
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Carbondale Park District Board of Commissioners approves camping in the parks for the solar eclipse

Webp meeting 07

Carbondale Park District Board of Commissioners met Monday, Nov. 14.

City of Carbondale Park District Board is located at 200 S Illinois Ave, Carbondale, IL 62901.

Here are the minutes as provided by Carbondale:

MINUTES Carbondale Park District


ROLL CALL: Upon roll call the following commissioners were Present: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioner Absent: None. Staff present: Bafford Burns, Childers, Day, Green, Keller, Lewis, Renfro, Robinson and Legal Counsel, Mike Twomey. Staff Absent: None. Guests: Alana Becker.

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Coleman announced that on Thursday, November 17th a free community dinner will be held at the Eurma C. Hayes Center, the African American Museum will again be hosting Santa in the Parks and they will also be kicking off their 20th years anniversary this month.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Commissioner Hollister and seconded by Commissioner Erickson to approve the agenda as printed. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voting aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioner Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

ACTION TAKEN: The Agenda was approved as printed.

CITIZENS COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Alana Becker addressed the Board regarding a girl scout project that she would like to work in order to obtain a scholarship. She would like to get permission to do a dog park behind CMS or at Evergreen Park. She will be getting volunteers as well as donations in order to complete this project. Director Renfro suggested that she setup a time to meet with her so that they could discuss this project because some ideas have already been brought to the district from other groups and Director Renfro would like to shared them with Ms. Becker. The Board also suggested that this project be taken to the Grounds, Facilities and Recreation Committee for their input.


Administration and Finance Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Flowers reported that he was unable to attend the last meeting but the committee met and reviewed the 2017 Budget with all superintendent in attendance to answer any questions the committee had.

Aquatic Center Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Erickson reported that the committee had met 7 people in attendance. Director Renfro reported to the committee that the grant reimbursement money from IDNR had been received which allows the Park District to pay contractors and bank loans. She also reported on the total cost for the Splash Park and that fundraising continues. The committee looked ahead to 2017 for other fundraising ideas. They will be holding a celebration of all the committees work with a party at Hickory Lodge on December 5th.

Child Care Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Coleman reported that the committee had met and it was a short meeting and the Centers Directors will share details of the meeting in their superintendent reports.

Golf Advisory Committee - - This committee meet and this report will be given during the Superintendent reports.

Grounds, Facilities & Recreation Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Hollister reported that the committee did not meet in October.

Treasurer’s Report: Commissioner Flowers reported on the District finances for the first nine months of the budget cycle. He reported that the District revenue is under budget, but they have also kept their expense under budget also (see attachment A and B). So overall the district is in good shape.

Directors Report: Director Renfro reported that the administrative staff had attended a variety of meetings in September including: Heads of Government, Healthy Living Action Team, The Jackson County Healthy Community Coalition, Eclipse Planning Committee, Rotary Club and several of the Park District Citizens Advisory committee meetings. The director received an award from the American Association of University Women on September 13 at the Tone Center. The award was a recognition of community service and engagement. The Lights Fantastic Committee continues to meet monthly, donor letters were mailed out in September and the Window decorating contest will begin. Tatum Heights basketball court was completed and dedicated to the community on Saturday October 22. The Chamber hosted a ribbon cutting on the site on Wednesday October 19, 2016. District staff gathered for an end of summer picnic on October 28 at Hickory Lodge, this was the last day of work for most of the seasonal staff. District staff participated in a fire extinguisher training on October 18. The training was provided free of charge by the Illinois Public Risk Fund. Staff continues to work on the new web site, it should be up and running in the next 30 to 45 days. The main focus for the month of October was the preparation of the 2017 budget Thanks to all the staff woo work diligently in preparation of the budget. The IHOP fund raiser generated approximately $7,000 in donations.

Superintendent’s Reports:

Superintendent of Golf Operations: Mike Day reported in that October 2016, the golf course generated 1,860 rounds of golf and $39,300 in revenue compared to October of 2015 when they generated 2,345 rounds of golf and $47,000 in revenue. Revenue was down because of the aerification that was done in October this year’s instead of September which effects revenue. Hickory Ridge fundraiser had 40 participants and a number of donations. This year’s fundraiser revenue will be for the expansion of the bridge on #7 the goal was $4000. Part-time staff had been reduced and the kitchen is now closed unless there’s a special event. There were six outing held during the month of October.

