Herrin City Council met June 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Call To Order__________________________________________Steve Frattini, Mayor
Prayer: Terry Griffith, West Monroe Apostolic Church
Pledge Of Allegiance
Roll Call_______________________________________________Shelly Huggins, City Clerk
Minutes Of The Regular Meeting: June 11, 2018
Treasurer’s Report_____________________________________Carl Goodwin, Treasurer
Budget Office Report___________________________________Carrie Cravens, Budget Director
Codes__________________________________________________Robert Craig, Inspector
Public Works___________________________________________Bill Sizemore, Chairman
________________________________________Tom Somers, Director
Public Improvement_____________________________________Marilyn Ruppel, Chairman
Public Safety ___________________________________________Quinn Laird, Police Chief
________________________________________Shawn Priddy, Fire Chief
________________________________________David Shoemake, Chairman
Finance: Ok And Pay Bills Paul York, Chairman
Insurance_______________________________________________Sheila Ahlgren, Chairman
Liaison – Herrin Library__________________________________Marilyn Ruppel
Liaison – Herrin Civic Center_____________________________Scott Kinley
Old Business:
New Business:
1.Ordinance 16-2018 Amending Herrin TIF I Redevelopment Project Area, Removing Certain Parcels from Said Project Area.
2.Ordinance 17-2018 Approving the Herrin TIF III Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project.
3.Ordinance 18-2018 Designating the Herrin TIF III Redevelopment Project Area.
4.Ordinance 19-2018 Adopting Herrin Tax Increment Financing III.
5.Agreement – SIEG.
6.Authorize Purchase of New Police Department Security System.
7.Discussion and Possible Action regarding Tyler Street Lift Station.
8.Discussion and Possible Action regarding Chittyville Rd. Lift Station Bid.
9.Johnston Controls Inc. – Meter Project Update.
10.Flag presentation to the Herrin Fire Department.
Public Comment: