
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Nov. 7

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Makanda Boardwalk | Village of Makanda Website

Makanda Boardwalk | Village of Makanda Website

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Nov. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the baord:


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

ROLL CALL: Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Trustees Hilliard, Pitcher, Allen, Ross, Dalton, and Wolff, were present.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CITIZEN’S HEARING: Russ Kramer was present and reported that the decorations for Vulture Fest looked nice and asked would it be possible to decorate the Pavilion for Christmas. President suggested that a wreath and lights would look nice, Board agreed. Clerk advised that in previous years a banner encouraging people to shop in downtown Makanda had been hung on the Pavilion. Trustee Dalton reported that she had unopened boxes of Christmas lights that could be used. Street and Road crew could hang the lights. President thanked Russ for the suggestion.



TRUSTEES: Trustee Hilliard reported that the electrical work on both the electrical board and the Pavilion was completed for Vulture Fest. Trustee Hilliard advised that Vulture Fest is the biggest draw on electricity and is the only time the Village is charged more than the minimum amount. Trustee Pitcher and Board members discussed the need for more parking space for Vulture Fest. Trustee Wolff reported that Dan and Randy did a first-class job taking down a dead tree, and there is one more to come down. Trustee Ross reported that she had talked with Calvin at Giant City Park, and the park gets their playground mulch at the same facility the Village does. Calvin suggested talking to Dale Fowler, who has helped other people obtain grants for various projects. When Mr. Fowler can come to the Village of Makanda, for a meeting, the issue of the need for grant money to repair Baptist Hill Road, should be presented as a means of promoting tourism in the area and especially at Giant City State Park. President recommended having a small group meet with Mr. Fowler and then report back to the Board, as the most efficient use of everyone’s time. Trustee Dalton reported that after the Village had blocked the hole in the sidewalk at the Church, she saw someone drive across the sidewalk. Trustee Hilliard suggested adding additional barricades to prevent any further vehicles driving across the sidewalk and into the parking lot. The sidewalk is not designed to support vehicle traffic. The entrance to the parking lot is on Lower Cobden Road.


A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report to the Board. B. Bills Payable: Treasurer presented the Bills Payable.

President asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer reported that he had transferred $100,000 from General Funds to a 5 month CD at 4.58% at First Southern Bank, per the Board’s approval at the October meeting.


A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street & Road Committee: President advised she had learned that Lower Cobden Road is maintained by Jackson County. Any permit will need to be obtained from them for a new road entrance. Village Ordinances would need to be followed for any property that is in the Village along the road and the County will work with the Village. An email was sent to Erick and Jamie on October 20 advising them of this update.

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:

F. Playground Committee: President advised we were unable to replace mulch before Vulture Fest. We will try to get done in the Spring before the Eclipse, weather permitting. Dan and Randy should be able to handle it. We will need to call regarding any changes in cost to rent a ditch witch for 2 to 3 days to remove and replace mulch and any increase in the cost of the mulch. Until mulch is replaced it was recommended by Brad Hoffman of IML Risk Management from our October 12th Playground Inspection to remove swings and leave as “out of service”.


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:



UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS: At the October meeting the President advised the Board that she had received communication from Greater Egypt Regional Planning and Development Commission regarding membership. Annual fee is $150.00. President called to inquire how membership is beneficial. The Commission tries to help communities in planning and gives assistance and advice. They will also try to assist in checking to see if any grants would be possible. Membership is not required and they still try to help, if possible. Board was asked if they would be interested in joining. After discussion, Board decided not to pay membership fee at this time.

NEW BUSINESS: Correspondence has been received from Greenridge Landscaping advising they have partnered with another local company, CLC Landscaping, that is set up to handle a larger volume of accounts than ours. We will need to find someone else to take care of our future landscaping needs. The President knows of someone who would do a great job if Board would like her to check with them or anyone that might know of someone who might be interested in giving a bid before Spring


ADJOURNMENT: President asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Trustee ross and seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
