
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140 Board met April 13.

Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140 Board met April 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Unity Point School District #140 will be held in the Library at Unity Point School on Thursday, April 13, 2017, at 6:00 PM. An Executive

Session will be held during the course of the meeting to consider the appointment, employment,

 compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and to consider fulfillment of board vacancy. Action on items discussed in closed session is expected.

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Approval of March 20, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes

Recognition of Guests and Visitors/Public Comment

The Board of Education welcomes the audience to make public or employee comments. The Board has set aside time in the agenda specifically for this purpose. Pursuant to Board Policy 2.230, each speaker shall be limited to a 5-minute presentation. Please be aware that, while this is the time for the public to express its opinions and/or concerns, the Board may or may not comment regarding public presentations. If a matter of public comment warrants discussion or action of the Board of Education, such discussion or action will be added to the agenda for a future meeting.

Approval of Bills


*Letter of Resignation from Brett Pinnon--5/6 P.E. Teacher, Softball Coach

*Letter of Resignation from Tim Ward--Program Aide, Athletic Director, Girls Basketball Coach

*Letter of Congratulations to Kristie Grimmer, 2nd Grade Teacher, Our Schools Grant Recipient

*Memorial Thank You Note from JoVonna Noble, SIU Student Teacher Supervisor

*Distribution and Display of Community Flyers and Posters---Policy 8:25

-The following requests were submitted and subsequently approved between 3/10 and 4/7/2017:

1. Camp Little Giant---SIU Touch of Nature

2. Carbondale Jr. Sports Summer Baseball/Softball

3. Saluki Swim Club

4. Catch on to Health---Southern Illinois Healthcare

5. Cub Scouts---Boy Scouts of America

6. For Kids’ Sake Art Auction Fundraiser

7. Carbondale Park District---April Newsletter

Approve Date for Special Board Meeting to Seat New Board Members

*As a result of the recent board election, Morteza Daneshdoost and Tom Upton will be returning to the Board and Marissa Baxter and Sylvia Thoms will be joining as new members. The administration recommends that the Board approve May 2, 2017, as the date for a special meeting to seat newly elected members.

Administrative Updates

*5/6 Grade Team Data Presentation

-Maria Deaton, Amanda Hilt, Salina Holloway, Chris Midden, and Sue Murphy will share how they utilize assessment data to make decisions as a grade level team, within each of their classrooms and how they individualize instruction for students.

*Current Enrollment Figures (as of 4/7/17)

*2017-2018 Registration Process Update:

-Pre-registration packets for the 2017-2018 school year were sent home with students in grades K-7 on March 24. The completed packets were due in the office on April 7.

Kindergarten registration packets were distributed to existing pre-kindergarten students and to those families requesting registration information beginning March 24.

Kindergarten screenings will occur on May 11 from 4-7 P.M. and on May 12 from 8:30-11:30 A.M.

*Student Suspension Report (as of 4/7/17) --- No Suspensions to Report

*UP Honors & Awards

-A summary of the recent honors and awards earned by our students is attached for your


Quarterly Financial Report/State Budget Update

*Mr. Laser will review the district’s revenue and expenditures for the third quarter of FY17 and provide an update regarding the status of the State budget, if any. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Laser at your convenience. Request for Proposals---Property Casualty Insurance 

*Bids have been requested for the purpose of Multi-Peril School Liability Insurance for a threeyear period beginning July 1, 2017. Bids will be opened on April 24th with selection of the insurance carrier at the May board meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Laser at your convenience.

Request for Quotes---Electricity Supplier

*The administration seeks permission to request quotes to supply electricity for a three-year

 period beginning June 1, 2017. Selection of electricity supplier will be recommended at the May board meeting.

Presentation of the First Reading of PRESS Policies Update

*IASB PRESS Plus Policy Services has provided the March 2017, Issue 94 of PRESS Plus with the most recent policy updates for Board consideration. The policy updates will be on review until the time of the second reading and approval at the May 11, 2017 board meeting.

Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Centerstone Behavioral Services

*Unity Point has partnered with Centerstone for the last several years to provide counseling services to our students and families. Centerstone has received a grant to provide a full-time, onsite counselor in area schools to provide direct services on a daily basis. We are excited to be able to provide extended services for our students and families as part of this grant opportunity.

The administration recommends the approval of the MOU as presented.

Lead Testing in Water Requirements (PA 99-0922)

*The Act requires lead testing in PreK-5 buildings on any non-bottled water ingested by children or used in food preparation. Buildings built before January 1, 1987 should be tested by December 31, 2017. Buildings built between January 2, 1987 and January 1, 2000 should be tested by December 31, 2018. Illinois Department of Public Health has until June 30, 2019 to decide if buildings built after January 1, 2000 should be tested.

HLS funds can be used for the cost of testing and potential upgrades. However, we will most likely consider using local funds for testing fees and facility sales tax proceeds if upgrades are necessary. School personnel can collect the tests and send them to an IEPA certified testing facility. The results of the testing should be posted on the districts website. If the test results come back exceeding the recommendations provided by law, the school district shall provide an individual notification of the sampling results, via written or electronic communication, to the parents or legal guardians of all enrolled students.

The Illinois Department of Public Health is the enforcement Authority for this act and they are expected to have a guidance document posted on their website within 90 days of the effective date January 6, 2017. The Regional Office of Education is providing guidance as the information becomes available. Mr. Laser will provide additional information at the meeting regarding the plan to address these requirements.

Board Sponsored Employee Recognition Program

*Board member, D.W. Presley, would like to discuss the possibility of implementing a districtwide recognition program for our valued employees who are still currently serving the District, as they progress through their careers and not just upon retirement. IASB has been contacted to gather input regarding their experiences with such programs. Executive Session

*Discussion/Approval of Superintendent’s Evaluation Results

*Accept Resignation of Board Member/Discussion of Board Vacancy

*Recommendation to Approve Employment of Principal for Instruction

*Recommendation to Approve Employment of Dean of Students

*2017-2018 Faculty Recommendations:

-Voluntary/Involuntary Transfers:

1. Voluntary Transfer from Curriculum Specialist to 5/6 Math

2. Involuntary Transfer from 5/6 Math to 3rd Grade

3. Involuntary Transfer from 3rd Grade to 3/4 Resource

-Employment of Full-Time Certified Faculty:

Non-Tenured Teachers (To Be Employed for 4th Year, Non-Tenured)

1. 1st Grade Teacher

2. 2nd Grade Teacher

Non-Tenured Teachers (To Be Employed for 3rd Year, Non-Tenured)

1. Kindergarten Teacher

2. Multi-Age Teacher

3. Third Grade Teacher

4. K-8 Computer Teacher

Non-Tenured Teachers (To Be Employed for 2nd Year, Non-Tenured)

1. Pre-K Teacher

2. Pre-K Teacher

3. K-2 Special Education Resource Teacher


4. Third Grade Teacher

5. 3/4 Special Education Resource Teacher

6. K-8 Art Teacher

7. K-8 Special Education Behavior Specialist

8. K-8 Media Specialist

9. Jr. High Literature Teacher

10. Jr. High Science Teacher

11. Jr. High Special Education Resource Teacher

-Employment of Part-Time Certified Faculty:

1. Music Teacher for K-3rd Grade

2. Administrative Assistant (Grant Funded)

-Unfilled Positions for 2017-2018 School Year

1. 1st Grade Teacher

2. 5/6 Physical Education-Health Teacher/Coach

3. Cheerleading Sponsor

4. Softball Coach

5. Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach


Administrative Remarks

*2017 IASB/Board/Community Retreat---August 12, 2017

*2017 Graduation Student Roster

*2017 Retirement Open House Invitation

Board Remarks

