
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

City of Carbondale City Council met May 12

Webp meeting 05

City of Carbondale City Council met May 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Council Members present

Councilmember Jeff Doherty, Councilmember Lee Fronabarger, Councilmember Tom Grant, Councilmember Carolin Harvey, Councilmember Adam Loos, Councilmember Jessica Bradshaw, and Mayor John M Henry

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM

1. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting

Procedural: 1.1 Roll Call

Procedural: 1.2 Citizens' Comments and Questions

Sandy Litecky noted that she thought it was time to start enforcing the mowing Ordinance.

Procedural: 1.3 Council Comments, General Announcements, and Proclamations

Councilmember Loos asked the City Manager to respond to specific issues from an editorial published in the Southern Illinoisan, specifically regarding furloughs and how the City’s unemployment insurance differs, examples of the City tightening its belt, whether Staff had been assigned to other work when they aren’t doing other face-to-face work, and the utilization of funds to support hospitality businesses. Further, Mr. Loos remarked on a recent letter from the Carbondale Park District regarding their decision not to renew leases for Turley Park or Tatum Heights Park. Councilman Loos asked the City Manager to elaborate on the Park District’s decision, and their financial situation and related decisions. He shared his own thoughts about having a discussion item at the next City Council meeting and on how to proceed with other leased properties and the continued lease of Kids Corner.

Councilmember Fronabarger announced two free webinars in May from the Small Business Development Center which might be of interest to small businesses. He then inquired if the City has plans for a virtual Memorial Day Service and suggested a simple virtual program.

Councilmember Doherty concurred with Mr. Fronabarger’s suggestion. He also noted his disappointment with regard to the Park District’s decision and indicated he would like a discussion item on this subject at the next meeting.

Mayor Henry proclaimed May 17 through May 23, 2020 as National Public Works Week and encouraged citizens to support the second annual “fill a truck” food drive, and to salute the service of the City’s Public Works Department to the members of our community.

Mayor Henry proclaimed May 16, 2020, as Carbondale Class of 2020 Day and encouraged citizens to participate in this special day and make it one for the memory book.

2. Public Hearings and Special Reports

Public Hearing: 2.1 Public Hearing to Hear Testimony in Favor of or in Opposition to the Use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds in Support of Local Businesses Impacted by the COVID-19 Emergency

Public Hearing declared open at 6:29 p.m. Mayor Henry read the background of the item.

Erkan Alkis of Embroidery Station asked when they were going to be able to find out about the execution of the grants.

Steven Mitchell read a letter sent in the mail by an anonymous letter regarding Allied Physicians, Woodard Wellness, and Sports Blast. The entirety was read into the record: “Dear Mr. Mitchell, There are 2 businesses listed here which should be ineligible for the Downstate grant as they are considered essential by the Governor. Health Care Practitioners. Allied Physicians and Woodard Wellness. Both in Carbondale. Applicant businesses must be private for-profit small businesses considered non-essential by the Governor’s Executive Order without the ability for employees to work remotely. Again these businesses are from Health Care Providers considered essential by the Governor. They are merely being greedy and are taking money from business that need it more! The following businesses are specifically ineligible for assistance: Businesses that have both essential and non-essential activities. They do massage and other non-essential activities. Whatever records they provided are highly suspicious and manipulated.you can bet on that. If you grant them money you better audit them very closely. So is Sports Blast.”

There being no further questions, comments, or feedback, the public hearing was declared closed at 6:40 p.m. Action on the Resolutions is to occur at a later point in the agenda.

Action: 2.2 Review of Proposed Improvements at North Giant City Road and the Frontage Road Intersection in Preparation for Submitting a Grant Application for Possible Project Funding

Stan Hansen, Vice President of Crawford Murphy Tilly, reviewed a conceptual plan with the City Council and a traffic simulation developed with proposed channelized roadways at the intersection of Giant City Road and the frontage road near Illinois Route 13.

Council requested clarification about the roundabout; expressed concerns about this proposal, doing away with left hand turns, and the possible economic impact on businesses; whether Staff was aware if any property was privately owned; the need to acquire easements and the cost to the City for damages suffered by businesses; whether the roundabout can be moved; the ranking of other proposed projects; questions about proposals for this area; expectations regarding public feedback; question as to whether a design is needed to apply for the proposed grant; and individual members feedback regarding the proposal.

