Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met June 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order (5:00 pm)
Members Present: Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Hunter, Larkin, Maxwell and Peterson
Also Present: John S. Rendleman, Laurie Nehring, Emily Burke, Mark Dallas, Lisa Gill, Grant Guthman, Sarah Patrick, Susie Kil quist, Mary Varner, Sharon Harris-Johnson, Dana Dailey, Lisa Jacquot, Josh Barringer, Michelle Tweedy, Greg Hubbs
Approval of Minutes
I. 18-3436 May 10, 2018 Minutes
Peterson pointed out that under item 10-3369 the word March should be changed to May.
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by D. Bost, to approve the May 10, 2018 minutes. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Chair's Report
A. Payment of County Monthly Claims
B. Payment of Board Member Travel Expenses
A. Maxwell moved and Erbes seconded to pay the county monthly claims in the amount of $290,240.61, motion carried. The committee requested that the Treasurer provide account balances each month to them. This item will be placed on the agenda for all future meetings.
B. Larkin moved and Comparato seconded to pay board member travel reimbursements in the amount of $3,031.05, motion carried.
II. 18-3437 FY2017 Audit Presentation
Dallas gave the KEB board presentation on the FY17 audit. He began by reviewing the unmodified opinion and pointing out that most of the complications were do to the new financial software program, there were a lot of journal entries. Then he reviewed the management comments, the management letter, some highlights, trends they saw and some advisory comments. This will be voted on at the June county board meeting.
III. 18-3438 RFP for County Audit
Tweedy reported that legal has approved the RFP for a County Auditor. Rendleman inquired about posting notice and providing various firms with the RFP. Tweedy reminded the committee that in the past the notice was placed in the paper and interested firms contacted the board office for the RFP. Hunter hasn't had a chance to read the RFP but requested that it be moved to the full board and that the committee review it before then.
A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Erbes, to approve the RFP for a County Auditor. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IV. 18-3439 IMRF: Early Retirement Incentive
The committee reviewed the responses from each department. It was noted that all positions interested in early retirement would need to be replaced so there is not going to be major cost savings in that area. Nehring asked if anyone had spoken to the department heads to see if they could move tasks around and not have to rehire for all the positions that may take early retirement. Larkin inquired about getting age data on health insurance costs, the committee discussed how that would be done and whether it is legal. The consensus is to get legal opinion on whether this is allowable. Tweedy also reminded the committee that many of the retirees would stay on the health insurance plan. The board office staff was asked to put together a spreadsheet on the cost/benefit of early retirement, it should include salary data for five to ten years, health insurance costs, and the cost to the county. This item will be discussed at the July meeting.
V. 18-3440 Credit Card Authorization
The county board would like to authorize staff to be able to use the county credit card. The Treasurer said that nothing formal was needed that she just needs to know that the board wants to use it. The consensus of the committee is to allow staff to use the county credit card.
Computing Services-
VI. 18-3441 SpyGlass
Hunter reported that SpyGlass has completed their assessment and only found $30 in savings and if the county pursues that savings then half of the money will go to SpyGlass. The consensus of the committee is to not pursue working with SpyGlass. The committee went on to discuss the phone usage of the county. Barringer reported that the county phone usage has increased significantly over the last year. Tweedy spoke about the amount of phone bills that the county receives each month. The committee requested that Barringer look closer at the numbers and what the usage is per department and report back at the next meeting. Hunter suggested that during budgeting the board may want to look at the charging each department for their portion of the phone bills.
A. Worker's Compensation Update
B. Payment of Health Insurance Claims
A. Nothing to report at this time.
B. Tweedy reviewed the health insurance handouts that were provided in the packet. The committee asked questions regarding the carry over amounts and their placement on the reports. Larkin moved and Erbes seconded to pay the administrative costs, the remaining April 6 claims and the April 20 claims.
Nehring Left the meeting at this time.
VII. 18-3442 Health Insurance Update
a. Non-bargaining unit schedule of benefit changes
b. Health Savings Account
c. Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee
d. Employer Shared Responsibility Payment
A. Hunter reported that she is working with Schermer to update the schedule of benefits to reflect the changes for non-bargaining unit employees.
B. Hunter suggested that the county provide a Health Savings account to non-bargaining unit employees to go along with the plan changes. Larkin asked for information on how that would work. Tweedy told the committee that the county already offers a flex spending account and that a health savings could probably be added with it. She will get some information for the committee for the July meeting.
C. Larkin moved and Erbes seconded to pay the patient centered outcomes research institute fee, motion carried.
D. Tweedy updated the committee on the progress, she has provided all the information the IRS requested and has refuted the claim. She is waiting to hear back from them. Tweedy went on to say that she was told by the IRS that this is an issue that everyone is having and that it will continue to happen each year until the IRS gets all the bugs worked out.
Old Business
New Business
Executive Session
VIII. 18-3443 Executive Session under 2 (c) 1 to discuss personnel
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by D. Bost, to approve entering into Executive Session under 2 (c) 1 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss personnel. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Hunter, Maxwell and Peterson
Absent: 1 - Larkin
Adjourn (7:03 pm):
Comparato moved and Erbes seconded to adjourn, motion carried