
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jackson County finance and Administration Committee Minutes

Jackson County finance and Administration Committee met Monday, July 11.

The committee is in charge of reviewing matters related to fiscal control of the county; health, dental/vision, property, liability, workers compensation and unemployment coverage of the county; and policies related to labor relations and laws with regard to county employees.


MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016 5:00 PM


Call to Order

Ms. Elizabeth Hunter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Committee Members Present: Elizabeth Hunter, Julie Peterson, Brian Chapman, Milton Maxwell, Keith Larkin, Emily Burke, and Dan Bost

Board Members Present: John S. Rendleman, Orval Rowe, Cheryl Endres and Tom Redmond

Also Present: Dottie Miles, Rita Morefield, Josh Barringer, Miriam Link-Mullison, Chad Hill, Lisa Gill, Sharon Harris-Johnson, Larry Reinhardt, Susie Kilquist, Derek Misener, Cindy Svanda, Mary Beth Varner, Dana Dailey, Lisa Jacquot and Michelle Tweedy

Approval of Minutes

I. 16-0502 June 13, 2016 Minutes

The committee reviewed the Finance & Administration Committee Minutes of June 13, 2016. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Larkin to approve the June 13, 2016, Finance & Administration Committee meeting minutes as presented, motion carried.


The committee was informed there was nothing to report at this time regarding labor. Insurance

II. 16-0504 Employee Health Insurance Plan

1. Health Insurance Claim

2. Scheduling of Special Finance & Administration

Committee Meeting

* The committee reviewed the Health Insurance Funding Report reflecting outstanding health insurance claims in the amount of $790,997.13 and a cash balance of $135,774.99. The committee was informed that approximately $110,000 in premiums would be deposited at weeks end and was reminded that July was a three payroll month in which premiums would not be collected on the third pay. Motion by Larkin, seconded by Dan Bost to release the July 2016 fixed costs, AIMM, PCORI fees, April 22, 2016 remaining balance, May 6, 2016 remaining balance and $107,016.14 of the May 20, 2016 claims for a total amount of $245,989.99, motion carried.

The committee scheduled another Finance & Administration Committee meeting for Wednesday, July 27, 2016, at 5p.m. for the purpose of discussing proposed recommendations/options to the health insurance plan. All in attendance were invited to attend as Mr. David Schermer of Windsor Benefit Solutions proposed changes to the health insurance plan.

III. 16-0505 Worker's Compensation

1. Overview of Plan

Ms. Dottie Miles informed the committee that the worker's compensation forms have been updated and will be posted on the county's webpage in the very near future.

IV. 16-0506 Property & Liability

1. Gallagher Bassett Risk Control Service Visit

The committee reviewed correspondence from Gallagher Bassett regarding its recent risk control service visit. The correspondence outlined loss control assessment and physical hazard survey recommendations which will be forwarded to the county elected officials and department heads to address. Finance & Administration Committee Chair Hunter recommended that the Human Resources Sub-Committee include distracted driving within the updated personnel policies. 


V. 16-0507 Presentation of FY15 Audit

* Ms. Lisa Gill of Kerber, Eck & Braeckel presented the committee with the results of the county wide audit as of November 30, 2015. An unmodified opinion, an opinion indicating the auditor has no reservations concerning the financial statements, was issued. The county adopted GASB, Governmental Accounting Standards Board, No. 68 establishing new requirements for reporting a net pension liability for the unfunded portion of the IMRF pension plan. The audit noted a material weakness in which nineteen audit journal entries were recorded for the following: Ameren payback settlement correction, child support administration activity, reclassification/correction of Highway, Ambulance & RCC entries and the recording of the net pension liability. The number of journal entries will be significantly reduced upon the implementation of the newly acquired financial statement software. Motion by Chapman, seconded by Larkin to recommend the adoption and approval of the fiscal year 2015 audit to the full board, motion carried.

VI. 16-0508 Sheriff's Department Budget Adjustment Request

* The committee reviewed correspondence from the Sheriff's Department requesting the reinstatement of the teacher line item and a budget adjustment of $10,236 from its other personnel line item to the teacher line item. The reinstatement of the teacher line item is to correctly record GED services provided by SIU. Motion by Larkin, seconded by D. Bost to reinstate the teacher line item and to adjust the budget to reflect $10,236 transferred from other personnel to the teacher line item, motion carried.

VII. 16-0509 FY17 Budget Preparation Update

Accounting Coordinator Michelle Tweedy informed the committee that the budgets were due by August 1, 2016. The committee discussed the purpose of the Ambulance Service & County General budgeting for items such as shared equipment, dispatching,legal, accounting and payroll services between the funds. The committee will receive all budget submissions at its August meeting.

VIII. 16-0510 Monthly Claims

1. Payment of County Monthly Claims

2. Walk-Thru Metal Detector

3. Illinois Government Finance Officers

Association Membership

* The committee reviewed the June 2016 County General monthly claims in the amount of $417,219.47. Motion by Larkin, seconded by Maxwell to approve the monthly claims in the amount of $417,219.47, motion carried.

* The committee reviewed correspondence from the Sheriff's Office regarding the Court Security metal detector within the courthouse. The mother board of the metal detector failed and the repair costs were more than it would be to be replaced. Four quotes were received ranging in cost from $3,511 to $6,000, with a replacement recommendation of the Garrett PD6500i from Ed Roehr Safety Products. Finance & Administration Committee Chair Hunter recommended the use of Building Maintenance funds since it was reported that the Court Security Fund could not handle the expense due to the decrease in court fees assessed and the increase in overtime for staff to cover the increase in after hour meetings. Motion by Larkin, seconded by Burke to accept the Ed Roehr Safety Products quote of $3,511.13 for the Garrett PD6500i metal detector with funding to come from the Housing of Prisoners Fund, motion carried.

* Finance & Administration Committee Chair Hunter recommended that the Accounting

Coordinator and the Finance & Administrator Committee Chair be allowed to become members of the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association. The membership would be a resource for topics such as 1095 preparation and reporting. Membership fees are based on population plus $100 for each additional member due at the first of each year. The committee discussed the funding of membership, which would come from the association dues line item. Motion by Larkin, seconded by D. Bost to allow the Accounting Coordinator and the Finance & Administration Committee Chair to join the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association at a cost of $400, motion carried.

Computing Services

IX. 16-0511 Verizon Wireless Contract

* Finance & Administration Committee Chair Hunter informed the committee that the Computing Service's staff had requested the use of jet packs versus their personal phones to conduct county business. The cost to provide the service would be $40/month/jetpack/person or a total of $80/month. Motion by Larkin, seconded by D. Bost to approve the Verizon Wireless Contract as presented, motion carried.

Old Business

New Business


Motion by Larkin, seconded by D. Bost to adjourn at 6:07 p.m.