
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met November 13.

Webp meetingroom02

City of Murphysboro City Council met Nov. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 13th day of November, 2018. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and led the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Hunziker to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:

Present: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown, Herb Voss, Gary McComb, John Erbes, Dan Bratton, Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W.J. Pittman

Absent: None

The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the October 23, 2018, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting. Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Brown

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Mayor Stephens inquired as to:

#722 page 2 Brown Electric? Light repair.

Alderman Bratton inquired as to:

#722 page 2 Burke Electric? Waste water treatment plant.

#722 page 7 Last item, number of people? 12-15, employees and department heads.

#722 page 10 Northeastern Public Safety? Advanced Firefighter tech training.

#722 page 12 Sam’s Club – interest charge? From last month late payment.

#722 page 14 Steve McBride reimbursement? Halloween candy for the fire station and bought pizza for the mutual aid for Trump’s visit.

Alderman Hughes inquired as to:

#722 page 4 Dean Bush Construction – how are we reimbursed for? This is for the pipe, been told the city will be made whole.

Alderman Campos inquired as to:

#722 page 14 Repair for $400? For work truck driver’s seat.

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #722 through November 13, 2018, accounts receivable through October 31, 2018, and payroll through October 31, 2018. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Bratton Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried


Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items. Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Presentation of Financial Reports by Budget Officer, Scott Evans: Presented the city- wide Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement through September, 2018. Alderman Bratton inquired as to the status of: police console – paid in full; backhoe – will be paid off in July; street sweeper – paid off in 1-1/2 years. Mr. Evans stated he is meeting with the department heads on Wednesday, November 14 and the budget meeting will be November 29. Alderman Pittman asked about the CD’s, if we are taking advantage of the rising rates? Yes. Alderman Bratton asked what the interest rate on payments is? 2%.

Consideration of Renewal of Line of Credit at First Bank & Trust: Ms. Ripley stated it is due in December, the bank is agreeable and interest will go from 4.94% to 5%.

Motion: To renew the city’s line of credit at First Bank & Trust.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman Brown Alderman Pittman called for a voice vote. All were in favor, Alderman Pittman abstained.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.


New Business:

Discussion regarding city-owned properties: Alderman McComb stated he is willing to talk to the neighbors regarding adjoining property purchase where the city had torn down houses and now mow. Cost of $600? Attorney Blake stated the city would have to follow procedure. Alderman McComb stated that will cost more, once the law firm is paid for that work. Alderman Pittman asked if they could all be advertised at the same time? Attorney Blake stated they can all be done at the same time. Alderman Bratton asked if they can be listed by the street address or the legal description. Attorney Blake replied by the legal description. Alderman Hughes asked if the council had established a year ago that it would cost so much to advertise they decided not to do it? Alderman Voss asked what is paid in labor to mow the properties? Alderman Pittman added that the taxes would then be paid by the private owner. Alderman Campos asked if the publication can be in the County Journal? It might be less expensive. Attorney Blake stated that would be fine. Alderman McComb asked if the city gives the property away on Mow To Own, is there a legal fee? Attorney Blake stated that is different. Alderman McComb stated there are people who want to Mow To Own. Attorney Blake stated the city would be establishing it’s own procedure. Mayor Stephens then stated we need to pull the file of what has already been published and compare it to the current listing. Even if it costs the city some money, it will continue to cost to mow. Mr. Kennedy stated he has a list. Alderman McComb stated just a list of the lots the city mowed, for the next meeting.

No public comment.

Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time. New Business:

