Marion City Council met May 30.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Rinella. Mayor Rinella called the meeting to order. The roll call response was as follows:
Physically Present: Commissioner Webb and Commissioner Goss and Mayor Rinella.
Absent: Commissioner Hightower and Patton.
Mayor Rinella stated this is a Continued Meeting form Tuesday May 29, 2018 to approve the bids for South Carbon/ West Main Intersection improvements.
Engineer Glenn Clarida presented the three bids:
Samon Construction- $121,475.00
Evrard/ Strang- $128,740.80
E.T. Simonds- $133,702.09
Commissioner Goss made a motion to approve Samron Construction as the low bidder at $122,474.00 for the construction of the South Carbon/ West Main Intersection improvements. Commissioner Webb seconded the motion.
On Roll Call Vote Commissioners Webb And Goss And Mayor Rinella Voted Yea.
11:40 a.m. Commissioner Goss made a motion to adjourn the Continued Meeting Commissioner Webb seconded the motion.
On Roll Call Vote Commissioners Webb And Goss And Mayor Rinella Voted Yea.