
Carbondale Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

Carbondale Human Relations Commission discusses SIUC safety concerns

At a recent meeting, the Carbondale Human Relations Commission discussed safety concerns on the Southern Illinois University-Carbondale campus after a recent shooting.

The Human Relations Commission is an advisory body to the City Council on human relations, studying problems relating to relationships among individuals and groups of all kinds, coordinating the establishment and maintenance of educational programs in the community designed to bring about better human relations, promoting mutual understanding and fostering equality among all persons in the community, instituting and conducting educational and other programs to promote the equal rights and opportunities of all persons, assisting the general public in contacting the appropriate agency and/or person to file a complaint with the Illinois Human Rights Commission and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for alleged discrimination, preparing an annual report, making recommendations regarding positive human relations and receiving reports from law enforcement agencies regarding a summary of complaints and their disposition in order to monitor trends and problems.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the commission.

Carbondale Human Relations Commission Minutes – April 4, 2016 Carbondale Civic Center - 5:00pm

Commissioners Present: Joshua Kyle Brandon, Joseph Brown, Diane Daughtery, Peg Falcone, Ted Gutierrez, Jerrold Hennrich, Karriem Shariati, Dora Weaver

Commissioners Excused: Faith Miller

Guest Present: Ms. Cathy Field, Skylar Miller, Jessica Cainer, Jamonte Allison

SIU-C Dept of Public Safety Representative: Chief Benjamin Newman

Staff Present: Commission Secretary Courtney Beverly, Administrative Services Director Deborah McCoy, Mayor Mike Henry, City Manager Gary Williams, Chief Jeff Grubbs


The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by the Chair Hennrich.


Commissioner Falcone commented on changing Mr. Sam to Mr. Reed under the Public Comments and for the 2015 Annual Report to be forward to City Council under Items for City Council.

Motion was made by Commissioner Daughtery and seconded by Commissioner Shariati to approve the minutes from the March 7, 2016 meeting. Motion carried. All Voted Aye. Corrections:


Commissioner Brown commented on the commemorative anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Commissioner Weaver announced the World Hunger sale sponsored by First United Methodist Church at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church on April 15th-16th at 10a.m.-11a.m.

Commissioner Brandon commented about the Transitional Student Veteran’s House and the option of “Lease to Own” for Illinois Veteran students.

Commissioner Weaver announced that Mr. John Snyder from SIUC is willing to meet with the Human Relation Committee during the summer Annual Retreat to discuss Crisis and Intervention within the community.

Chair Hennrich welcomed Carbondale Community High School seniors to the Human Relation Commission meeting this evening.


Public Education/HRC Website

No new information about the HRC Website at this time.

Commissioner Brandon read a letter from an SIUC student regarding their safety on campus from the recent shooting in Carbondale last week. He also suggested having gun education, safety and prevention be presented during the “Carbondale-Community Forum” on the SIU campus on May 8.

Public Forums/Events

Commissioner Brandon informed the Commissioners that the public forum planned for the SIU campus will be May 8, 2016 from 6 p.m. to 9p.m. He also expressed the need of an event Host and three speakers.

Racial Taboo

Commissioner Brandon mentioned that there will not be a Racial Taboo forum on campus this semester, due to funding concerns. There are plans being developed for next fall of 2016.

Commissioner Weaver discussed the “Racial Unity” meeting which is scheduled every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. located at the Newman Catholic Center.

Annual Retreat

Chair Hennrich discussed the Annual Retreat open dates, which are July 11th, 18th and 25th. The Commissioners decided on July 18, 2016 at 5 p.m. in room 103 at the Carbondale Civic Center.


Mr. Reed discussed the March 31, 2016 Daily Egyptian article about the gun violence within the community and on SIUC campus. He mentioned gun prevention and education for all students especially for the incoming freshman.


Neighborhood Action Group


Non-Violent Carbondale Project Report


Racial Justice Coalition

Ms. Field reported that the Racial Achievement Gap needs to be addressed. She also addressed the New PARCC test scores, in which she further explained that Carbondale ranked lower than the state average in achievement test scores.

Ms. Field mentioned that the Racial Justice Coalition meeting will be held on May 5, 2016 at Church of the Good Shepherd in Carbondale, Illinois at 7 p.m.

Commissioner Brown mentioned that the Garden Grove Center will be honoring two local citizens Margaret Nesbitt and Dr. Ella Lacey on April 22, 2016.

Law Enforcement

Chief Grubbs presented The Personnel Commendations Complaints 2014 and 2015 Summary to all Commissioners from the Carbondale Police Department. He acknowledges the hard work of the Carbondale Police Department and how cooperative the SIUC student body has been these past several months.

Chair Hennrich requested three different data sets from 2014 and 2015 from the Carbondale Police Department, in which Chief Grubbs will contact his Record Manger for more detail.

Chair Hennrich and Chief Grubbs discussed the 2014 and 2015 Personnel Commendations Complaints Summary, with regards to explaining the Bias-Based Enforcement Complaints and the low numbers of documented complaints.

Chief Grubbs commented on how cooperative the SEMO students and Police Department on the ongoing investigation.

Mayor Henry commented on the press conference, regarding how an officer used the term “no comment” repeatedly. Mayor Henry, Chief Grubbs and the City Manager Gary Williams want to provide the Public Relation Officers better tools to use during press conferences.

Chief Newman discussed how incidents on SIUC campus have dropped this past year, while also giving an update on the stabbing and shooting incident that occurred last week in which he also indicated did not occurred on the SIUC campus but will help aid in the investigation. He also mentioned that the Saluki Watch Dog newsletter will provide training announcements, which will be sent out today.

Items for City Council



Next meeting – May 2, 2016. There being no further business, Chair Hennrich moved, and Commissioner Brown seconded, to adjourn. All voted AYE. Motion carried.