
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Herrin City Library Board of Trustees met Aug. 13

Webp 9

Herrin City Library | Herrin History Room Gatherings / Facebook

Herrin City Library | Herrin History Room Gatherings / Facebook

Herrin City Library Board of Trustees met Aug. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Present Jones, Hickman, Maloney, Guebert, Sarver, Watson, McKeown

Also Present: Library Director Susan Mullen

Absent: Priest, Frost

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by President Jones.

Visitor(s): None

Correspondence: None

Secretary’s Report: Guebert moved to approve the minutes from July 2024. Watson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Bills to be Paid: McKeown moved to approve the payment of $6,996.04 for expenses incurred from July 24 – July 31, 2024, and $10,264.40 for expenses incurred from August 1 – August 13, 2024. Maloney seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  2. City Budget Report: Last month’s report shows that 30% of the budget has been spent, with 25% of the fiscal year completed, leaving a checking account balance of $38,420.95.  Guebert moved to approve the report. Watson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Financial Balance Statement: Sarver moved to approve the Library balance report from the previous month. Watson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Librarian’s Report:

July 2024 had a 3.4% increase in circulation compared to July 2023. A total of 435 unique Borrowers Cards were used. Patrons placed a total of 360 Hold Requests. A total of 447 Hold Requests were filled (borrowed.) The Illinois Heartland Delivery Van dropped off a total of 797 titles at the Herrin City Library. We loaned 479 titles to other libraries and borrowed 865 titles from the other Heartland SHARE Libraries. We registered a total of 49 new borrowers: 32 Adult, 8 Juvenile, and 4 Non-Resident Cards. As of the end of July, the Herrin City Library had a total of 5,693 registered borrowers. A total of 90 new titles were added to the collection in July, making a total of 42,186 volumes in the collection. The Library Director attended the IHLS Director’s Chat on July 18 & 25, 2024, the Aspen User Experience Training on July 9, as well as Automated Material Handling on July 10, Aspen User Experience: Part 2 on July 18, and Making Your Website Accessible on July 24. The Library hosted a Junior Chefs Cooking Class July 20-August 2. The final Summer Reading program was held July 25.

Children’s Librarian’s Report: Summer Reading Program 2024 – Adventure Begins at Your Library. Four programs held in July: Movie–Featuring Up on July 2 (6 children and 10 adults in attendance), Tortoise Program on July 11 (54 children and 50 adults), Mad Science on July 18 (49 children and 25 adults), Burke’s Alpaca Farm on July 25 (86 children, 96 adults). Overall, 83 kids signed up for the summer reading program and 60 kids finished their reading log to earn a prize.

Committee Reports:

Friends Liaison (Maloney): The August Wish List was approved for $263.57. The book sale made $1,146.85. Next meeting August 5th. Next meeting October 7th.

History Room (Hickman, McKeown): Report submitted by Lisa Carnaghi.  Research was conducted for eight patrons.  HHR Room Facebook page reached 16,300 visits over the last 30 days. Presented “In Bloody Williamson” presentation again on August 7th to 71 people. Sent one of our old quilts, along with book written about it by HHR room volunteer Doris Frey, to the John A. Logan quilt show held the last weekend in July. The 2025 HHR calendar was delivered to French Studio for printing. We should have it by November 1st.

Building and Grounds (Priest, Jones): none

Community Enrichment (Guebert & Sarver): none

Library Development and Technology: none

Special Gifts Committee (Frost): none

Old Business:


New Business:          

Review & approve two CDs maturing and to be renewed

The Board discussed moving one to Bank of Herrin for 12 months at 4.81%, and moving the other to Bank of Herrin 6 months at 5.06%

Guebert moved to approve these changes. Watson seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

Approve and move funds from savings to checking awaiting tax money

Discussed moving 60k from savings to checking

Sarver made the motion to move the 60k, McKeown seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

Adjournment: Watson moved to adjourn at 6:58 PM. 
