
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jacobs calls for criminal investigation into LaSalle COVID outbreak: 'Our veterans deserve better'

A deadly COVID-19 outbreak that claimed the lives of more than 30 veterans living at the LaSalle Veterans' Home may face criminal charges if a contingent of lawmakers get their way. 

A growing number of lawmakers, nine months after the tragic incident, continue to call for a criminal probe into the widespread mismanagement that led to the disastrous outbreak. 

State Rep. Paul Jacobs (R-Carbondale) is one of those lawmakers and reflected on his own Navy service in 1966 at a press conference this week. 

"I was at sea on a very old World War II carrier [...] we loaded thousands of marines on board that ship to train for helicopter assault in Vietnam," Jacobs said. "During 1966 and ’67, when I was on board there, these marines that came on board knew exactly what was in store. To me, they were all heroes. I can’t say that too much."

Through his fellow soldiers' sacrifice, Jacobs said he learned how veterans who put their lives on the line had an important job. Knowing that is why the representative is so disappointed in the Pritzker administration. 

"I think all of us who supported these men have a profound respect for them," Jacobs said. "All of us here, veterans or not veterans, appreciate the Navy corpsmen, the Army medics, the Marines, the soldiers. They’re all put in harm’s way. Their sacrifice, the sacrifice of Illinois veterans and all veterans obligates us to provide them with the highest level of care."

The Pritzker administration received harsh criticism for the COVID tragedy that swept the veterans' home. Republicans have been calling for a statewide discussion regarding the issues at Lasalle since last year. 

"Our veterans deserve better," the representative said. "They have a right to be cared for and protected, just as they have historically cared for us and protected us."

According to Quincy Reporter, several Republican members of the House Veteran Affairs Committee wrote to Chairwoman Stephanie Kifowit asking for an immediate hearing to investigate the COVID spread at Illinois veterans' homes. 

Jacobs says he has seen the state treat the veterans the opposite of how they should be treated. 

"The administration needs to get this mess straightened out," Jacobs said. "I am proud to be here today. I’m not happy to be here today. I’m here today to demand better.”