
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Jan. 2

Webp 7

Makanda Vultures Fest | Village of Makanda Website

Makanda Vultures Fest | Village of Makanda Website

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Jan. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

ROLL CALL: Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Pitcher, Allen, Ross, Dalton, and Wolff, were present. Trustee Hilliard was absent.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.



PRESIDENT: President reported Christmas cards were received from Tru-Bilt and Buncombe Public Water District.


TRUSTEES: Trustee Ross reported that the Illinois Municipal League (IML) recommends flying a flag at all municipal buildings, parks, and so forth. Trustee Ross suggested it would be nice to have a flag at the Village Hall. President Shingleton reminded the Board that it would also involve the expense of having a light shine on it at all times and having someone raise and lower the flag each day. No action was taken. Trustee Ross recommended that the Village complete more of the municipal projects that were started in previous years. Trustee Ross reported that she read that Jackson County harvested more deer than any other county around here. This information will be added to the information on tourism that she is collecting to present to State Senator Dale Fowler. Trustee Ross would like Frontier to trim tree branches off the internet lines. Trustee Dalton called Ameren to trim tree branches off the power lines on Church Street. Ameren did come down and trim a few branches, but there are additional branches which need to be trimmed, to prevent future damage. Trustee Wolff suggested calling the newspaper to come and take pictures and write an article about the problem. Trustee Dalton will call Ameren.


A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report to the Board. B. Bills Payable: Treasurer presented the Bills Payable.

President asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.


A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street & Road Committee: President reported that Dan had spoken with Makanda Township Highway Commissioner, Ed Hoke, regarding approval of culvert installation on Hartline Road south of former Stone Creek Golf Course equipment building now owned by Dan Kaufman. Permit application has been completed but additional form is still needed along with the permit fee of $25. Trustees were asked if they approve of the permit request. Permit approved by Trustees.

Dan advised President that Ed Hoke had spoken with him regarding the possibility of Makanda Township taking over maintenance of section of Sheppard Lane currently being maintained by the Village. In addition, he was wondering about the possibility of the Village taking over maintenance from mailbox 1427 of Poplar Camp Road currently maintained by Makanda Township to north end. President asked Trustees regarding their thoughts about this request. If they are interested, she will find out what paperwork is needed and work with the Township regarding change. Trustees agreed this would be a logical thing to do. President will contact attorney to find out what the process would be.

Trustee Ross had brought to Village President’s attention that there is not a street sign for Crackersneck on Baptist Hill. President asked Dan to check, and he advised that it looked like there had been a sign above the Stop sign at one time. He will work on getting a new sign and installing. Crackersneck is one word.

Trustee Ross advised that someone has put a No Trespassing sign and camera on Baggett Lane. President Shingleton advised that Baggett Lane is a public street within the Village, and it is not private property.

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:

F. Playground Committee:


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:




NEW BUSINESS: President advised that she has purchased four insect bombs to set off in the Community Center to get rid of flies. Dan will also replace weather stripping around front and back door.


ADJOURNMENT: President asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Trustee Wolff and seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