Discussion regarding Tina Moore accident/request: Alderman Erbes stated it was submitted to the city’s insurance. Mayor Stephens stated it was denied and asked for it to be placed on the agenda. Alderman McComb stated the only thing to do is re-submit it. The city has never paid anything the insurance has denied. Alderman Pittman asked why it was denied. Mayor Stephens answered because the city did not know about it in advance. He went on to state that he sympathizes with the Moores. With the issue with the backed up sewer, there was something the citizen could have done. There was nothing they could have done to prevent this. Mrs. Moore stated that it collapsed underneath them and that it looked like there was plywood with asphalt on top of it. Alderman Campos stated that the city is liable. Alderman Erbes asked Mr. Lee for his opinion. Mr. Lee stated that the sewer main collapse ultimately caused this. You should not expect the street to collapse under you. Alderman Pittman stated that the insurance is only there for negligence and Alderman Erbes agreed. Mayor Stephens asked if their claim was for $971.13? Mrs. Moore stated yes, just for the mechanics. They are not asking for body repair. Alderman McComb asked if they had full coverage and Mrs. Moore replied no, just liability. Alderman Bratton asked if the insurance was checking on something. Mrs. Moore replied they were checking on prior road repair. They told the Moores they should have notified the city. Alderman Voss stated that if they look at it individually, the city is not setting precedent; gauging it on its own merits. Alderman Erbes stated that if the city did not know about it, they could not fix it. Mayor Stephens added that the insurance company sends out a lot of denial letters. He feels the city should pay for the repairs. Alderman Bratton asked if the check would be to Pat’s and Mrs. Moore jointly? Mrs. Moore stated yes. Alderman McComb asked what it someone blows out a tire and rim because they hit a pothole? Alderman Voss replied that this is a completely different situation. Alderman McComb asked if the motion was to pay $971.13? Yes.

Motion: For payment of $971.13 contingent upon signing of release of full satisfaction.

Motion by Alderman Pittman Second by Alderman Campos Alderman Erbes called for a voice vote. All were in favor except Alderman Bratton and Alderman McComb who voted No.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Request for Hometown Christmas Event: Mayor Stephens stated they have asked for a $1000 donation to Hometown Christmas. Alderman Bratton asked where does tourism come in this – do they support it? Mayor Stephen replied he does not know. Mr. Evans stated he does not think they have donated to it. Alderman Bratton stated there was a huge crowd last year. Mayor Stephens stated they are getting a second carriage for rides and are having food vendors. Alderman Erbes asked if it is a donation or payment? Attorney Blake stated there is no difference. Alderman Bratton stated he thinks tourism should also donate towards it. He will reach out to Mike Jones.

Motion: To donate $1000 to the Hometown Christmas Event.

Motion by Alderman Bastien Second by Alderman Brown Alderman Erbes called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Bastien opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.

Old business:

Consideration of Downtown TIF District: Mayor Stephens stated he has already presented this to the council as to the benefits to the community. Smysor Foundation has granted $10,000 towards the start-up cost. Keith Moran would cap the firm’s fees at $27,500. Would need $2000 initially then two $12,750 payments. Have previously discussed using $10,000 from the demo fund then would need $7500 in next year’s budget. Mayor Stephens has spoken to other communities who have stated this is very beneficial. Alderman Voss suggested asking Mr. Evans for suggestions as to where the city might find those funds. Alderman Bratton would like to wait until the budget is settled first, really does not want to take from the demo fund. Alderman Bastien stated he would like to add North 19th Street to the map. Mayor Stephens stated that makes sense. He then stated he would like the council to continue to think about it and will hold it on the agenda. Alderman Pittman then added that promoting buildings and businesses would help save on demo’s.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment

Alderman Bratton opened discussion for Public Works related items. Old business:

Update on Sewer Main Repairs at Hotel Site: Mayor Stephens stated there was a meeting held today regarding this issue and the best solution is to relocate that section of main 50 feet to the west. It would take an incredible amount of work to stabilize. Mr. Sheffer stated that hopefully this will alleviate the problem. There will need to be two more manholes and approximately 450 feet of pipe. Mr. Lee stated it is the most cost efficient solution. Mr. Stewart agreed. Alderman McComb asked if the current manholes are staying? Yes. Alderman Bratton asked if it will be put out for bid? When can it start? Is Joe Koppeis still willing to reimburse the city for the cost? Mayor Stephens stated it is an emergency repair, will let Bush continue to make the repair, hopefully starting Monday. Alderman Bratton asked if a motion is needed? Attorney Blake stated since the costs are unknown, it would be considered a change order. Alderman Bratton asked Mr. Sheffer to draw it up, submit it and contact Bush Construction. Mayor Stephens stated he will impress upon Mr. Koppeis the importance of coming to a council meeting. Alderman McComb asked if Mr. Sheffer has to wait until the next meeting? Mr. Lee stated it is a change order, we do the work then submit the bill. Attorney Blake stated we need to vote to give Mr. Sheffer the ok to proceed with submitting the paperwork for an emergency permit.