3. Consent Agenda of the City Council

Action (Consent): 3.1 Approval of Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting of April 28, 2020

Resolution: Approve the minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting of April 28, 2020

Action (Consent): 3.2 Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 03/31/2020 FY 2020 Warrant # WF 03/2020 in the amount of $141,833.16

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 03/31/2020 totaling $141,833.16 (Exhibit A-05-12-2020)

Action (Consent): 3.3 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 05/01/2020 for the FY 2020 Warrant 1380 in the Total Amount of $1,118,985.54

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 05/01/2020 totaling $1,118,985.54 (Exhibit B-05-12-2020)

Action (Consent): 3.4 Reappointments to Boards and Commissions

Resolution: Council is requested to concur with the Mayor's recommended reappointments to Boards and Commissions

Action (Consent): 3.5 Award of Contract for the NWWWTP Effluent Pump Station Replacement CIP No. WW1009 to Haier Plumbing & Heating Inc. of Okawville, Illinois in the Amount of $494,985.00

Resolution: Approve the Award of Contract for the NWWWTP Effluent Pump Station Replacement CIP No. WW1009 to Haier Plumbing & Heating Inc. of Okawville, Illinois in the Amount of $494,985.00

Action (Consent): 3.6 Award of Two-Year Mowing Contract for FY2021 and FY2022 to J & S Services of Desoto, Illinois in the Estimated Amount of $109,855.06

Resolution: Award the Two-Year Mowing Contract for FY2021 and FY2022 to J & S Services of Desoto, Illinois in the Estimated Amount of $109,855.06

Action (Consent): 3.7 Award of Contract for CIP No. SA1302 Haake Jenkins Lift Station to Scott Escue Construction, LLC of Cobden, Illinois in the Amount $52,000

Resolution: Award the Contract for CIP No. SA1302 Haake Jenkins Lift Station to Scott Escue Construction, LLC of Cobden, Illinois in the Amount $52,000

Action: 3.8 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase Materials from Henry Printing in an Amount Not to Exceed $4,000 for FY2021

Pulled by Mayor Henry for purposes of abstaining

Action (Consent): 3.9 Resolution Appropriating $150,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds and the IDOT Agreement for the Construction of the Chautauqua St / McLafferty Roundabout Resolution: Approve a Resolution Appropriating $150,000.00 in Motor Fuel Tax Funds and the IDOT Agreement for the Construction of the Chautauqua St / McLafferty Roundabout (Resolution 2020-R-22;Exhibit D-05-12-2020)

Action (Consent): 3.10 Approval of the Purchase of Replacement Raw Sewage Pumps for the Northwest Waste Water Treatment Plant (NWWWTP) in the Amount of $122,525.40 from Municipal Equipment Company

Resolution: Approve the Purchase of Replacement Raw Sewage Pumps for the Northwest Waste Water Treatment Plant in the Amount of $122,525.40 from Municipal Equipment Company

Action (Consent): 3.11 Approval of Consent Agenda Items

Resolution: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration

Council noted surprise that only one bid had been received for the mowing contract. MOTION: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Carolin Harvey.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry

Action: 3.8 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase Materials from Henry Printing in an Amount Not to Exceed $4,000 for FY2021

It was noted that Mayor Henry would be abstaining. There was a question regarding what type of printed materials were provided and it was noted that the City has purchased from Henry Printing for many years, but due to Mayor Henry being elected, the dollar amount is limited annually.

MOTION: Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to purchase materials from Henry Printing in an amount not to exceed $4,000 for FY2021.

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Tom Grant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw Abstain: John M Henry (Resolution 2020-R-21;Exhibit C-05-12-2020)

4. General Business of the City Council

Action, Discussion: 4.1 Council Discussion Regarding the Extension of Liquor Licenses Through CY2020 and Amending the License Year to a Calendar Year Thereafter

Council indicated their favor of extending licenses through the remainder of the calendar year. They noted the timing of inspections would change, suggested looking at refunding a prorated portion of the licensee fee for businesses that have been closed, offering credit towards next year’s license fee, and looking at changing sales of liquor to go for different types of licenses. Council indicated their approval to extend the license through the calendar year and bringing back an Ordinance to change the license year to run concurrent with the calendar year.

