
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Anne West Lindsey Public Library District Board met Jan. 24

Anne West Lindsey Public Library District Board met Jan. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting of the Anne West Lindsey District Library Board of Trustees, on January 24, 2023, was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Allison Owen and a quorum was established. In attendance were Heather Abell Castlebery, Elaine Miskell, Sheri Hunter, Allison Owen, Nancy Schmidt and Jim Koonce. Bill Slider was not present. Library Director, Mary Stoner; Library Staff, Pam Alstat; and Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, were present as well.

The approval of the agenda, a motion by Elaine Miskell, was seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

A motion to approve the minutes from the November 22, 2022 meeting was made by Jim Koonce and seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

Under the Public Comments portion of the agenda, Bank of Herrin president, Jason Henson; board member, Clay Goodwin; and staff members Christy Baggett and Angela Lampley were present discussing the matter of fraudulent checks. Bank president Henson expressed communication could have been better handled with the library board and gave the board assurance to make it right having safeguards in place to prevent another similar situation. Christy Baggett offered the library board the option of Positive Pay, free of charge, which would prevent fraudulent checks from being cashed by the bank. Angela Lampley discussed the new rules implemented by the bank.

From the agenda item, Communications, Mary Stoner informed the Anne West Lindsey District Library Board of the following communication:

(1) Two tax installments were deposited; corporate in the amount of $28,450.27 and corporate interest in the amount of $480.70.

(2) Mary Stoner will be attending the TIF meeting held in Energy on January 25, 2023 and requested a board member attend the February TIF meeting in Cambria since she is unavailable.

The Anne West Lindsey District Library Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, reported on the Anne West Lindsey District Library’s assets, profit and loss, current profit and loss budget compared to the actual budget, deposit detail and the check detail for the months of November 2022 and December 2022.

A motion to approve the Financial Secretary’s Report, per audit, was made by Jim Koonce and seconded by Heather Abell Castlebery. Motion carried.

In the Library Director’s Report, Mary Stoner reported the following:

(1) Abigail Wheetley resigned from the position of the Children’s Librarian as of Friday, January 20, 2023. John A. Logan will be contacted to possibly find an early childhood major to temporarily conduct the weekly reading program until a replacement can be hired.

(2) The Adult Services program had a total of 236-patrons attending programming in the month of December 2022 and a total of 92-patrons during the month of January 2023.

(3) Mary Stoner assisted Amber Filbeck, Adult Services Librarian, in applying for the Penguin Random House Grants for Small & Rural Libraries through ARSL for a grant donation of up to $1,000 to establish a graphic novel collection for adults.

(4) The adult collection has seen an increase of 29.8% in circulation statistics for the period of 12/1/2022-1/21/2023 over the same period the previous year.

(5) The Adult Services program, Nailed It! Christmas Cookie Competition, has been very popular with 34 attending and approximately 17 contestants. Heather’s Bakeshop provided the cookie decorating kits for the challenge.

(6) The Adult Services program, 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime Challenge, has continued to gain traction during the months of December and January.

(7) Amber is teaching Cricut Classes for the adult patrons, with more class times being offered due to its popularity.

(8) Local author, Dr. Deborah Burris, read and discussed her book, “A Woman Called Murn,” in December.

(9) The Adult Services program will be offering iPhone classes for beginners in the coming months conducted by the iDoctor Technology Repair Shop.

(10) The Children’s program had a total of 61-patrons during the month of December 2022 and a total of 61-patrons during the month of January 2023.

(11) The Children’s program, Babysitters Club Club, met in December and made NYC inspired snow globes.

(12) The Children’s program, Babysitters Club Club, met in January and made soap and lotion as well as their own superhero masks.

(13) The Children’s program STEAM was held on Wednesday afternoons and was well attended.

(14) The Teen Services program had a total of 100-patrons during December 2022 and 131-patrons in January 2023.

(15) The Teen Services take and make craft kits for the month of December was the Christmas themed jingle bell ornaments. Wish Bracelet take and make kits will be offered for the month of January. This program continues to rise in popularity.

(16) The Teen Services program Among Us has been a fun favorite for the children who continue to play the virtual program game every week.

(17) Will Houston helped with the Tween/Teen Craft in December, making snowflake ornaments and snow globes. The Tween/Teen Craft for January was DIY candles.

(18) Mary Stoner gave permission to the city to use the library’s large parking lot for the start of the December Christmas parade.

(19) Mary Stoner assisted Amber Filbeck with two grant writing projects. (20) Mary Stoner created the “Dates Closed 2023” document for the library staff.

(21) Mary Stoner prepared and distributed election packets per instructions from the County Clerk’s office.

(22) Mary Stoner continued working with Clearwave on getting a cordless phone installed at the Circulation Desk.

(23) Mary Stoner met with the by-laws committee.

(24) Mary Stoner deposited monies from fines, copies, printing, fax charges, sales of books, reimbursements of lost or damaged books, and grants.

(25) The library was closed due to inclement weather on December 22nd and 23rd.

(26) Mary Stoner attended the Friends’ board meeting on January 17th, discussing the upcoming membership drive, book sale in April and a small fundraiser in the future.

(27) Mary Stoner filed Certification of Ballot at the County Clerk’s office.

(28) The library was locked down in January during an active shooter situation in town.

(29) Mary Stoner monitored staff timesheets and personal time off records.

(30) Mary Stoner received the certificate of status non homestead exemption renewal form.

(31) Mary Stoner completed the Library Certification process with the Illinois State Library.

(32) Mary Stoner completed the ILL & Reciprocal Borrowing Statistical Survey.

(33) Mary Stoner set up e-banking with Bank of Herrin.

(34) Mary Stoner contacted the Garden Club about raised garden beds at the library.

(35) Mary Stoner continued working on the reason behind the high electric bill for the library.

Elaine Miskell made a motion to accept the Library Director’s Report, and the motion was seconded by Jim Koonce. Motion carried.

Under the agenda item, Board Action on the Financial Secretary’s Requests, Jennifer Sigler requested whether the operating account should be drawn from the First Southern Bank or the Bank of Herrin. Heather Abell Castlebery made a motion to continue the account at the Bank of Herrin payable for payroll, taxes, and IMRF and not to go below the amount of $50,000. Nancy Schmidt seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Under the agenda item, Committee Reports, the Anne West Lindsey District Library By-Laws Review annual update was presented to the board members. Jim Koonce made a motion to accept the By-Laws Review and was seconded by Elaine Miskell. Motion carried. The Strategic Plan/Year End Summary was distributed to the board members. All trustees reviewed the Year One evaluation of the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. Elaine Miskell made a motion to accept the Strategic Plan and seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

There was no unfinished business.

Under the agenda item, New Business, the Certificate of Status Non-Homestead Exemption Renewal was signed by Anne West Lindsey District Library Board President, Allison Owen. The agenda item, Semi-Annual Closed Session Minutes Review, President Allison Owen made a motion to approve the closed session. Jim Koonce seconded the motion. Jim Koonce made a motion to go back to open session. Heather Abell Castlebery seconded the motion. Sheri Hunter made a motion to open the minutes from the previous closed session open to the public. Elaine Miskell seconded the motion. All motions carried. The Anne West District Library Board of Trustees received training concerning Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and all trustee members signed the completion and certification form.

The next Anne West Lindsey District Library Board Meeting will be held on February 28, 2023.

A motion to adjourn was made by Heather Abell Castlebery and seconded by Elaine Miskell. The Anne West Lindsey District Library Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm CST.
