
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 Board of Education holds public hearing on 2016 tax levy

Webp meeting 05

Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 Board of Education met Thursday, Dec. 15.

Here are the minutes as provided by Carbondale ESD No. 95:

Agenda Item 5.11

Bd. Mtg. 1/26/17



December 15, 2016

A Public Hearing on the 2016 Tax Levy was held Thursday, December 15, 2016, 7:00 PM at CES95 Administrative Center, 925 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.

Mr. Justin Miller, Assistant Superintendent, presented the following:

• The amount the District is requesting for the 2016 tax levy is $12,711,756.

• The amount the District received through the 2015 extension was $12,107,088.

• The tax levy request is 4.99% over the previous year.

• The four main inputs for the Tax Levy is the EAV, Equalized Assessed Value, or 1/3 of the market value of properties within the District ($346,844,951); the prior year extension, how much the school received last year ($12,107,088); the Consumer Price Index, the calculated rate of inflation from January to December for the tax year (0.7%); and any new property created or added to the taxing district during the tax year ($9,000,000).

A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held onThursday, December 15, 2016, 6:00 PM at CES95 Administrative Center, 925 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Mr. John Major, President

Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary

Mr. Edward Benyas

Ms. Michelle Connet

Mr. Robert Gallegly

Administrators present:

Mr. Michael Shimshak, Superintendent

Mr. Justin M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent

Mrs. Colleen Doyle-Parrott, Director of Curriculum/Instruction & Assessments

Ms. Zeppelyn Brewer, Director of Pupil Services



Roll Call:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Roger Pfister, Vice President (arrived at 6:01 PM)

Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary

Mr. Edward Benyas

Mr. David Biggs (arrived at 6:08 PM)

Ms. Michelle Connet

Mr. Robert Gallegly

Gallegly moved, seconded by Connet, to enter Executive Session at 5:58 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Murphy, Benyas, Connet, Gallegly

No votes: None

Motion carried.

Pfister moved, seconded by Biggs, to adjourn Executive Session at 6:35 PM.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly

No: None

Motion carried.

3. Public Comments – John Major

Shuhan Chong, Carbondale, IL:

• Strongly supports the Board resolution for the road sign proposal.

• Sons were former student participants in the History Fair.

• Very impressed by Mrs. Brown’s dedication to the History Fair organization.

• Would like the Board to consider adding Mrs. Betsy Brown’s name to the road

sign design to thank her for her achievement with this student group.

Jonathan Weisen, SIU Chair of the History Department and Professor, Carbondale, IL:

• Mr. Weisen is the regional coordinator of the History Fair.

• Astounded by Mrs. Brown’s work with the History Fair.

• Spoke in favor of the resolution for the road sign proposal.

• Discussed the impact the student participants have had on the area with History Fair.

• Believes honoring Mrs. Brown is a way for the District to illustrate in the community it honors education.

• Mentioned the upcoming Solar Eclipse and how useful it would be for visitors who drive in town to see the road sign as promotion of historical knowledge and education.

Ashaki Roberts, Carbondale, IL:

• Discussed transportation issues within the District with the current bus company.

• Discussed how her daughter has had a problem being picked up by the school bus on the correct bus stop.

• Illustrated that the stop where the bus arrives to pick up her daughter for school is not the stop that was assigned based on the transportation map Ms. Roberts was given at the beginning of the school year.

• Has spoken to reps from West Bus Services in the past to explain that her daughter has special needs.

• Explained that the issue has affected other children who are assigned to that particular bus stop as well.

• Mr. Major asked Mr. Miller if these issues have been reported to the bus company. Mr. Miller confirmed that he has discussed this and other issues with the West Bus Services. Explained the bus company is being slow about making the changes.

• Ms. Roberts explained that if the bus stops at the assigned spot, she would be able to see her child when she departs and arrives.

• Ms. Roberts also stated the bus does not arrive at the correct time, causing her daughter to miss the bus.

• Mr. Miller explained the issues are still trying to be resolved. Routes and bus stops have been changed since last year. Mr. Miller is trying to get the bus company to go back to original plans. The company has not responded to the request.

• Mr. Biggs stated that this should be a contract issue, and asked why the attorney is not involved. Mr. Miller explained that the attorney could be contacted if the Board wanted.

