At a recent meeting, the Carbondale City Council held a public hearing on a proposed land swap between the city and Southern Illinois University.
Led by the mayor, the Carbondale City Council serves as the legislative and policy body of the city.
City of Carbondale
City Council Meeting
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
City Hall / Ciivic Center
City Council Chambers
Room 108
200 South Illinois Avenue
Carbondale, IllinoisWelcome-Visitors are welcome to all meetings of the City Council. The use of cell phones and pagers is prohibited in Council Chambers. All electronic devices should be turned off before entering. If you wish to address the Council on a matter not covered by the printed Agenda, please raise your hand during the portion of the Agenda entitled "Citizens Comments and Question" and you may be recognized by the Mayor. If you wish to address the Council concerning an item which is listed on the printed Agenda, please raise your hand at the time the Mayor invites audience comments on that item. Time allowed for audience comments may be limited at the Mayor's discretion.All matters listed under "Consent Agenda" are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. Unless otherwise specifically requested, there will be no separate discussion on these items.AGENDA
Roll Call
General Announcements and Proclamations
Citizens’ Comments and Questions
Public Hearings and Special Reports
1. Public Hearing on the Proposed Land Exchange Between the City of Carbondale and Southern Illinois University
2. Public Hearing on the Proposed Vacation of a Portion of South Washington Street Located South of Grand Avenue
Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Minutes from the Public Hearing and the Regular City Council Meeting held on May 24, 2016
2. Approval of Warrant for Period Ending: 5/09/2016 FY 2016 Warrant 1272 in the amount of $201,992.68
3. Approval of Warrant for Period Ending: 5/09/2016 FY 2017 Warrant#1273 in the amount of $1,530,045.35
4. Approval of Warrant for Period Ending: 5/23/2016 FY2016 Warrant#1274 in the amount of $220,466.85
5. Approval of Warrant for Period Ending: 5/23/2016 FY 2017 Warrant #1275 in the amount of $2,639,553.27
6. Approval of Warrant for Period Ending: 4/30/2016 FY2016 Warrant WF04/2016 in the amount of $231,366.94
7. Acceptance of Minutes of Boards, Commissions, and Committees
8. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application for the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program
9. Acceptance of Temporary and Permanent Easements
10. Review & Action on the Preservation Commission’s Annual Certified Local Government (CLG) Report for FY2016
11. Resolution Authorizing City Manager to execute consultant agreement with RayGun, LLC, to coordinate the City’s 2017 eclipse planning
12. Request to Initiate Changes Recommended in the Downtown Master Plan
13. Authorization for the City Manager to execute an Engagement Letter with Kerber, Eck & Braeckel for the City’s FY2016 Audit
14. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application for a DOJ, Justice Assistance Grant for the Police Department & an Ordinance Increasing the Police Department’s FY2017 Budget
15. Ordinance Vacating a Portion of South Washington Street located South of Grand Avenue
16. Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Land Exchange with Southern Illinois University
17. Award of Contract for the Cedar Lake Shoreline Stabilization Project (WS1503) to Mott Excavating of Vienna, Illinois in the amount of $1,256,795.20
General Business
1. Ordinance Amending Title Seven of the Carbondale Revised Code as it Relates to Motor Fuel Tax Extending the One Cent Tax Expiring on June 30, 2016
2. Ordinance Amending Title Seven of the Carbondale Revised Code as it Relates to Motor Fuel Tax
3. Ordinance Amending Title Seven of the Carbondale Revised Code as it Relates to Food and Beverage Tax
4. Ordinance Amending Title Seven of the Carbondale Revised Code as it Relates to Package Liquor Tax
5. Ordinance Amending Title Two (2) of the Carbondale Revised Code Establishing a Temporary ExtendedPremises License (Class L) for Licensees Holding a Class A, B, E, H, or J Liquor License
Council Comments
Closed Meeting
1. Closed meeting to discuss the purchase or lease of real property and the setting of a price for the sale or lease of real property pursuant to 5 ILCS 12/2(c)(5)