
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Aug. 6

Webp 8

Makanda Boardwalk | Village of Makanda Website

Makanda Boardwalk | Village of Makanda Website

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Aug. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

ROLL CALL: Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Trustees Hilliard, Allen, Ross, Dalton, and Wolff, were present. Trustee Pitcher was absent.

AFTER ROLL CALL: In the interest of using everyone’s time wisely, President asked for a motion to change the order of the agenda for this meeting and move Streets and Roads to after Guest comments. Trustee Wolff made a motion to change the order of the agenda for this meeting and move Streets and Roads to after Guest Comments. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Trustee Wolff made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CITIZEN’S HEARING: Victor Cardenaz to observe. Debbie Dunn advised the Board that she would like to begin charging $5.00 per car for parking during Vulture Fest, to help cover the costs of paying parking attendants, bands and so forth. Board agreed. Danny Walker Makanda Village Street and Roads, to participate as needed in the following discussion under the heading Street and Roads below. Ed Hoke Makanda Township Road Commissioner to participate in the following discussion under the heading Street and Roads.

STREET AND ROADS: Ed Hoke apologized for starting oil and chipping on Sheppard Lane on July 29th before presenting the maintenance agreement to the Village Board for approval. He proceeded to present a proposed draft of maintenance agreement between Makanda Township Highway Department and the Village regarding Sheppard Lane and Poplar Camp. Village board members received a copy of the proposed draft agreement prior to this meeting. Board discussed. President advised she had checked with Village contact at IDOT, Patrick Naas, regarding possibility of a document which would permanently transfer a section of .30 miles of Sheppard Lane to Makanda Township and a section of .275 miles of Poplar Camp-South to the Village of Makanda. Mr. Naas indicated a one-page document would be needed with signatures for each stretch of road to be sent to Springfield for approval by the State. The Village would possibly require a Resolution as well. Village Board was in favor of proceeding.

Mr. Hoke asked if the Village board would go ahead and consider approval of the Maintenance Agreement until a document is completed by IDOT and is reviewed by Springfield. Trustee Wolff made a motion to approve Maintenance Agreement until a document is completed and reviewed by Springfield. It was seconded by

Trustee Allen. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

Danny Walker asked for Board approval to purchase another load of tar for the Crackfill Melter Applicator. Board approved.

Trustee Wolff reported that Penninger had advised him that they would begin work on Baptist Hill Road on August 19th or 20th.

Trustee Hilliard reported that Illini does not yet have a specific date scheduled for working on the Village roads. President Shingleton will post a notice at the Post Office and Boardwalk to notify residents.

PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: President received an email from Stephen Covey of Canadian National asking for the Village to adopt the 2024 proclamation for National Train Safety Week from September 23-29, 2024 which highlights our community’s commitment to rail safety. This is something CN has asked in the past. President asked Board if they would approve for this year. Board approved. A copy of the proclamation will be posted at the Post Office, Boardwalk, and have Trustee Ross post to “Makanda Happenings” Facebook group. President will inform Canadian National if Proclamation is adopted.


TRUSTEES: Trustee Hilliard reported that the Masonic Lodge Family Picnic had been a success. He complimented Trustee Ross on how spotless the B. C. Ross Community Center was. Trustee Hilliard mentioned that the seal on the refrigerator at the Community Center kitchen was leaking, because the crispers were not aligned correctly, and part of the seal was out of place. The refrigerator is now working properly. The Village will eventually need to buy a new refrigerator for the Community Center.

Trustee Wolff updated the Board regarding the mail theft situation. After he had made multiple phone calls and sent a letter, the individual was arrested and sentenced to a rehab facility in Indiana. The individual managed to remove her ankle cuffs and escaped. There is a warrant out for her arrest. Mail theft is a federal offense. Trustee Wolff will be in contact with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department in a continued effort to get this individual the professional help they need.

Trustee Ross advised that the weeds need to be cleared out of the drainage ditch that runs along Makanda Road. In addition, the light shades in the Community Center are due to be cleaned. President Shingleton will contact IDOT regarding the weeds in the ditch.


A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report to the Board. B. Bills Payable: Treasurer presented the Bills Payable.

President asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.


A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street & Road Committee: See above

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:

F. Playground Committee:


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:



UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS: President spoke with representatives from West Kentucky & Tennessee Telecommunications Cooperative by Zoom meeting on July 19 regarding fiber optic internet service in the Makanda area. Currently they are in the Lick Creek/Anna area and moving in this direction. This has to be completed by 2026. They are currently working on Engineering and easements. A grant has been approved for installation from new 51 to the West. A grant is pending approval for the downtown area. The Golf Course area is served and not grant eligible. An informational meeting is being planned in September to introduce West Kentucky and Tennessee Telecommunications Cooperative and the fiber build process. RSVP invitations will be sent out. Village Clerk attended a webinar on July 12 regarding the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program.



ADJOURNMENT: President asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Trustee Ross and seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
