Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met Sept. 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Call to Order (5:01 PM)
Members Present: Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Hunter, Larkin, Mueller, Nehring, Peterson, Rendleman and Snyder
Members Absent: Calandro and Mendoza
Also Present: Robert Burns, Jeff Whitbeck, Mary Beth Varner, Jennifer Lindsey, Dana Dailey, Josh Barringer, Christy Solverson, Maurice McCann, Cheryl Benn, Kenton Schafer, Sharon Harris-Johnson, Maureen Berkowitz, Bart Hagston, and two citizens.
Approval of Minutes
I. 19-4419 July 8, 2019 Minutes
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Comparato, to approve the July 8, 2019 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Chair's Report
II. 19-4420 Workers’ Compensation
Rendleman asked what are the parameters of the workers compensation policy and how many current cases there are, the County Administrator will look into it.
III. 19-4421 Payment of Health Insurance Claims
The committee discussed the amount of the remaining claims, whether there will be any additional stoploss reimbursements, and the anticipation of paying off as many claims as possible at the end of November.
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erbes, to authorize payment of Health Insurance claims in the amount of $600,000. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IV. 19-4422 Health Insurance Task Force Erbes stated that it was decided at the Executive Committee meeting that the Health Insurance Taskforce will be on hiatus until January when it will begin meeting monthly to review how HOPE Trust is working for the county. Peterson suggested adding a retiree to the Taskforce.
V. 19-4423 Payment of County Monthly Claims
A motion was made by Comparato, seconded by Snyder, to authorize payment of the County monthly claims in the amount of $314,695.98. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 9 - Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Hunter, Larkin, Mueller, Nehring, Peterson and Snyder
Absent: 2 - Calandro and Mendoza
Abstain: 1 - Rendleman
VI. 19-4424 Payment of Board Member Travel Expenses
This item was moved to the full board.
VII. 19-4431 Cash Flow Discussion
This item was moved up so the discussion could happen prior to paying the remaining bills. Harris-Johnson provided the committee with a handout showing the amounts in each cash account and the total available to the county. She reminded the committee that the current amount would cover six payrolls. She then provided an estimate of when the next tax disbursement might be ready.
VIII. 19-4425 U of I Extension payment in the amount of $120,000
Peterson asked about the Extension Cooperative Funding bill, Hines stated that there was a wording change to say that funds "shall" be paid. Hunter thanked Hines for her patience in getting this levy paid.
A motion was made by Comparato, seconded by Erbes, to authorize payment to the U of I Extension in the amount of $120,000 as was levied. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IX. 19-4426 Greater Egypt payment in the amount of $15,054.50
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erbes, to authorize payment of the Greater Egypt invoice in the amount of $15,054.50. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
X. 19-4432 Ameren Agreement Payment in the amount of $33,932.62
The committee briefly discussed that this was payment owed from an over assessment of the Ameren property. The asked the Treasurer how many remaining payments there were, they will look into this.
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Rendleman, to authorize payment of the Ameren bill in the amount of $33,932.62. The motion carri ed by unanimous vote.
XI. 19-4445 Ambulance Emergency Request
Larkin and Schafer explained that the Ambulance Service is in need of two ambulances to continue to provide emergency medical services to the people of Jackson County. Two older ambulances currently in the fleet are in need of extensive and expensive repairs such that it makes more sense to retire them immediately and purchase new ambulances. The extent of the repairs needed were not anticipated. There is insufficient time to bid out the contract for the purchase of these ambulances. Not immediately contracting for the purchase of these new ambulances will pose a threat to publ ic health and safety and will disrupt critical County services affecting health and safety. A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Comparato, to authorize the emergency appropriation of up to $162,000 for an ambulance to prevent a threat to public health, safety, and the disruption of critical County services affecting health and safety. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Erbes, to authorize the appropriation of up to $52,000 for the purchase of a stretcher/power load system for the new ambulance. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
XII. 19-4427 JGA Budget Request
JGA was asked to schedule a time for a budget hearing. The County Administrator will look into when the last payment was made to JGA.
XIII. 19-4428 Public Defender salary adjustment
Solverson explained the need for a full time public defender, the way that cases are counted, and how the salary reimbursement works. She provided handouts to the committee illustrating that with the change to a full time public defender from a part time one there is only an increase of about $7,000 which will be off set by some savings in other areas. The committee briefly discussed why the Board has to approve a salary they have no say in deciding.
A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Comparato, to approve the public defender salary adjustment. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 9 - Comparato, Erbes, Hunter, Larkin, Mueller, Nehring, Peterson, Rendleman and Snyder
Absent: 2 - Calandro and Mendoza
Abstain: 1 - D. Bost
XIV. 19-4447 Discussion on Levy Account
Treasurer Harris-Johnson explained that the Levee bank account is about to be considered dormant by the bank and she was seeking the committees approval to do what needs done to stop this. The consensus of the committee is that this is an issue for the Treasurer to decide and deal with not a Board issue.
Executive Session
Larkin moved and D. Bost seconded to enter into executive session under 2 (c) 2 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss collective bargaining, motion carried by roll call vote. Hunter-Yes, Morris-Yes, Comparato-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Erbes-Yes, J.S. Rendleman-Yes, Nehring-Yes, Snyder-Yes, Larkin-Yes, Mueller-Yes, D. Bost-Yes
XV. 19-4430 FY2020 Budget discussion
Hunter began the discussion by informing the committee that the Finance Committee will be moved back to seven members. She went on to discuss why she assigned each committee member to departments and that the board members will be liaisons between the committee and the departments during the budgeting process. Comparato suggested that each department be prepared during their budget hearing to discuss which of their departments tasks are statutorily required and which are not. Hunter outlined the proposed timeline of hearings in September, voting to put the budget on file at the October Finance committee meeting, and final approval at the November Board meeting. She asked that the County Clerk's office, Assessments and the Board office work to get numbers prepared for the budget and look into finding spreadsheets that were used in previous years. Hunter then reminded the committee that during the budget process they need to consider:
the 2 million the county is behind from previous years health insurance
the 1 million the county is behind from this years health insurance
the requirement to pay off all claims available by Nov. 30th in order to receive any stoploss
the Grand Tower appeal
the recent fee changes both negative and positive
the need to pay off the Jail bonds and the housing of prisoner funds
the current infrastructure needs throughout the county
the decrease in taxes
the possibility of creating a multi year plan
the need to adjust the Tort liability levy to account for actual costs
the need to fund IMRF correctly and the increase due to the ERI
Hunter concluded by stating that she would li ke to see data on the area, data on the departments, and employee contributions to the departments to get a complete financial picture
Old Business
New Business
Hunter adjourned the meeting.