
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of DeSoto Board of Trustees met Aug. 15

Village of DeSoto Board of Trustees met Aug. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Acting President Eric Schuler called the second regular monthly meeting of the De Soto Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 P.M. Village Clerk Paula Parks was present to record the minutes.

Present: Tony Rushing Brian Gleason

Paulette Johnson Eric Schuler

Jennifer Morgan Cristy Desormeaux

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Cristy Desormeaux, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve them. Motion carried.

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Brian Gleason, to approve the July Revenue report. Motion carried.

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to pay the list of bills. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes. Motion carried.

Harold Sheffer of J. T. Blankinship, Inc. was present to report on the relocation of the water line under the railroad trestle on North Hickory Street. The line is too close to the surface and has to be buried deeper for the work the railroad plans to do on the trestle. Mr. Sheffer said the estimated cost to hire a contractor to relocate the water line would be about $18,600.00. He also reported that the railroad said the trestle would be closed for about one or and one-half months.

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to authorize J. T. Blankinship to get bids for relocation of the water line under the railroad trestle for about $18,600.00. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes. Motion carried

Residents of Lake Road were present to ask about the status of the case between the Village and Heather Frakes-Campbell regarding the ducks. Police Chief Ben Doan stated that the Village had not heard anything from the Village’s attorney. He will call her and get back with these residents.

Grace Painting INC had submitted an estimate $15,500.00 plus $2,800.00 if the Village wanted the doors and frames painted.

Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Tony Rushing to table discussion about painting the paneling in the village hall to get further information from the treasurer about where the funding would come from. Motion carried.

Trustee Tony Rushing reported that the Board had interviewed all of the applicants for the water meter reader position. After careful review, the Board felt Kallie Heavrin was the best candidate at this time.

Motion made Tony Rushing, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to hire Kallie Heavrin as the water meter reader on the west side of town for $.72 per meter, effective as soon as she can start. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Cristy Desormeaux – Yes. Motion carried

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to adjourn at 8:04 PM. Motion carried.
