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Ashley Park | Marion Park District | Facebook
Marion City Park District Board of Commissioners met Aug. 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Closed Session
For the purpose of discussing: Employment matters, collective negotiating matters, security procedures, and litigation matters.
II. Roll Call
III. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Regular and Closed Session Minutes of the 7/23/24 Regular Meeting and the Regular Session Minutes of the 8/5/24 Special Meeting
B. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
C. Approval of Bills for Payment
IV. Comments from the Audience
V. Old Business
A. Construction Updates
VI. New Business
A. Approve Tentative FY25 Budget
B. Set Public Hearing for FY25 Budget
C. Approval to Close the Imprest Account
D. Approve MOU with ACT Now
E. Approve Intergovernmental Agreement with Crab Orchard (HS Girls’ Basketball)
F. IASB PRESS Policy Updates – 1st Reading
G. FOIA Request – Carbondale Reporter
H. Relative to Closed Session
1. Accept Resignations
2. Employ Personnel
3. Post Positions
VII. Reports
A. Superintendent’s Report
B. Maintenance Report
VIII. Adjourn