At a recent meeting, the Carbondale City Council discussed the attendance prospects for the new Carbondale Splash Park.
Led by the mayor, the Carbondale City Council serves as the legislative and policy body of the city.
Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the council.
2016-06-06 Special City Council Meeting
2016 Special City Council Meeting (Monday, June 6, 2016)
Generated by Jennifer R Sorrell on Monday, June 6, 2016
Members present
Councilman Lee Fronabarger, Councilman Tom Grant, Councilman Adam Loos, CouncilmanNavreet Kang, Councilwoman Jessica Bradshaw, Councilwoman Carolin Harvey, and MayorJohn M Henry
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM
1. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting
1.1 Roll Call
Councilman Kang remarked that today is the anniversary of D-Day; Councilman Fronabargerread from a newspaper article on the success of the Cape Splash water park and the attendancewhich it draws, noting hopes for similar attendance at the new Carbondale Splash Park; andCouncilwoman Bradshaw commended Keep Carbondale Beautiful on the annual garden tour.
1.2 Citizens' Comments and Questions
2. General Business of the City Council
Item 2.1 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Gary Williams as
City ManagerCouncilmembers expressed their thoughts on the terms of the contract and the action about to betaken.
It is recommended that the City Council approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor to enterinto a contract with Gary Williams as City Manager.
Motion by Navreet Kang, second by Lee Fronabarger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Adam Loos, Carolin Harvey, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry, Lee Fronabarger, Navreet
Kang, Tom Grant
Item 2.2 Discussion of the Organizational & Management Review Consulting Firms
interviewed at the Special Council Meeting held on May 25, 2016
The City Council shared their thoughts on the presentations by the following consulting firmswhich gave presentations at the Special City Council Meeting of May 25, 2016: Baker, Tilly,
Virchow, Krause, LLP; Waters & Company; Matrix Consulting Group; and The Novak
Consulting Group. There followed deliberations about the strengths and weaknesses of the firms,2016-06-06 Special City Council Meetingas well as specific modules that Council wished to include in the process.
Council directed the City Manager to contact The Novak Group and Matrix Consulting Groupand share his findings with the City Council before the final selection is made.
3. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting
The City Council meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
By: __________________________
Approved: __________________________