Superintendent of Golf Maintenance: Mike Green reported that staff spent October doing a lot of fine details on the course before the end of the working season. Staff spent a lot of time on the disc golf course in preparation for the outing that was held November 5th, they had 10 players. Staff also aerified the greens, spot sprayed the fairways and tees and started to bush hog the no mow areas on the course. Mike also reported that they began to seed any of the bad or worn areas that have become present from normal wear and tear on the rough.

Superintendent of Park Operations: Ed Robinson reported that part-time staff has been laid off for the winter. Full-time staff have been working on soccer fields and ball fields to aerate the ground and over seed the playing area. Staff fixed a water leak in the Life Center basement, repainted the soccer fields and football fields. The plants from the Splash Park deck area has been removed and transferred to the maintenance facility. Sign standards and barrels were deliver downtown for an event and staff finish installing the forms for the concrete at Tatum Heights and the contractor pour the concrete on October 8th. The area was cleanup up and picnic tables were hauled in along with a few more barrels. The mechanic serviced the mowers and vans for the day cares and recreation departments.

Director of Alice Wright Day Care Center: Debbie Keller reported on Enrollment at AWECC during October they had 10 full-time and 21 part-time. A childcare advisory meeting was held on October 19 with two parents in attendance. At the meeting they discussed ways to get more parents to attend. On October 21st the AWECC and Kids Korner Fall Festival was held over 60 people attended this event. The Fire Department came out on October 26th and the children Halloween costume day and parade was held on October 31st.

Superintendent of Recreation: Jane Childers reported on the October programming and learn to Swim classes. She also reported that tickets for the IVAS John Concert were being sold at the Life Center and registration for Jr. Dwags has begun. Staff attended a number of meeting during the month, Positive Youth Development, Main Street Board and the Southern IL Swim League. Staff also attended a Fire Extinguisher Training and worked with Mayer Network to develop the new website. Work continues on next year’s budget and the winter/spring brochure.

Kids Korner: Katy Burns reported was that Kids Korner had 30 children enrolled during the month of October. The Centers swim lessons began on October 6th and will continues till November 17th. The Center had several full days during the month when school was not in session. One employee partook of the Fire Extinguisher training and staff supported the new Tatum Heights basketball court by attending the ribbon cutting ceremony. The children had lots of fun during the Fall Festival.

After all reports were given and all questions and asked and answered it was moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Coleman to accept and place the reports on file. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

ACTION TAKEN: The reports were accepted by the board and placed on file.

CONSENT AGENDA: It was then moved by Commissioner Coleman and seconded by Commissioner Hollister to approve the consent agenda as presented. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

ACTION TAKEN: The consent agenda was approved as presented.




PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION OF 2016 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE 16-03 - - Director Renfro briefly highlights the 2016 Tax Levy. Staff is asking for no action on this agenda item tonight, it is being presented for review and will be brought back to the December meeting for approval.


PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION OF 2017 PROPOSED BUDGET/APPROPRIATIONS ORDIANCE 17-01: Director Renfro presented the Budget and staff is requesting that the Board allow them to place it on public inspection for a period of no less than 30days and hold a public hearing on said budget on Thursday, December 15th. Commissioner Flowers asked that each superintendent give the board a brief overview of their department budget. With all questions asked and answered it was then moved by Commissioner Erickson and second by Commissioner Hollister that the 2017 Budget be placed on public inspection for a period of no less than 30 days. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

ACTION TAKEN: The Board approved staff request to place the 2017 Budget on public inspection for a period of no less than 30 days.

DISCUSSION/APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE TO ALLOW CAMPING IN THE PARKS FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE: Director Renfro explained that this Ordinance allows camping on park district property for the Solar Eclipse. Director Renfro explained that some rules and regulation will be establish. She will get with the Grounds, Facilities & Recreation committee to develop the rules and regulation. After all questions were asked and answered it was then moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Coleman to approve Ordinance 16-04 a Special Camping Permit on Park District Property. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioner voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

ACTION TAKEN: The Board approve Ordinance 16-04 a special permit allowing camping on Park District property for the 2017 Solar Eclipse.

DISCUSSION/APPOINTMENT OF DELEGATES FOR THE 2017 IAPD CONFERENCE ANNUAL BUSINNESS MEETING: Director Renfro explained that at this time she is not sure if the District will be financially able to send anyone to the conference due to the cost of the conference, lodging and transportation. She asked that the Board hold off on this agenda item at this time.


ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: Approval of the 2016 Tax Levy, Tax Abatement and Budget ordinances. Board Election, appointment of Advisory Committee members and presentation of Veterans Outing proceeds.



ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business it was then moved by Commissioner Flower sand seconded by Commissioner Coleman to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call the following commissioners voted aye: Coleman, Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: None. President Welch ordered the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.