• Mr. Pfister asked if a request for a representative from the West Bus Services could be present at the next meeting for questioning. Mr. Miller stated he would request it.

Jennifer Hartlieb, 3rd Grade Teacher, Carbondale, IL:

• Appreciates the Administrators’ support of the MyMath curriculum that was adopted a few years ago.

• Stated the curriculum is aligned to standards and provides teachers with materials for them to teach math consistently.

• Stated there are concerns about the lack of formal curriculum in other areas, including Social Studies.

• Stated it was communicated to teachers that the textbook used “is not the curriculum”, but only a resource.

• Stated teachers are given the responsibility to find or create materials for lessons, which can lead to copyright law restrictions when teachers find resources online.

• Believes sharing textbooks and a guide among several teachers makes it difficult to plan lessons.

• Stated teachers have shared frustration with CLM as well.

• Stated without a concrete guide that includes scope and sequence, it is difficult to know how to proceed in teaching standards.

• Reading Coaches have suggested to teachers to model other Districts’ use of curriculum. Stated the suggestions have come from Reading Coaches who are “spread thin” and “usually unavailable for support”

• Stated added burdens could be alleviated by using the curriculum that teachers support or replacing the curriculum that was previously taken away

• Stated certain 7th and 8th grade classes as using 6th grade materials. Mrs. Hartlieb stated she does not have information for this cause, but believes it’s concerning

• Stated the Curriculum Director sent an email addressing issues submitted by the teachers. Within that email the Director suggested that concerns be bought to principals first. Mrs. Hartlieb stated this conflicts with an article within the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and that she has never been directed to consult the principal about curriculum concerns in the past.

• Believes curriculum concerns should be directed to the Curriculum Director

• Thanked the Board for their time.

Carlton Smith, Carbondale, IL:

• Asked about the status of the past and present recordings of the Board meetings. Mr. Shimshak responded that the recordings of the general sessions are now on the website starting in January of this year

• Asked about what would happen to the rest of the recordings from the past.

Mr. Shimshak responded he did not have an answer to that question

• Asked if the Board intends to resume video recording the meetings. Mr. Shimshak responded that the Board is looking into options such as the use of YouTube, and that discussions about which room to locate Board meetings to accommodate video recordings have taken place

• Mrs. Murphy stated that it would be useful to upload voice recordings. Mr. Shimshak confirmed this has already been done

• Mr. Biggs stated video recordings could be done internally for less money than the previous service that was used. It will be discussed in the next Land & Building Committee meeting

• Stated concern about the transportation issue that was discussed. Believes the District has a responsibility to disabled students to accommodate them with adequate transportation

• Mr. Major stated there will be a Transportation Committee meeting on December 21 to work out these issues.

• Ms. Roberts asked if she could attend the meeting. Mr. Major confirmed she could and that the meeting begins at 4:30 PM

4. Approval of Agenda

Benyas moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend Approving the Agenda

Roll Call:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister

No votes: None

Motion carried.


5. Consent Agenda Items

Connet moved, seconded by Gallegly, to approve the following Consent

Agenda Items:


5.1 Minutes

5.11 Regular – November 15, 2016

5.12 Executive – November 15, 2016


5.2 Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22 Treasurer’s Report

5.23 Monthly Budget Report

5.24 Schools Activity Fund Reports


5.3 Communications

5.31 Shawnee Division Bylaws Notification

5.32 Southern Illinois Law & Leadership Conference

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy

No votes: None

Motion carried.


6. Committee Reports COMMITTEE REPORTS

6.1 President’s Remarks – John Major

• Board members shared their positive experiences of the IASB Joint Annual Conference they attended this November.

• The District presented on Restorative Practices at the Conference and the presentation was well received.


6.2 Committee Reports

6.21 Finance Committee – Michelle Connet & Erinn Murphy

• The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, November 29, 2016, at 4:30 PM at the CES95 Administrative Center.

• The committee discussed the proposed Tax Levy for 2016, use of the Central Office building, review of the mid-year budget, and

professional development funding.

• The next committee meeting has not been scheduled at this time.

6.22 Public Relations Committee – Robert Gallegly

• The Public Relations Committee met on Tuesday, December 6, 2016, at 4:00 PM at the CES95 Administrative Center.

• The committee was joined by Amy Fox, the Public Relations Officer for the City of Carbondale. Ms. Fox will be considered to be on the committee in the future to contribute her expertise.

