
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Aug. 2

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Aug. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

ROLL CALL: Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Trustees Allen, Hilliard, Pitcher, Dalton, Ross, and Wolff, were present.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the minutes. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CITIZEN’S HEARING: Joe McFarland was in attendance to present to the Village Board a Proclamation designating the Black Trumpet Mushroom, Craterellus fallax, Makanda’s Official Favorite Mushroom. Joe provided the Board with crackers and a black mushroom dip. Joe then gave a detailed account of the characteristics of the Black Trumpet Mushroom and why it should be Makanda’s Official Favorite Mushroom. Joe explained how the voting was conducted and that the Black Trumpet Mushroom was the clear winner. President Shingleton asked a motion to accept the Black Trumpet Mushroom as Makanda’s Official Favorite Mushroom. Trustee Wolff made the motion. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: President received a phone call from Will with Apptegy, a tech company in Little Rock, Arkansas, to see if the Village is interested in having an app/website to connect with the Makanda community. President had a Zoom meeting on July 27 with Will’s associate, Ally, to discuss. President advised she thought our website was sufficient for our needs as small as our community is and an app was not needed but would check with Board to see if this was something they would like to consider. After discussion, Board decided Go Daddy meets our needs and takes care of our needs.

President received a request from Anne, owner of Healing Traditions to continue the senior chair yoga class in the Pavilion. She would like to offer another 4 week session (7/27-8/17) and then, if possible, another 8 week session (9/7-10/26). President has checked with Debbie Dunn to make sure this would not interfere with setup for Vulturefest and should be okay. Anne has extended her liability insurance naming the Village as an additional insured. Board decided to extend use of Pavilion for chair yoga classes.

Correspondence was received from Ameren regarding the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program which offers local governments incentives on equipment purchases or replacements for furnaces, boilers, air conditioning systems, chillers as well as energy-efficient (LED) lighting for offices and streetlights. They are offering a free Energy Assessment to identify opportunities to save time, money, and energy for any upcoming projects or replacement efforts. Included was a coupon for up to 2 free smart thermostats for our organization. Taxes and shipping not included. Since heating/air equipment have recently been replaced in both the Village Hall and Community Center, Board felt we are good shape.

Village resident, Greg Porter, asked that President convey to the Board his thanks for approving Homefield Energy as our electric supplier to keep costs down.


TRUSTEES: Trustee Allen reported that over the phone he managed to work out a solution with Woody’s regarding the cinder spreader that was not working. Woody’s had installed a gas module for the cider spreader when in fact the cinder spreader is electric. The correct module has been installed. Trustee Allen reported that the Village’s backhoe/ excavator had to be taken in for repairs, because the diesel engine was skipping. The Village does have a 3-year warranty on that piece of equipment. Trustee Ross reported that Carrie from IDOT called her back on July 13th, regarding the Village’s concerns with the deterioration of the highway, which Trustee Ross has pictures of. In addition, Trustee Ross inquired as to who was responsible for cleaning out the ditches along the highway but has not heard back from anyone. Trustee Ross reported that the gunfire coming from Baggett Lane has gotten worse and is a danger to the Village residents and the Street and Road crew. Board discussed calling the Jackson County Sheriff Department. Board also discussed officially vacating the road, so that the Street and Road crew would not be placed in a dangerous situation. Trustee Dalton inquired if Trustee Hilliard had gotten a bid for repainting the names on the Veteran’s Memorial. Trustee Hilliard replied that the company was in the process of putting together a bid.


A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report B. Bills Payable: Treasurer presented the Bills Payable

President asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Trustee Hilliard made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Wolff. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

The cost of the controller to hook up cinder spreader that was installed on Dodge 4500 cost $340.89. the cost of the controller that should have been installed was $209.44. We received a credit memo from Woody’s Municipal Supply Company for $131.45. Treasurer contacted Woody’s regarding credit. Credit will be used to purchase D-rings and an amber light for the equipment.