Motion: To give Mr. Sheffer permission to proceed with submitting the paperwork for an emergency permit.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Brown

Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Road Project: Mr. Sheffer stated it is down to 1.3 acres. Will have to buy three times that amount, at $27,000 per acre, added to the original cost. Will need a new permit. Alderman Bratton asked if that was his recommendation? Mr. Sheffer stated they have marked trees and Mr. Stewart will get a bid on cutting the trees.

Motion: To get bids to cut out the trees marked.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Erbes Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Alderman Bratton asked what the cost is? Mr. Sheffer stated $320,000 and will use the pile of dirt at the plant. Mayor Stephens stated everyone appreciates conservation and that is a lot of money but we said we were going to do this. Alderman Hughes added it is a matter of safety for the employees. Alderman McComb added that you cannot get equipment in otherwise. Do not know if any of our Representatives or Senator could help with this.

Motion: To proceed with the purchase of the wetlands.

Motion by Alderman Campos Second by Alderman Erbes Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

New business:

Discussion regarding water issue at the Murphysboro Middle School: Alderman McComb stated he received a call from the secretary. The school district created the problem when they put in the ramp, on the northeast corner. If the city puts in a grate it would still be 100’ to the nearest manhole. Mr. Jeff Keener stated it is a safety issue, people step out into water or a sheet of ice. Two weeks ago a parent drove up on the curb and a delivery truck hit it. Asking the city to look at it. Alderman McComb suggested that the street sweeper get the water around the corner. Alderman Bratton asked Mr. Keener if he will verify if the school would pay the city the cost or get a bid for the work to be done. Mr. Keener answered that he will ask. Alderman Bastien stated he received a call and has looked at it. Alderman Pittman asked if they could go across their own property to tie into the city? Yes.

Consideration of Resolution for Right-of-Way Acquisition for the 7th Street Project: Mr. Sheffer stated this appropriates money for the city’s share, have had some businesses donate towards this. The city’s share would be 20% or $50,000.

Motion: To appropriate $50,000 for the city’s share of the 7th Street Project.

Motion by Alderman Erbes Second by Alderman Campos Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Brown opened discussion for Public Safety related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business:

Consideration of disposal of Fire Department surplus items: Chief McBride stated he is cleaning house. Would like to remove the Ford tailgate from the list but the rest will remain and would like to declare as surplus.

Motion: To declare the Fire Department items as surplus.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman Voss Alderman Brown called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of amendment to the Open Burning Ordinance: Chief McBride stated they have had several illegal burning calls recently. He has made some proposed changes to the Open Burning Ordinance to make it more defined. Mayor Stephens stated that it is a good idea to update it. Attorney Blake stated it looks good except for #4 on both – “approved container”. Chief McBride stated under recreation it defines what that is on #2, will add to both.

Motion: To adopt the amendment to the Open Burning Ordinance with the proposed changes from counsel.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman Bratton Alderman Brown called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Discussion regarding issue at 1916 Edith Street: Mayor Stephens added this to the agenda at the request of Evelyn Jackson, a neighbor. There are young children who reside there, water is off, stealing power. Mr. Kennedy stated this has been going on for some time, kids in and out, no power, no water. Mayor Stephens asked Chief Ellermeyer to continue to assign extra patrols for that area.

Alderman Brown stated that the water fountain in the fire station does not work. Chief McBride added that it does not cool anymore and would like to replace it with a fountain that allows you to refill water bottles. Cost is approximately $900. Mayor Stephens asked if he has money in his budget? Chief McBride replied he will see what he can find. Fireman Morber added that it is used by both the fire and police departments.

Public Comment: Alderman Campos stated that in the past year there has been vandalism, cars broken into and businesses windows broken. She was asked if the city has cameras downtown? Asked for this to be put on the agenda. Mayor Stephens stated this has been proposed previously, thinks something positive could come from it. Alderman Campos stated we owe it to our businesses – safety and help from our police department.