• The committee discussed the road sign proposal highlighting district benefits.

• The new District website will launch January 18, 2017.

• The next committee meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 4:00 PM.

6.23 Policy Committee – Roger Pfister

• The Policy Committee met on Thursday, December 8, 2016, at 5:00 PM at the CES95 Administrative Center.

• The committee discussed and reviewed IASB new and updated policies.

• The next committee meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 2016, 5:00 PM

6.3 Administrative/Staff Reports ADMINISTRATIVE/


6.31 Assistant Superintendent’s Report – Justin M. Miller

Mr. Miller reported the following:

• A rough draft of summer work projects will be taken to the Land & Building Committee.

• The District has been awarded Silver status recognition by Supply Works for its the commitment to creating healthier school environments for students, staff and visitors. Notification of the award will be posted on the website.

6.32 Director of Curriculum/Instruction & Assessments – Colleen Doyle-Parrott

Mrs. Doyle-Parrott reported the following:

• Introduced Board Secretary Erinn Murphy to give a report of the recent

Title I meeting that took place.

• Mrs. Murphy reported the following:

1. The Title I meeting participants are a combination of staff, teachers, parents, community members, and students.

2. There have been 3 meetings this Fall, and 6 committees have been formed to help gather data.

3. Participants discuss subjects such as education standards, quality of instruction, facilities, school culture, and school climate within the District.

6.33 Director of Pupil Services – Zeppelyn Brewer

Ms. Brewer reported the following:

• Provided an update on Comprehension Intervention Model instructional rounds. There have been 2 CIMs per building this Fall.

• Participated in both the Parrish and Thomas CIM on December 12. Teachers were able to observe guided lessons and discuss what they have learned.

• Thanked Mrs. Susan Heape, the Comprehension Intervention Coach, for her support in assisting in explaining the CIM.

• The Pre-Kindergarten team has submitted application materials on November 18 for the District to receive the Excellence award for Inclusion to the State.

6.34 Superintendent’s Report – Michael Shimshak

Mr. Shimshak reported the following:

• Provided the Board with reports on administrator evaluations and first trimester academic achievement.

• Would like present on first trimester achievement at the January 2017 Board meeting.

• District schools will be closed on August 21, 2017 due to the anticipation of the Solar Eclipse event.


6.35 Enrollment Report

• Packet was made available to the public and the Board.

7. Old Business OLD BUSINESS

7.1 Action on Levy Resolution

Biggs moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approval of the Resolution to file a Tax Levy for the 2016 tax year less than 105% of the prior year’s tax extension.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8. New Business NEW BUSINESS

8.1 Action on Classified Personnel

8.11 Action on Classified Substitutes – NONE

8.12 Action on Resignation(s)

Biggs moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend accepting the resignation of Jenna Jamieson as a Reading Aide at Thomas School retroactive to December 2, 2016.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.2 Action on Certified Personnel

8.21 Action on Special Assignments

Gallegly moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend the employment of the following Special Assignments for the 2016-2017 school year:

Carbondale Middle School

Science Team Leader – Stephanie Rushing

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.22 Employment of Two-Way Immersion Teachers

Biggs moved, seconded by Benyas, Recommend the employment of Jeanette Coronado assigned to Lewis School, and Yvonne Reboryas assigned to Parrish School, as Two-Way Immersion Teachers for the 2016-2017 school year, pending certification and clear CBIs.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.23 Action on Assist Superintendent Contract Extension

Benyas moved, seconded by Gallegly, Recommend approving a contract extension for Assistant Superintendent Justin M. Miller effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.3 First Reading of IASB New and Updated Policies

2.150 Committees

2.120 Board Member Development

2.125 Board Member Compensation: Expenses – with Option 1 with fiscal year

2.200 Types of School Board Meetings

2.220 School Board Meeting Procedure

4.60 Purchases and Contracts

4.110 Transportation

4.175 Convicted Child Sex Offender: Notifications

5.10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment – with the change of

Zeppelyn Brewer in place of Jerrah Henson

5.60 Expenses – without Option 1

5.100 Staff Development Program


8.4 Action on Road Sign Proposal and Resolution

Biggs moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the resolution recognizing History Fair national qualifiers of Carbondale Elementary School District 95 as follows:

