this is finalized in a couple of months. This is a temporary transfer. Marc is looking for someone who will work with him and not against him.

Applications - Narrowing down to six applicants for the laborer position for Sewer Department and will hold interviews on Monday, April 10, 2017. Total of applicants received is 13 and will narrow it down to six applicants with interviews beginning at 6:00 pm.

Motion 12: Crain moved and Bollmann seconded to adjourn. All voted yea and the meeting was dismissed at 7:30 p.m.