City of Carbondale Planning Commission Met June 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Ms. Litecky called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Members Present: Sheffer, Hamilton, Lilly, Litecky, Henson
Members Absent: Miller, Burnside, Love, LeBeau
Staff Present: Lenzini, Brightharp and Maxwell
1. Approval of Minutes:
Mr. Sheffer moved, seconded by Dr. Hamilton, to approve the minutes for September 9, 2020.
The motion to approve the minutes with corrections passed with a unanimous voice vote.
2. Citizen Comments or Questions
There were none.
3. Report of Officers, Committees, Communications
There were none.
4. Public Hearings
There were none.
5. Old Business
There was none.
6. New Business
A. Mr. Lenzini went over the new staff structuring that occurred since the last meeting, as well as the changing of the name Development Services Department to Community Development Department. Mr. Lenzini stated that the purpose of the meeting is to touch base with the Commission members and to let the members know of the changes that has happened within the Planning Department. Mr. Lenzini went over the future projects that are coming up within the department. There was a discussion on the outcome of the census and the future of Home Rural.
Ms. Leticky asked when in person meetings will resume.
Mr. Lenzini stated that the next meeting will be in person as the government has started to open back up.
Ms. Leticky ask if the SIH Project, a new urgent care, that was approved in the previous meeting has started or when it will start.
Mr. Lenzini stated the department has not seen any plan submissions on that project at this time.
Ms. Leticky ask what is in the old hotel on New Era and Route 13.
Mr. Lenzini stated that it is a hotel and it’s open and has been remodeled.
6. Adjournment
Ms. Litecky adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m.