“Whereas Betsy Brown has guided dozens if not hundreds of Carbondale Middle School student entries in National History Day (NHD) at the Regional, State and National levels every year since 2001, working for hours each day after school with no additional compensation;

Whereas Betsy Brown’s students qualified in every one of the last 16 years to compete at the state level in Springfield;

Whereas it is a tremendous honor for students who are selected to represent the state of Illinois in NHD at the national level, to wit: in 2016, 15,000 students entered NHD regional competitions throughout the state of Illinois and just 40 students were selected to represent Illinois at the national competition in Washington, DC; and

Whereas Betsy Brown’s students qualified 14 out of the last 16 years to compete at the national level in Washington, DC;

Resolved, that the Carbondale Elementary School District 95 Board of Education:

1. Recognizes and appreciates the tireless and selfless work of Betsy Brown over the past 16 years in preparing a generation of Carbondale Middle School students to enter the National History Day competition, and in 14 of those years guiding students to be NHD national qualifiers; and

2. Authorizes the Illinois Department of Transportation to produce and erect road signs at both Illinois Route 13 entrances to the city of Carbondale which read as follows:




14 TIMES SINCE 2001”

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Pfister, Benyas, Biggs, Gallegly

No votes: Murphy, Major

Abstained: Connet

Motion carried.

8.5 Action on Field Trip Approval

Biggs moved, seconded by Gallegly, Recommend approving the Carbondale Middle School Beta Club overnight trip to Springfield, Illinois

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Gallegly, Major, Pfister

No votes: None

Abstained: Connet

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Transportation Committee Meeting

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902

4:30 PM

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Policy Committee Meeting

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902

5:00 PM

Monday, January 23, 2017

Parent Teacher Advisory Committee

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902

6:00 PM

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collecting bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

10. Public Comments

Dr. Ella Lacey, 847 W. Lake Road, Carbondale, IL:

• Asked for clarity on the action to approve the Beta Club Field Trip.

• Stated that Mrs. Michelle Garthe presented a proposal to the Board in the past requesting approval for the AT Field Trip. Dr. Lacey recalls that the request was approved but not funded.

• Believes the Beta Club Field Trip approval includes funding. Asked if this was fair given equity.

• Gave the disclosure that she has two grandchildren in the AT program.

• Mr. Major responded that past approval was negotiated by the Board comparing the amount of days attended to the costs associated with the trip.

Stated that in the proposal for Mrs. Garthe’s AT Field Trip, the funding was for a class. The Beta Club is student group competing.

• Dr. Lacey stated that AT is a program at Thomas School, not necessarily a class. Mr. Major stated it was the negotiated by the Board to not fund the AT Field Trip if it was more than 2 days.

• Mr. Benyas stated he has the same question as to why the Beta Club Field

Trip was funded but not the AT Field Trip.

• Mrs. Murphy stated the Beta Club would be representing the District on their Field Trip in a competition. The AT Field Trip was proposed as “bonus enrichment”.

• Mr. Biggs stated that he made the motion to remove the funding aspect of the AT Field Trip Proposal in order to get the trip approved. Believes that the AT program does deserve some funding for their future trip. It might not amount to the same funding given the competition aspect of the Beta Club’s trip.

• Dr. Lacey thanked the Board.

Ms. Ashaka Roberts, Carbondale, IL:

• Asked if the road sign proposal was approved. Mrs. Murphy confirmed that it did.

Ms. Margaret Nesbit, Carbondale, IL:

• Asked how long the bus contract is for. Mr. Miller responded that the District is in the third year of a 3-year contract

• Stated she was present when the contract was first approved. The manager of the company at the time was also present. She is concerned about the company ignoring requests to be present for questioning

• Asked what the present problem is within West Bus Services. Mr. Miller responded there has been a change in management within the last year, and the district is having more difficulties with the current management than in prior years

• Asked if the district could get another bus company. Mr. Major responded that he hopes the issue will be resolved at the next Transportation meeting

• Stated that emergency intervention is needed for the special needs student having the transportation issue. Mrs. Murphy stated that she believes Mr. Miller will call Friday morning for an update on the situation and see what can be done

• Stated that accommodations need to be confirmed for the student tonight

11. Adjournment

Benyas moved, seconded by Gallegly, to adjourn at 8:49 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly

No votes: None

Motion carried.

Mr. John Major, President

Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary