
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Genoa City Council met Feb. 16

City of Genoa City Council met Feb. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Brust called the meeting of the City Council to order at 7:03 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Winter, Hughes and Holcomb were present.

Mayor Brust asked for a motion for Alderman Cravatta to join the meeting via phone. Alderman Wesner made a motion for Alderman Cravatta to join the meeting via phone, seconded by Alderman Freund. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor Brust led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guest Speakers – None

Motion made by Alderman Wesner to accept the minutes of the February 1, 2023 City Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Winter. No further discussion. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Alderman Holcomb to approve payment of the account’s payables for February 15, 2023, seconded by Alderman Hughes. No further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Winter, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion carried.



FUTURE ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: Alderman Hughes handed out a diagram to Alderman and stated that he would like to see a stop sign added on Middleton and Winding Trail to make this a 4 way stop.


APPROVE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE DEKALB COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY: Motion made by Alderman Stage for approval of a memorandum of understanding with the DeKalb County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, seconded by Alderman Pulley. In 1976, DeKalb County created an Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (E.S.D.A.) in order to combine all emergency preparedness programs, including civil defense. The purpose of E.S.D.A. is to mitigate potential hazards, plan for, coordinate, respond to and aid in recovery from all disaster situations whether natural or man-made. In the past, the city has signed the Memorandum of Understanding for intergovernmental cooperation with the County E.S.D.A. program, given the many benefits of the collaboration. The Memorandum of Understanding in the packet would renew this partnership. As the Memorandum of Understanding states, the DeKalb County E.S.D.A. has the means to assist in creation of emergency plans, provide assistance during emergency and disaster situations, and assist in requests for assistance of State or Federal Agencies. The County therefore would be a resource in emergency assistance and response, as well as an agency to seek reimbursement after an emergency or disaster via State and Federal financial assistance programs. No further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Winter, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

APPROVE A STATEMENT OF WORK WITH LAUTERBACH AND AMEN, LLP, NOT TO EXCEED $3,840: Motion made by Alderman Pulley to approve a statement of work with Lauterbach and Amen, LLP, not to exceed $3,840, seconded by Alderman Holcomb. For a number of years, Lauterbach and Amen has prepared the City’s report for other post-employment benefits (OPEB). This is required to account for potential long-term debt such as pensions (both IMRF and police). They have submitted a Statement of Work / Engagement Letter to once again prepare the actuarial report for OPEB requirements for the fiscal years ended in 2023 and 2024. This is for a full report on the GASB 74/75 Actuarial Reports for OPEB in FY23 and a Limited Report in FY24 - for Long Term Debt, which explains the cost difference between the two years. No further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Winter, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF RESIDENTIAL WATER METER SETTERS FROM FERGUSSON WATERWORKS, NOT TO EXCEED $12,614: Motion made by Alderman Hughes to approve the purchase of residential water meter setters from Fergusson Waterworks, not to exceed $12,614, seconded by Alderman Winter. The meter setters are primarily used in combination with house plumbing for new construction, and are installed during the rough plumbing phase. As part of the permit process, the city provides the contractor a meter setter with a construction meter already attached. This allows the city to record water usage during construction, which is then charged to the builder. Once the house is completed, the city will remove the construction meter and install a permanent meter. Due to the rapid growth and 16–20- week lead time we are asking for 24 setters. This purchase will be taken from next year’s budget. No further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Winter, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

CLOSED SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Wesner to go to Closed Session for the purpose of approving the minutes of the previous closed session and for the purpose of approving the minutes of the previous closed session and discussing the appointment, employment, dismissal, compensation, discipline and /or performance of specific employees as provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c) 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), seconded by Alderman Pulley. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Winter, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

Alderman Cravatta joined meeting at 7:30pm

RECONVENE REGULAR SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Wesner to reconvene regular session, seconded by Alderman Winter. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Winter, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion carried.


Finance Report – Treasurer & Finance Director, Jan Tures stated that were finalizing the budget this is the last call if there is anything anyone would like to add anything it needs to be in by end of next week, then we will have some final numbers together and start the presentation.

Public Works – Public Works Director, Janice Melton stated that staff is out plowing this event and will get it salted. All the equipment is in all good working order and we have plenty of salt. Alderman Cravatta asked if that keeps until next year, Janice stated that it does.

Police Department – Chief Smith stated that they have completed a grant for a body worn camera, it’s a matching grant, it has been budgeted for. The state is also going to put another grant out for body camera’s that is much larger that will upgrade and fully fit our department, we are supposed to have body cams by 2025. We have had them for awhile but they need to be replaced as the technology is outdated for our current body cams. Mayor Brust asked if we have a lot of people ask to see the footage from the body cameras? Chief Smith stated that we do not however the states attorney asks for it a lot. Alderman Stage asked about the quality of the videos on our current system good? Chief Smith stated that yes the quality is good, in the future we can show the council some footage. Alderman Hughes asked if the officers have to purchase their own bullet proof vests? Chief Smith stated that no the department pays for the vests however the firearm is the officers own.

Administrative Report – City Administrator, Alyssa Seguss stated that we have our first strategic plan focus group meeting scheduled on February 27th, there will be an employee focus group, resident focus group, business focus group and a civic organization group. Downtown project is moving along we have our color rendering drafts back, they are going to make some more improvements on those based on the suggestions that we had earlier this week. Mayor Brust stated that the purpose of these renderings is to get it out on social media and events to get community feedback, so if there are large changes before we get too deep in engineering we can complete those changes now. Seguss stated that we are also looking at some future grant opportunities, we are looking at the Oslad Grant which is open space land acquisition for the River Bend Central Park, we have a couple of engineering firm quotes that can help us through that process we plan on getting a survey out to residents in the next few weeks or so, gathering feedback to get a concept plan and then we will have a public hearing to go over that with the residents before moving forward with the application. We are also looking at the safe routs to school grant which is unfortunately a grant we did not get in 2021 but we are looking at just dusting off that application and resubmitting it with some additional public feedback and maybe that will help us get the point scoring process. The Expo is March 4th we have a couple of time slots to fill, we will go around to get those filled.

Committee, Boards and Commission Reports (WTC, EDC, PC, PC, PP, TB, DBC AND FAC) – Waste Water Treatment Committee- Alderman Wesner stated that the committee met tonight and talked a lot about what we wanted to do about increasing water rates, if we will increase the capital or keep the rates of the water. We have come up with a couple of figures. Mayor Brust stated that we have a piece of software that projects the fund balances based on the expense increases, revenue increases and we can plug in the information to help determine what is best. We will have some recommendations at the next city council meeting with some data to back it up.

Economic Development Committee- City Administrator, Alyssa Seguss stated that the EDC met earlier in the week who talked with Kathlyn McGlocklin who is the DeKalb County Convention and Business Bureau employee who does a lot of marketing for them. We had reached out to her at the end of last year after the EDC talked about wanting some more marketing on social media, who are they marketing too, what’s the best people. Kathlyn submitted a proposal and it was reviewed at the EDC meeting and they plan to move forward with Kathlyn’s proposal. She is going to do some interviews with people and reach out to businesses; she is going to make sure we have a more positive exposure online presence. They also talked about doing an EDC website revamp, attending some retail trade conferences.

Planning Commission- Met on February 9th and they talked about approving a use variance for a property that is currently zoned industrial that has a house on it which is making it nearly impossible to sell the property for residential use. The planning commission stated they would be interested in granting that use variance but the petitioner since has asked us to put that on hold; should it resurface again we will propose a use variance for that property. The also discussed a special use permit for RV and Boat storge to accommodate a property near the downtown area, it will be re-zoned industrial with a special use permit attached to that. At this point we are planning on proposing a special use permit code amendment in March then hopefully approval of the code amendment in April with a special use permit.

Police & Fire Commission- They meet again in April

Tree Board- City Administrator, Alyssa Seguss stated that public works have been actively been bringing that board back to life, council will hear something in the near future.

Downtown Beatification Committee- Is helping out with the downtown project

Finance Committee- Alderman Cravatta stated that we were supposed to have a meeting a couple of days ago due to committee members not able to attend. Discussion for the next meeting will be about donations policy.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Brust stated that the chamber dinner last night was fantastic there was such a great turn out. Mayor stated he also attended the daddy daughter dance with his two girls which was great, the Park District does a great job with it. Expos is March 4th.


Motion to adjourn the meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Wesner, seconded by Alderman Pulley. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