A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street & Road Committee: New culvert on Midway Road was installed on July 15 at entrance to Jake Wolpers property by Kevin Wheetley. Permit and permit fee were received. Dan Walker has checked the installation with Kevin and approved. Ditch at East end of culvert will need to be dug out to make sure culvert drains properly and a few shovels of gravel placed around culvert. Board approved and President signed off on the permit.

At last meeting there was a discussion regarding resurfacing of Baptist Hill. Dan measured length of road to be resurfaced (length 1820’ x width 20’). President contacted Mitch Burdick regarding how Advertisement for Bids should be written. He recommended working with an Engineer for specifications, and they are knowledgeable about grants that would be available. He also mentioned that IDOT will post bids at no charge, and it meets bid requirements. Would not have to put in newspaper. Contractors are more likely to look at IDOT job postings than in the newspaper. He also noted we might want to consider advertising bids in the fall/winter as contractors are looking for jobs for their next year schedule. Mitch provided President with two different engineering firms we might consider. President asked Board for their recommendation on how to proceed. All agreed Village should hire an Engineer. Trustees Allen and Wolff agreed to go with President to meet with the Engineer.

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:

F. Playground Committee: Committee will schedule a time this month for the next quarterly Playground Inspection.


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:



UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS: At the July meeting Trustee Ross expressed concern regarding the trees growing in the ditch along Makanda Road downtown that might present a flooding hazard. President communicated this concern to IDNR. She received a response from Office of Water Resources advising large trees can lead to a flood hazard by blocking the channel, having debris get caught on them causing further blockage and can cause channel erosion due to the restriction of the channel. They recommend that property owners maintain all streams, drainage ditches, and waterways. President contacted IDOT on July 6 to request removal of trees since the channel runs along Makanda Road right of way. Trees have been removed by IDOT and looks very nice. President called IDOT to thank them for taking care of tree removal.

President advised that she called in a third Trouble Ticket to Frontier on 7/18 about two broken poles at curve before creek. Problem was initially reported on 5/27 and a technician came out to check on June 3. Have not received any response.

President advised Board that she and Village Clerk met with Village legal counsel on July 29 regarding Keller’s at Stone Creek Golf Course. The four tracts that were up for auction were sold. The Clubhouse was purchased by Robby Baker and the Golf Course was purchased by E.T. Simonds Construction. It was recommended by Village legal counsel to wait on closing of properties before moving forward with Liquor License to see how it will work with Golf Course. Mr. Baker is also requesting approval to allow video gaming at the Clubhouse. This is also tied to the Liquor License which currently states gambling is not permitted. If Liquor License is approved for establishment under new owners, an Ordinance would need to be passed allowing video gaming and Liquor Ordinance would need to be updated as well. Board was asked if this were something they would consider. More discussion is needed.

President and Village Clerk asked about moving forward regarding abandoned property on Crackers Neck on July 29 meeting with legal counsel. He will start process and advise President on August 3. Process is posting notice regarding property in question, final demand, file a lawsuit for a demolition order, place a lien against property, put out bid for demolition, ask for sale at Judicial. Once process is complete, Village will own property.

Trustee Ross reported that she and Danny Walker met with Tony Smith on July 29th concerning the Community Center floor drains. Tony Smith’s estimate for the job was $1,200.00. He will do the job at the end of August. Board agreed.

NEW BUSINESS: President received copy correspondence from Jesse Tinch of IDNR, Office of Water Resources regarding inquiry of restrictions for structures allowed in a flood plain should she decide to pursue putting a structure on her property downtown (formerly Smith service station across from Post Office.)

Someone has mowed a Smiley Face in the ballfield downtown. This is Village property and is maintained by the Village. Without permission, no one should be on the property due to liability. It was discussed whether to put up a “No Trespassing” sign at entrance?


ADJOURNMENT: President asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Trustee Ros and seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
