
Carbondale Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

Makanda trustees get report from president on Electricity Consortium Conference

Meeting 09

At a recent meeting of the Makanda Village Board, President Tina Shingleton talked about what she learned at the SI Electricity Consortium Conference last month.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Board Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Makanda Village Hall.

Village of Makanda

P. O. Box 99

Makanda, Illinois 62958

Board Minutes

June 7, 2016


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

ROLL CALL: Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Trustees Hilliard, Dalton, Wolff, Baker, Ross, and Allen present.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion made by Trustee Ross to accept the minutes. It was seconded by Trustee Wolff. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.



President: Attended the SI Electricity Consortium conference call on May 25. Select Energy represents over 65% of all residential customers in Southern Illinois that have switched from Ameren. There are 39 communities in the current group. Vienna recently joined and Harrisburg may potentially join. The Consortium rate is 5.5% versus rate of 6.8%. This is 19% percent less than Ameren. Current prices are favorable – natural gas rates are low. Our current 24 month contract will expire in June 2017. Select Energy will begin requesting renewal pricing from suppliers. In appreciation, Select Energy is offering a free tailgate party and game tickets for the Saluki vs. SEMO football home opener on Saturday, September 10 at 6 p.m. President called Brian Babb of Babb signs regarding decals for Village trucks and tractors. Cost will be $30 each for 16 inch decal for two trucks and will be $25 each for 8 inch decals for 3 tractors, total of $140. Zach has suggested we use white lettering instead of black or black outlined in white to make it more noticeable. Motion made by Trustee Wolff to have decals done, seconded by Trustee Allen. All present at roll call voted yes. President spoke with Megabytes Inc. regarding maintenance of Village Website. Two options are available: On demand updating that would allow us to e-mail, call, or mail updates to them anytime we like at a cost of $65 per hour. Their technician would make the requested changes, typically within 24 hours. A minimum one hour charge applies per engagement. No contract would be required. The second option is a Service Contract and we would receive a fixed number of hours per month, on a schedule. If the update was the 20th of each month, changes would be held until the 20th, and then processed all together. The monthly bill would be fixed ($80 per month) plus any additional labor materials, or other items, unless the number of contract hours (2 hrs.) are exceeded. After discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Dalton that Megabytes Inc. be hired to maintain the Village website with On-demand Updating at $65 per hour, seconded by Trustee Wolff. All present at roll call voted yes. A call was made to Bob Ramsey of Midwest Fence regard the guardrail on Baptist Hill. He asked if there was a speed limit on Baptist Hill. If a person was only traveling about 15 to 20 MPH he feels that the new curb and existing guardrail would deflect the vehicle from going of the road. Current Illinois laws state that if any portion of guardrail is repaired or replaced that the whole length would need to be repaired or replaced. His recommendation is that we leave the existing guardrail in place and make sure a speed limit is posted. He also suggested we speak to our legal counsel regarding liability. This might be all the Village would be responsible for. Mr. Ramsey suggested we leave the existing guardrail and install new guardrail at curb the whole length of existing guardrail. He could use the guardrail we recently purchased which would save some money. It looks as if there is approximately 600 ft. of guardrail. If we decide to install the guardrail he will give us a bid. He would also need two flaggers to work on the road. After discussion it was determined that more checking be done regarding rules on repair of guardrail. A motion was made by trustee Wolff that a 20 MPH speed limit sign be placed on Baptist Hill, seconded by Trustee Dalton. All present at roll call voted yes. President reported that Jesse had mentioned that the gutters needed to be cleaned at the Village Hall. President told him to go ahead and take care of it and also conveyed the message to Zach.

CLERK: Recorded Man Hours for the month of May 2016. Informed Board that Jim Closson will be inspecting our playground on June 10th.

TRUSTEES: Trustee Hilliard has made copies of the Street and Road Committee Report, including a copy to be posted in the maintenance building. He called Penninger to schedule repairs on Misty Meadows. Penninger also gave Trustee Hilliard, bids on McGuire and Hartline Rds. Trustee Wolff reported that Rowan Rd. needs limbs trimmed, and the culvert on McGuire Rd. still needs to be cleaned out. Trustee Wolff suggested the Village hire Jesse to do this work. President will discuss work to be done with Zach. Trustee Baker reported that the July Board meeting will be his last meeting. Trustee Ross stated that the Community Center needs to be power washed and sprayed for bugs. Trustee Ross will call and make the necessary arrangements. She is also still working on replacing blinds at the Community Center. Weeds and culvert on Heern Street need to be taken care of and ditches cleaned on Baptist Hill.


A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reviewed the monthly report. Trustee Allen made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, it was seconded by Trustee Ross. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

B. Bills Payable: Trustee Allen made a motion that we pay the bills. Trustee Ross seconded the motion. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.


A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street and Road Committee: Trustee Hilliard reported that he had received the following bids from Penninger: McGuire Rd. $4,820 and Hartline $7,390.

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:

ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Trustee Dalton made a motion to approve the MFT Resolution, Ordinance 2016-4 Vacating East McGuire Rd, and Ordinance 2016-5 Prevailing Rate of Wage, seconded by Trustee Ross. All present at roll call voted yes.


UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS: Estimated prices for a dehumidifier for the Community Center will be around $125. Tom will purchase and leave at Village Hall.



ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Dalton that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice Vote: All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Leslie Yambert, Village Clerk ?????????????? Tina Shingleton, President