Carterville City Council met Wednesday, May 18.
The Carterville City Council is made up of 11 members: the Mayor, City Clerk, Treasurer and eight Aldermen (two representing each of four wards). The offices of Mayor, City Clerk and Treasurer are four-year terms. Terms for Aldermen are four years as well, with elections being for one Alderman per ward every two years.
Here are the minutes as provided by Carterville:
May 18, 2016
The meeting was held in the Council Chambers with Mayor Bradley M. Robinson presiding. He called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Bradley M. Robinson Mayor Present
Michele A. Edwards City Clerk Present
Khristina Hollister Deputy City Clerk Absent
Mark Carney City Treasurer Absent
Doug Brinkley Alderman/Ward 3 Present
Phyllis Emery Alderman/Ward 4 Present
Tom Gentry Alderman/Ward 1 Present
John Gooden Alderman/Ward 3 Absent
Mike Helfrich Alderman/Ward 2 Present
James Houseworth Alderman/Ward 1 Present
Tom Liebenrood Alderman/Ward 4 Present
Curt Oetjen Alderman/Ward 2 Present
The Mayor declared a quorum present. There were no others present when the meeting opened.
Therefore, there were no comments from the audience.
The Mayor presented a request for a post-frame building at 115 Texas. This request was tabled at the May 10, 2016 meeting because we need clarification on setbacks. Alderman Curt Oetjen talked to the property owner about this variance. Mr. Allen reduced the size of the building to comply with the lot coverage requirements and relocated the structure so that it is 7’ off the property lines. This is a 50’ lot.
Motion 1: Oetjen moved and Houseworth seconded to approve the post frame construction on property at 115 Texas Avenue with changes specified above. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried. [Alderman Brinkley asked if the neighbors were notified and he was told that neighbors would be notified only in the case of a variance. Alderman Oetjen also indicated that this structure will replace a garage that was demolished].
Motion 2: Oetjen moved and Helfrich seconded to adjourn. All present voted yea and the Mayor dismissed the meeting at 5:34 p.m.