
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale NAACP contest for student essays on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. about to end


Carbondale NAACP contest for student essays on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. about to end | Courtesy of Shutterstock

Carbondale NAACP contest for student essays on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. about to end | Courtesy of Shutterstock

The Carbondale branch of the NAACP is accepting student submissions for its annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior essay contest.

The contest is open to all students in grades one through 12 in the Carbondale area. Submissions will be read based on grade groupings. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 11.

Essays for each grade grouping feature separate topics. They will be grouped in grades 1 through 3; grades 4 and 5; grades 6 through 8; and grades 9 through 12.

All entries should be typed and double-spaced. A cover page listing the school, student and teacher's names must be included with each entry. The student's name should not be written on the actual essay submission otherwise.

Specific rules and topics assigned to each group of grades are posted in links online.

The winners will be announced at the NAACP breakfast honoring Dr. King on Jan. 16. The winning entrants will also read their essays at the 9 a.m. breakfast event.

For more information, call 618-457-4726.