Alderman Hughes opened discussion for Personnel related items.

Old business:

Discussion regarding Family Ride-Along Policy for all City Departments: Alderman Hughes asked if there were any new developments? Mayor Stephens stated he had emailed the Southern Illinois Mayor’s Association and had not heard back so he called the office. The secretary had been in the hospital so will send out the inquiry tomorrow. Mayor Stephens reiterated that there is insurance coverage. Alderman Hughes stated this item will be tabled until new information is received.

New business:

Consideration of Ordinance amending the policy prohibiting sexual harassment: Attorney Blake stated this is required by state law, it contains a new requirement for the time for filing a claim. This amends the previous ordinance.

Motion: To adopt the Ordinance amending the policy prohibiting sexual harassment.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Brown Alderman Hughes called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Update on Mobile Ranch Mobile Home Park: Mayor Stephens stated he has spoken to the manager who plans on attending the next meeting. Mr. Kennedy stated that they are starting to tear down another trailer. He will contact the manager and will send a letter concerning more tear downs. Mayor Stephens then encouraged the council to drive through the trailer court to see the conditions for themselves. Alderman Hughes asked how many need to be torn down? Mr. Kennedy replied it was on the list he had provided at a previous meeting.

Consideration of Settlement of Pending Complaint to make safe and secure Brown Shoe Factory property: Attorney Blake has spoken with the attorney and sent him the letter of city approval of Rawson Excavation and the request that the cost of the title work be added to the amount to be repaid. The client has agreed and Attorney Blake has asked for the title work be prepared today. Alderman Bratton asked if there is any way it can be set up so no more liens can be taken out against the property? Attorney Blake answered that mortgages have first priority. Alderman Bratton then asked if there is a lien already? Attorney Blake stated that one property is in the name Carl Hohlman and our mortgage will be against her interest in that property. Alderman Bratton then asked the amount of the mortgage? $44,500 plus title work and recording fees.

Consideration of Moving the December City Council meeting to 12/6 and 12/20:

Motion: To move the December City Council meetings to December 6th and 20th.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Bratton Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Approval of Ordinance establishing an Enterprise Zone in Jackson County: Mayor Stephens explained that it expires in 2020 so we pay 1/3 of the cost to re-apply, then go to the next step.

Motion: To Approve an Ordinance establishing an Enterprise Zone in Jackson County.

Motion by Alderman Bratton Second by Alderman McComb Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Approval of Ordinance authorizing the City of Murphysboro to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Jackson County and City of Carbondale for Enterprise Zone:

Motion: To Approve an Ordinance authorizing the City of Murphysboro to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Jackson County and the City of Carbondale for an Enterprise Zone.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried


Barb Hughes Nothing

Jance Curry-Witzman Nothing

Russell Brown Nothing

Herb Voss Nothing

Gary McComb Nothing

John Erbes Asked if the house on South 14th Street is still standing? Mr. Kennedy stated there is a 40-yd. dumpster there. Attorney Blake said Attorney Heller stated the owner is working on it this week.

Dan Bratton Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Mike Bastien Nothing

Gloria Campos Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.

W. J. Pittman Thanked Chief McBride for inviting himself and the Mayor to participate in the Fire Ops Program. Proof that their job is hard, hats off.


Richard Blake Nothing

Sandra Ripley Nothing

Scott Evans Nothing

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve McBride Fire Ops, entry level test given which netted one candidate. The High School student intern spent the day with the fire department while in Carbondale assisting with a fire call. The President’s visit went well, all was covered. Presented a video and pictures of the Fire Ops 101 Program. Firemen L. Liggett and C. Morber presented certificates of completion to Mayor Stephens and Alderman Pittman for their participation in the Fire Ops 101 Program.

Jamie Ellermeyer Has been a good week. Currently going through policy and meeting people.

Eric Kennedy Nothing

Tim Lee There have been a couple of water breaks on Highway 13.

Brian Manwaring Nothing. Mayor Stephens added that he is working on the new city website, it is almost ready and looks really good.

Jim Stewart Has had some breakdowns that he does not feel should happen but are repairing.

Motion: To adjourn

Motion by Alderman Bastien Second by Alderman Campos

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m