Their followed discussion about “to go” sales of package liquor curbside; whether such action should take council action or be authorized under the emergency declaration; which license classifications should be permitted; and whether to allow beer/wine sales only or to allow hard alcohol, too.

Scott Thorne suggested allowing them to do it for the duration of the emergency and that businesses are making a huge sacrifice during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Action: 4.2 Council Resolution of Support for Community Block Development Program Grant Applications

City Council asked to consider Dayemi Organization Inc. dba Midwest Medical Thermography in the amount of $10,142 separately.

The City Council asked Economic Development Director Steve Mitchell to respond to the questions outlined in the letter read into the public hearing. Mr. Mitchell, Economic Development Director, noted that the letter writer was partially correct, and read into the record the language from the guidebook regarding certain exceptions to the essential business requirement if other social-distancing directives make it impossible for the business to continue and that situation is satisfactorily demonstrated in the application.

City Council member explained their rationale for pulling the Resolution for Dayemi Organization Inc. The validity of thermography, whether it was FDA approved, whether Dayemi Organization was a for-profit business, whether this application could be considered in the second round of applications, and the impact of waiting for the second round, a desire to have time to research thermography and receive additional information from the applicant, and a discussion on whether to vote on this matter or to delay. There was also discussion about the application being submitted and valid, regardless of whether individual Council members agree with the practice itself. Council members indicated their personal opinions on favor or opposition.

Julie Bird asked if there are further discussions on the topic of Allied Physicians and Rehab and Woodard Wellness Center, if Mr. Steven Mitchell would speak to that and the response he received from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Anita Brown noted that Dayemi Organization was a for-profit business, that Dayemi Tariqat was the 501c3, and that she would be happy to answer questions, if possible.

Scott Thorne stated that the company met the requirements of the application.

Lynn Kidd stated she appreciated the City of Carbondale Council and Mayor discussing and considering these grants. You are all aware of the impact of this pandemic on small businesses. Being an employee of a small business with a rich history in our community I can see how much we all need this funding to keep our doors open after this closure.

Erkan Alkis, Embroidery Station, asked when they were going to find out about the execution of the grants.

MOTION: Approve Council Resolutions of Support for Community Block Development Program Grant Applications for Allied Physicians and Rehab of Southern Illinois, S.C., in the amount of $25,000; Castle Perilous Games & Books in the amount of $24,980, Cristaudo's LLC in the amount of $25,000, Flame Eatery & Wine Bar, LLC in the amount of $25,000, F-W-S Solid Surface Specialist dba F-W-S COUNTERTOPS in the amount of $25,000, Hair Brains Inc. in the amount of $16,213.74, Los Gringos Inc. (dba Tres Hombres) in the amount of $25,000, My Hat Station Inc. dba Embroidery Station in the amount of $24,997.60, Pagliai's Pizza of Carbondale Inc. in the amount of $25,000, Sports Blast LLC in the amount of $25,000, TE Enterprises, Ltd. dba Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffees in the amount of $24,982.50, Toomey Enterprises, Ltd. dba Hangar 9 in the amount o $25,000, True Adventures, Ltd. in the amount of $25,000, and Woodard Wellness Group, LLC in the amount of $25,000.

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Tom Grant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M. Henry (Resolutions 2020-R-23 – 2020-R-25 and 2020-R-27 – 2020-R-37 ; Exhibits E- through G-05-12-2020 and I- through S-05-12-2020)

MOTION: Approve a Council Resolution of Support for Community Block Development Program Grant Applications for Dayemi Organization Inc. dba Midwest Medical Thermography in the amount of $10,142.

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Tom Grant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, John M. Henry Nay: Lee Fronabarger, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw (Resolution 2020-R-26; Exhibit H -05-12-2020)

Councilmembers encouraged citizens to wear masks, to be safe, and noted our numbers in this area are on the rise; stated they would like to see a discussion item for the Park District leases issue; and indicated they would favor a special meeting for other applications.

5. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting Procedural: 5.1 Adjourn meeting

There being no further business to come before the public body, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:25 p.m.




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