
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met Oct. 25

City of Murphysboro City Council met Oct. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and invited Pastor Charlie Allen to lead the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Gina Hunziker to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:

Present: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Mike Austin, John Erbes, W.J. Pittman, Gary McComb, Don Gladden

Absent: Gloria Campos, Russell Brown, Mike Bastien

The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the October 11, 2022, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman Gladden Second by Alderman Curry-Witzman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #493, through October 25, 2022. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman Gladden

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

ComEd Presentation re: 518 Walnut Street: Alan Walker with AED and George Varela, ComEd Sr. Environmental Remediation Project Manager, present. Mr. Varela brought the council up-to-date on the demolition and are moving onto the next phase which is dealing with residuals left from Manufactured Gas Plants (MGPs). Plan to start in November/December, will need to use the alley, will request closure for the lifetime of the project, which is mid-November this year to early February, 2024. Will need closure of alley north of the site from the driveway of 507 North Street to 6th and from 6th Street to Walnut Street. They are voluntarily conducting the cleanup and will then request a No Further Remediation letter from the state. Will have a tent-like structure, all work will be done inside. Will be getting all the necessary permits and will work with the city to get an approved truck route. Mayor Stephens stated will put the street closure request on the next agenda. Alderman Hughes asked if the residents on North Street been contacted regarding the alley closure? Mr. Varela stated have been working with Mr. Eisert on getting access requests, next step is making all aware. Mr. Eisert stated that he and Alan are going tomorrow, there are only two houses. Alderman Austin asked what the operating hours and number of days in the week will be? Mr. Varela stated approximately 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. May go a little longer based on the sunlight but will let the city know. Alderman Pittman asked if the truck route will be across North Street to the 4-way-stop by the 7th Street high-rise, will the street hold up to all that traffic? Mayor Stephens asked if have considered will need compensation for any roads? Mr. Varela stated they do a pre-survey and post-survey and any damages done will address those issues. Alderman Gladden asked if that is the same route when the building was demolished? Yes. Chief McBride stated will need information on the type of structure, in case need to respond, have afterhours access. Mayor Stephens stated will give Mr. Varela the Chief’s email address. Mr. Varela stated will have a kickoff meeting before starting. Mr. Eisert stated he has their contact information and they have his. Has no issues with either entity.


Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Financial Statements prepared by Scott Evans, Budget Officer: Mr. Evans discussed the Income Tax Receipts, CD interest rates and the Tourism Fund. The Tourism Fund actual revenues are approximately $70,000 and actual expenses are approximately $88,000 so currently have a deficit, don’t think can overcome. Mayor Stephens asked if the County Tourism line is under control of Murphysboro Tourism? Yes. Alderman Erbes asked if there was a surplus at the beginning of the year? Mr. Evans stated they have had before. Alderman Pittman asked if all their expenses come through the council? Yes. Then stated we have approved these but need to come up with a plan. Alderman Erbes asked what the County Tourism consists of? Mr. Evans stated B&B tax collected by the county not in city limit and share with various entities. Mayor Stephens stated assume most requests have already been submitted? Should be. Alderman Gladden asked if could have a completely separate report for tourism? Mr. Evans stated can do this report each month. It is accounting starts with 14. Alderman Hughes asked if we need to have a conversation with the Tourism Board? Mayor Stephens stated definitely. Alderman McComb asked how much do they have in reserve? Approximately $60,000. Mayor Stephens stated that he, Mr. Evans, Ms. Ripley and Alderman Pittman should meet with Tourism the day of the next meeting.

Presentation of Approved Budget for the Police Pension Fund: Mr. Evans stated this is for informational purposes. Their fiscal year is May 1 to April 30. The Police Pension is budgeting for a deficit, not going to have as good as returns.

Presentation of Approved Budget for the Fire Pension Board: Mr. Evans stated the Fire Pension is budgeting for a slight excess.

Consideration of Revised Rehabilitation/Demolition Loan Policy: Alderman Pittman stated the Advisory Loan Committee met and is proposing the changes in the handout.

Motion: To approve the Revised Rehabilitation/Demolition Loan Policy as presented.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Hughes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Revised Business Revolving Loan Policy: The committee also discussed the Revolving Loan Policy and are proposing the changes set forth in the handout.

Motion: To approve the Revised Business Revolving Loan Policy as presented.

Motion by Alderman Erbes Second by Alderman Austin

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Crimson Express Sponsor Request: Alderman Pittman stated they are requesting a $500 donation.

Motion: To approve the Crimson Express Sponsor Request for $500.00.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Curry-Witzman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Consideration of Purchase of 7 Properties from the Jackson County Trustee: Mr. Eisert stated there are six houses and one property, gong to demo all. Wanting to demo 529 North Street this year. Cost will be $5691 for recording fees, take out of demo budget. Next year will demo the others. North 12th Street below the Public Works building, property next to it is coming up in next year’s trustee sale. Harry Raines owns a couple of houses by it and would like to coordinate demolishing them all at the same time

Motion: To approve the Purchase of 7 Properties from the Jackson County Trustee sale.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Gladden

