
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met Oct. 20

City of Murphysboro City Council met Oct. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Board of Education of the Johnston City Community Unit School District No. 1 met at a regular Board meeting with Closed Session beginning at 6:45 p.m. and the Regular Session beginning at 7:03 p.m. at the Unit Office, 200 E. 12th Street, Johnston City, IL. President Chris Cullum called the meeting to order and asked the clerk for the attendance roll call.


Present: Chad Barras, Jimmy Dean, Patti Martin, Randy McIntosh, Greg Smiley, Keven Stroud, and Chris Cullum

Absent: None

Motion made by Keven Stroud and seconded by Greg Smiley to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following:

A. Approval of Regular and Closed Session Minutes of the 9/19/22 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Treasurer’s Report

C. Approval of Bills for Payment

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Jim Siefert, Hurst-Rosche, submitted construction project updates to the Board. The High School Roofing Project and Door Project have been completed. The Lincoln School Canopy Project is on schedule and should be completed in approximately four (4) weeks. We are waiting on Marion Concrete regarding the Washington School Drainage Project. The Jefferson School project should be ready to bid Phase 1 in March and to award the bid in April.

Ms. Cindy Bobell, CPA, presented the FY22 Audit to the Board. Ms. Bobell informed the Board that there were no findings in the audit.

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Keven Stroud to approve the FY22 Annual Financial Report as presented.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Patti Martin and seconded by Keven Stroud to set the November meeting date on November 15, 2022, the February meeting date on February 23, 2023, and the March meeting on March 23, 2023.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Mrs. Lori Linton, Director of Finance and Accounting, presented the tentative tax levy.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Keven Stroud to approve the Williamson County CTE Intergovernmental Agreement as presented.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Keven Stroud and seconded by Greg Smiley to appoint Chris Cullum to represent the District at the IASB 2022 Delegate Assembly.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, and Stroud

Abstaining: Cullum

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Keven Stroud and seconded by Patti Martin to approve the following actions regarding personnel: accept the resignations of Terri Hughes as the ISS Supervisor and Emily West as a High School Student Support Aide, to employ Melissa Kragness as the Washington Middle School Parent Liaison and Ethan Murrah as the ISS Supervisor, to approve Caleb Newell as a Volunteer Assistant Junior High School Boys’ Basketball Coach, Jim Kowzan as a Volunteer Middle School Golf Coach, David Davis as a Volunteer Middle School Golf Coach, Troy Johnson as a Volunteer High School Wrestling Coach and to post the High School Student Support Aide position.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Mrs. Clark informed the Board that the District is applying for the School Maintenance Grant. If approved, funds will be used for flooring at the High School and Washington School.

Mrs. Clark updated the Board on the 2021-2022 School Report Cards. All four schools in the District received commendable status on the School Report Cards. The High School had 79% FAFSA completion for the 2021-2022 school year.

The High School is one (1) of sixteen (16) schools in the state that have a College and Career Pathway Endorsements for high school graduates.

Motion made Greg Smiley and seconded by Randy McIntosh to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.
