City of Carbondale Illinois Liquor Advisory Board met Aug. 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The City of Carbondale’s Liquor Advisory Board held a meeting on Thursday, August 1, 2019, in Room 103 of Carbondale City Hall, 200 South Illinois Avenue. Chair Donald Monty called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with the following-named members of the Board present/absent:
1. Roll Call
Present: John Mills (exited at 6:20 p.m.), David Cisco, Colton Newlin, and Don Monty
Absent: Mark Robinson, Steve Payne, Tasis Karayiannis (excused)
A quorum was available to take action on the agenda items. City Staff present for the meeting included City Clerk Jennifer Sorrell, City Attorney Jamie Snyder, and Building & Neighborhood Services Supervisor John Lenzini.
2. Approval of Minutes from the L.A.B. Meeting of July 11, 2019
C. Newlin moved, J. Mills seconded, to approve the minutes of the L.A.B. meeting of July 11, 2019. VOTE: All voted aye; motion declared carried.
3. Continued Discussion for the Proposed Liquor Code Rewrite, Specifically Sections 2-4-10 through 2-4-14, which Includes Beer Gardens, Catering, Special Use Licenses, Duration, and Transfers
Beer Gardens/ Outdoor Café
Concerns regarding beer garden/outdoor cafés and their boundaries includes:
Identify outdoor areas for establishments whose primary purpose is liquor (i.e. bars) as “beer gardens”
Identify outdoor areas for establishments whose secondary purpose is liquor (i.e. restaurants) as “outdoor cafés
Beer gardens should have a tangible physical area or barrier to denote the boundary of the outside area
Outdoor café doesn’t necessarily have to have a barrier, but should have something to outline the designated area
Question regarding visibility of the boundaries
Materials for “clear delineation”
Do regulations need to all be the same or split between primary and secondary liquor establishments
Should beer gardens/outdoor cafés be categorized as a special condition of a liquor license
Set parameters, but allow Commission to determine the specific materials
Specifics should be clearly outlined as far as requirements and permissible materials (fencing, walls, height requirements, etc.)
Who determines the types of materials permissible for these boundaries (liquor commission or zoning board/code) and who should regulate
Should we stick to what is already established in the zoning code or create new regulations specifically for liquor establishments with beer gardens/outdoor cafés
Should the zoning code be referenced in the liquor code for regulations (“as approved by the zoning code”)
Why we would do this when the Commission can modify each application
Concerns regarding entertainment/noise in beer gardens and/or outdoor cafés:
Should it be stated that beer gardens and outdoor cafés shall comply with the current noise ordinance
Does the noise ordinance need to be modified to include distances and decibels
Exempt unless noise is beyond a certain distance
Should not be heard from “x” distance
If specifics are to be included they should be practical, not technical
Decibels, distance modification during those specified hours,
Take into consideration the various factors which influence the distance sound travels.
Due to the lengthy agenda and the fact that only 3 Board members remained, it was suggested that the rest of the discussion topics for this agenda item (catering, special use licenses, duration, and transfer) be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting on September 5, 2019 when more Board input is available.
4. Discussion About Proposed Bylaws Amendment
It was suggested that this agenda item be moved to the next regularly scheduled meeting on September 5, 2019 when more Board input is available.
5. Citizens’ Comments
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.