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Discussion regarding Country Club Residential Development: Alderman Erbes stated he spoke to us last year about developing. Now has ability to be annexed to city as he has purchased two houses south of Walmart. Asked him for a picture of his idea. Alderman Pittman stated we told him would allow sewer. Alderman Erbes stated negotiate annexation agreement, discuss sewer and water. Mr. Evans stated would increase the census numbers. Mr. Lee stated water is Murdale, we have sewer only. Cost quoted has probably doubled. Attorney Blake stated the developer is wanting a TIF district to help with costs. Alderman Austin asked if have had discussions with Carbondale? Alderman Erbes stated yes but not in their district. Would need some idea of utility costs. Mayor Stephens stated would be tremendous up front cost but benefit of this many residences, over time. Alderman Pittman stated next year is the 100th birthday of the Jackson Country Club. Attorney Blake stated I believe he did mention being willing to annex Jackson Country Club on other side of road. Mr. Evans asked what percentage of these people will be drawn from Murphysboro? Alderman Erbes stated I think he said 70% from other areas. Mr. Sheffer stated he can update the costs. Mr. Lee stated have to look at hydraulics, only have 4” line coming into town. Mayor Stephens stated payments outside of taxes, payment over time. Mr. Sheffer stated he pays costs up front and abate sewer costs over time. Attorney Blake stated just wanting to know where city is wanting to go with this. Mayor Stephens stated would be nice if they come to a meeting and make their presentation. Attorney Blake stated would have several steps before have anything to vote on. Alderman Pittman asked are those on Fairview Vista adjacent since there is a lake? Attorney Blake stated will still need to be notified.

No public comment.

Alderman Austin opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Consideration of Request for Street Closures and Auxiliary Assistance for the Murphysboro Hometown Christmas Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony: Alderman Austin stated has received the packet request and have filled out the request form.

Motion: To approve the Request for Street Closures and Auxiliary Assistance for the Murphysboro Hometown Christmas Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Feed the Team: Alderman Hughes stated the council has been asked to provide the meal for the players before Friday’s game. She has made arrangements with Pat’s BBQ to deliver dinner to the high school at 3:00 p.m., will feed them at 3:30. Pat’s really accommodated us getting this many chickens, will need some help with serving.

No public comment.

Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.

Old business: Discussion regarding the Property at 1441 North 14th Street (former Nursing Home): Attorney Blake stated he spoke to the attorney for the property today and relayed the city’s concerns – lack of maintenance, safety concerns, lack of fire protection, this was news to her. Asked if they had any plans for the property and she stated not that she is aware of. She asked if anyone might be interested in accepting the property as a donation? No. She will speak to the owner and get back with Attorney Blake.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened discussion for Public Works related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business:

Consideration of Quote for Repair or Replacement of 20hp Pump: Mr. Gladson stated this is at the 20th Street lift station, had to be repaired, cost of $8743.63. Alderman McComb stated he told Mr. Gladson to get it fixed asap.

Motion: To accept the quote from Sandner Electric Company for $8743.63 for repair of the 20hp Pump.

Motion by Alderman Pittman Second by Alderman Curry-WitzmanMayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Quotes for Cinder Spreaders: Mr. Mills stated there is a 4-10 month lead time to get one, so would be on next year’s budget. Alderman Hughes asked can we ask if the price will hold? Mr. Mills stated he is not sure. Alderman McComb asked go ahead and order? Mayor Stephens asked if this will be out of your budget next year? Mr. Mills stated yes and can talk to him, see about pricing, bring it to the next meeting.

Consideration of Exploring Quotes for Permanent Structure for Salt Storage: Alderman McComb stated Mr. Mills is doing some research, will be on the next agenda. If we acquire the properties next to it, trucks can go on that. Also Harry Raines bought one of the houses next to his shop, stated will be interested in tearing it down at the same time. Mr. Mills stated he has been working on the street sweeper so will get back to this.

No public comment.

Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Public Safety related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business:

Consideration of Minutes Public Safety Committee – September 28, 2022:

Motion: To approve the minutes of the September 28, 2022, special council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman Gladden Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Hughes opened discussion for Personnel related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.


Consideration of Appointment of Ken Carr to the Murphysboro Fire Pension Board: Mayor Stephens stated he appreciates Mr. Carr’s willingness to help.

Motion: To approve the Appointment of Ken Carr to the Fire Pension Board.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Website Proposal: Mayor Stephens stated the website has been taken care of by Revise in the past. Idea Creative Marketing is willing and able to create a website that will be even better for the same price. Alderman Pittman asked if can update pictures of council members? Mayor Stephens stated yes, so will bring the prices to the next meeting.


Barb Hughes Nothing

Jance Curry-Witzman Nothing

Gloria Campos Absent

Mike Austin Thanked the mayor regarding the Distinguished Alumni Banquet.

Russell Brown Absent

W. J. Pittman Nothing

John Erbes Nothing

Gary McComb Nothing

Mike Bastien Absent

Don Gladden Nothing


Richard Blake Nothing

Sandra Ripley Absent

Scott Evans Will be starting the budget process in the next week or two.

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve McBride Nothing

Jamie Ellermeyer Nothing

Charlie Eisert Nothing

Tim Lee Sewer Vector ordered – will let the council know the date of

delivery, may be by first of the year.

Brian Manwaring Absent

Darrin Mills Nothing

Pat Gladson Nothing

Katharine Volle Nothing

Leandra Bryant Absent

Motion: To adjourn.

Motion by Alderman Pittman Second by Alderman Austin

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:33p.m.
