
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jackson County Executive Committee discusses board supervised staff evaluation procedures

Webp chairs

Jackson County Executive Committee met Thursday, Jan. 5.

Here are the minutes as provided by Jackson County:





Call to Order (5:00 PM)

Members Present: Erbes, Hunter, J.S. Rendleman, Peterson and Rowe

Members Absent: Endres and Larkin

Also Present: Tamiko Mueller, Sharon Harris-Johnson, Suzie Kilquist, Michelle Tweedy

Approval of Minutes

I. 16-2045 December 8, 2016 Minutes

A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Rowe, to approve the December 8, 2016 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman's Remarks

Internal Office Matters

II. 16-2046 Board Supervised Staff Evaluations 

Hunter gave a brief report of what the Evaluation committee discussed at their meeting on January 3rd. The evaluation committee is reviewing the evaluation form and procedures. They are going to use the job descriptions to add categories to the evaluation form to allow for a more thurough evaluation. Then the Executive committee discussed the number of people doing the evaluations and decided that there should only be two board members per evaluation. The Evaluation committee will continue to meet to get the form and procedure unified. Once this is completed the evaluations will begin. The committee will ask for input from those people who have direct contact with the staff member being evaluated.

III. 17-2053 Board Staff, Scheduling, and Protocols 

The committee discussed the policies that provide for compensatory time for overtime work. There needs to be an elected official signing off on staff accrual of comp, vacation and sick time. The committee coordinator was asked to put together a form and protocols for keeping track of and signing off on staff time to be reviewed at the February meeting

IV. 16-2047 Discussion of 2017 Committee Meeting Day/Time

The committee discussed moving the day and/or time of the executive meeting. The consensus of the committee is to keep the meeting day and time where they are currently. Several committee members commented that some of the information about committee meeting days and times is incorrect on the website. The committee coordinator stated that she would correct the information next week.

V. 16-2048 February 2017 Calendar Adjustments

Due to Lincoln's birthday holiday the committee coordinator suggested that the committee meetings in February be moved up a week. The committee discussed the idea. A motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Erbes, to approve recommendation to move the February Finance & Administration, Real Property and Legislative & Public Safety committee meetings up a week due to a holiday. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Human Resources Subcommittee Update

The committee coordinator recapped the meeting with Mr. Huffman and informed the committee that he is reviewing and making changes to the policy. The committee coordinator will follow up with him around mid January.

VI. 16-2049 County Board Credit Card

Chairman Rendleman informed the committee that he is checking with other counties to see how they deal with the board having a credit card.

VII. 16-2050 Building Commission Discussion

The committee was informed that notice of the building commission was published on December 2nd and after 60 days the board will begin working on fleshing out the particulars of the commission. The commission will look at all county owned property and the plan is to have the commission made up of citizens with no vested interest in the decisions.

VIII. 16-2051 Payment of Murphysboro EPA Grant

The committee reviewed the emails regarding payment to the City of Murphysboro. The original motion for the $2000 for the fee for writing the EPA grant had a stipulation that the City of Murphysboro reconsider their participation in Jackson Growth Alliance. The email from Mayor Stephens indicates that it is to early for him to be able to know if the City of Murphysboro will be able to participate. A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Hunter, to hold the funding until the City of Murphysboro makes a final decision on whether they will be able to participate in Jackson Growth Alliance. The motion carried by the following vote:Yes: 4 - Hunter, J.S. Rendleman, Peterson and Rowe

No: 1 - Erbes

Absent: 2 - Endres and Larkin

IX. 17-2054 Delinquent Property Clean-up

The committee discussed the issues relating to clean up of tax delinquent properties. Tweedy explained the process she had to go through, with the help of the Treasurers office, to figure out how much funding is currently available. The money that goes to other taxing districts must go back to them. The committee discussed ways of getting the other taxing districts on board. Mueller stated that she has spoken with the city manager of Carbondale and he told her that he would bring it to the city council. Harris-Johnson informed the committee that she spoke with the treasurer of St. Clair County and they have been doing this same type of thing for years. She stated that the treasurer cannot keep the funds, the money could go into as separate fund that the Accounting Coordinator can set up for the percentage that would go to Jackson County and the City of Murphysboro. Currently, the county has not received notice that the Murphysboro school district has agreed to participate. Also, the committee discussed that some terms in the ordinance will need to be changed to make sure that everything is being done correctly. Then the committee began discussing the two projects before the board; Lucier Street and Stalls property. Currently, no work has been done on the Stalls property but the County Engineer has bids for the work. The Real Property committee will discuss what to do about the two projects and whether to pay for them from other funds. Then the committee discussed that if the goal is to be able to maintain delinquent properties then another source of funding would need to be found. Tweedy informed the committee that Mayor Stephens would like payment for the Lucier Street property. She was asked to tell him that currently funds are not available.


X. 16-2052 Open Appointments in January 2017

-Jackson County Board of Health (2)

-Buncombe Water District (1)

-Cable TV Commission (1)

-Crosswalk Community Action Agency (2)

-Shawnee Resource Conservation & Development Area (1)

-Southernmost Tourism Bureau (3)

-The committee coordinator will send an email to all board members to let them know about the open positions.

Old Business

New Business

Chairman Rendleman informed the committee that the travel reimbursement form will need to be changed in the future. Tweedy said she is already looking into it and that it might be discussed at the board orientation.

Mueller discussed getting started on the Alstat Award so that something can be decided by spring. This item will be on the February agenda.

The committee discussed the number of board members who will be attending the UCCI meeting in January and other meetings through out the year. The consensus of the committee is to have members notify the committee coordinator when they will be attending an outside meeting. This will allow for arrangements to be made to cut and/or share expenses.

Executive Session

Adjourn (6:09 PM)

Rowe moved and Erbes seconded to adjourn, motion carried.