
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Crainville Board of Trustees met April 11

Village of Crainville Board of Trustees met April 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Mike Harbin Nay                   Sam Jones Yea

Julie Aue Yea                        John Oetjen Yea

Martin Bruyns Jr. Yea           Jim Rains Yea

Brad Olson Nay (6:35 pm)    Jaci Chapman Yea

Ron Mitchell Yea                   Tena Steinacher Nay

A quorum was present:


Minutes from the March 14, 2023 regular Board Meeting were presented. Motion 9 should read “Jones made the motion and Aue seconded the motion. . .”

Motion 1: Rains made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to approve the March 14, 2023 Village Board Meeting Minutes as corrected. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Village Financial Report was given to all Board Members. Mitchell asked that all Board Members review the Financial Report and make suggestion for the 2023/24 budget. The Board would also like the Treasurer’s Report to show what liabilities the Village has.

Motion 2: Rains made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to bring down $40,000 from the Illinois Fund to the Village General Fund. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried


March 2023 bills were presented. There was a correction on the bill from Galls. The bill should be for $1069.22, instead of $1380.85. There was one bill added to the list: Woody’s for cutting edge on the snow plow blade for $489.18 to come out of the General Fund.

Motion 3: Jones made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to pay the April 2023 bills as corrected. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Visitor Participation

Justin Lawrence, President of Heartland Mule Riders Association, told the Board that there is a push from a group of people to make the Shawnee Forest a National Park. He told the Board that if the Shawnee Forest would become a National Park, it could have a negative impact on recreational activities that are currently available to the public. He asked that Board Members write letters in support of keeping the Shawnee Forest a state facility.

Poncho Stennett told the Village that the fabric was coming up on a portion of Marion Street. He requested that the Village not use the same material when repairing the road. He also told the Board that the Carterville School District is wanting their T.I.F. money from the Village.

PSC Engineering (Rodney Potts Reporting)

Sanitary Sewer

Potts is still having trouble hearing back from the Carterville Attorney regarding the proposed contract on the new wastewater treatment facility.

Potts gave all Board members an initial drawing of Crainville’s part of the new wastewater treatment facility.

Potts will contract out to Holcomb Engineering to bore 20 holes on Donna Drive to AGAPE School. He will give the Village a report at the May Meeting.

Samuel Road

The current road work on Samuel includes fixing areas on the road that have soft spots, and working to make sure the road has better drainage. Initially the Board thought that within 3-4 years SIMPO would provide funds to upgrade and widen Samuel Road. SIMPO will not have the funding to do any future road work on Samuel Road. The Board will look for alternative funding for future road work on Samuel.

Department Heads

Water Report: (Pam Borders)

There are 829 water customers

613 garbage customers.

0 Building Permits

4 new customers

2 disconnects

Room Rental 2 $150.00

Water Appeals.

There were two Water Appeals: 1. The Oetjens’ had a water heater that was leaking under the house. The Board decided to take their average water bill, and charge them for water that was used over their average bill at the same rate as what the Village is charged from Rend Lake Water. The Oetjens also will also not be charged for the amount over their average sewer bill because the excess water did not go down the sewer.

Water Appeal 2: Rick Hobbs also had a hot water heater that was leaking under the house. The Board decided to take their average water bill, and just charge them for water that was used over their average usage at the same rate as what the Village is charged from Rend Lake Water. Since the water did not go down the sewer, they will not be charged for the amount over their average sewer bill.

Street/Water-Sewer Presented a Written Report

Installed the gate to the park.

Spring clean-up

Mowing is starting up again, Will McKinney has started mowing for the Village.

Looking at putting fencing around the basketball court.

There was a brush fire on Crain St., and the Street/Water staff put out the fire.

Farrar submitted several items for consideration in the 2023/2024 budget. Police Report (Chief Lindley)

Chief Lindley presented his written report.

Old Business

No old Business New Business

John Pasoni

John Pasoni did not show up.

Saylor is starting to clean-up the property North of the Village Hall.

Senior Trip

The Carterville senior class sent a request to the Board for a donation to help fund the senior class trip to Six Flags. The Board did not approve a donation to help fund this trip, however, individual Board Members did donate. The Carterville senior class sent a thank-you note.

Rend Lake Contract

The Village of Crainville has a contract with Rend Lake Conservancy District for Village water. The Rend Lake Conservancy District wants to amend the current contract. The current contract with Rend Lake calls for rate adjustments once every five years. The proposed amendment would change so that Rend Lake would review water charges yearly and could make rate changes accordingly. After negotiations with Rend Lake Conservancy District the new amendment will be “Rend Lake Conservancy District will review rate adjustments yearly for three years, after three years the rates will be reviewed every five years.” The Mayor explained that this is the only water district that is available to Crainville; he recommended that the Village accept the amendment to the contract with the Rend Lake Conservancy District.

Motion 4: Jones made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to approve the revised amendment to the water supply contract with Rend Lake Conservancy District. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Budget Resolution

Motion 5: Oetjen made the motion and Bruyns seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023-04-01 to amend the 2022/2023 Budget Resolution. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Chou Subdivision

Sabastian Chou presented the Board with a plat that would place a section of land south of Clark Street into a subdivision. This area is currently zoned commercial. Mitchell will find out more information from Mr. Chou.

Taser Payment

At the March Board Meeting the Board decided to purchase new tasers for $8,363.40. The Village can make payments for five years on the cost of the tasers at no interest.

Motion 6: Rains made the motion and Bruyns seconded them motion to make five yearly payments to Axon Enterprise Inc. for three police taser. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

T.I.F. Resolution

The Illinois Municipal League is urging Municipalities to pass a Resolution urging the Illinois General Assembly and the Governor to protect TIF in its current form.

Motion 7: Bruyns made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pass Resolution 2023-04-02 in support of maintaining the current Tax Increment Financing (TIF). All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

2023/2024 Budget

Mitchell asked that all Board Member look over the Village Financial Reports and make recommendations for the 2023/2024 Budget at the May Meeting.

Chapter 6 Public Welfare

The Public Welfare Committee Report was tabled until the May Meeting.


The awarding of the 2023 recipient of the James B. Childress Memorial Scholarship was tabled until the May Meeting.

Executive Session

The Board did not go into Executive Session.


Motion 8: Jones made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 8:35 p.m. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
