City of Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission and City Council met June 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission and council:
Commissioners present
Commissioner Carolin Harvey, Commissioner Adam Loos, Commissioner Jessica Bradshaw, Commissioner Jeff Doherty, Commissioner Lee Fronabarger, Commissioner Tom Grant, and Chairman John M Henry
Meeting called to order at 6:02 PM
1. Preliminaries to the Local Liquor Control Commission Meeting Procedural: 1.1 Roll Call
2. General Business of the Local Liquor Control Commission
Action: 2.1 Approval of Minutes from the Local Liquor Control Commission Meeting of June 11, 2019
MOTION: Approve the minutes from the Local Liquor Control Commission meeting held on June 11, 2019
Motion by Tom Grant, second by Carolin Harvey.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, John M Henry
Action: 2.2 Consideration of an Application for a Class A1 (Restaurant Selling Beer/Wine) Liquor License for MOD Super Fast Pizza LLC d/b/a MOD Pizza at 1370 East Main Street
Harlan Powell and Dan Wilson of Mod Pizza were present to respond to any Commission questions.
MOTION; Approve the Issuance of an A1 Liquor License to Mod Pizza with a Beergarden/Cafe, at 1370 East Main Street
Motion by Adam Loos, second by Lee Fronabarger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, John M Henry
Action: 2.3 Consideration of Renewal Applications from Mendez Family Inc. d/b/a Sergio’s Cantina and Los Gringos Inc. d/b/a Tres Hombres for the 2019 – 2020 Liquor License Year
The Commission asked Mr. Mendez why the application was submitted late and when they anticipated opening. Sergio Mendez indicated he believed that the application was due one month before the due date and was not entirely certain of an opening date.
The Commission noted the frequency of late applications and requested that a policy or Code change be implemented to establish a late fee or penalty or to not consider the renewal applications until the first meeting in July.
MOTION: Approve the Renewal of a Liquor License for Sergio's Cantina, contingent upon receipt of all outstanding items
Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Carolin Harvey.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, John M Henry
MOTION: Approve the Renewal of a Liquor License for Tres Hombres, contingent upon receipt of all outstanding items
Motion by Adam Loos, second by Jessica Bradshaw.
Motion Carries
Yea: Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, John M Henry
Action: 2.4 Consideration of a Request for Approval of a Change in Operations for W.P.S. Inc. d/b/a The Cellar at 101 West Monroe
Michelle and Paul Stokes were present to respond to Commission inquiries; they noted they were seeking to expand the outdoor area and make it more attractive. The Commission inquired if they would be expanding into the adjacent structure.
MOTION: Approve the Request for the Change in Operation at The Cellar, located at 101 West Monroe
Motion by Adam Loos, second by Carolin Harvey.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, Jeff Doherty, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, John M Henry
3. Citizens' Comments for the Local Liquor Control Commission
M Stalls asked the Commission to consider the noise/music from liquor establishments which have outdoor sales when considering their renewal applications.
4. Adjournment of the Local Liquor Control Commission
Procedural: 4.1 Time of Adjournment for Local Liquor Control Commission
The Local Liquor Control Commission adjourned at 6:20 p.m.