
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois Heartland Library System Executive Committee met February 19.

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Illinois Heartland Library System Executive Committee met Feb. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call to Order

-Sandy West called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m.

Roll Call

Members present: Sandy West, Tiffany Droege (exits meeting at 5:11 p.m., reenters meeting at 5:13 p.m.), Sara Zumwalt

Members absent/excused: Geoff Bant, Stacey Carter

Others present: Leslie Bednar

Public Comment


Approval of Minutes

-Sara Zumwalt motioned to approve November 20, 2017 minutes. Tiffany Droege second.

Motion carried by voice vote.

SHARE Update

-Leslie Bednar shared that Cassandra Thompson is meeting with all SHARE staff as a way of introduction, getting to know the SHARE team and how best to support them.

Administrative Updates

Accounting and Human Resources

-Finance staff are prepping for training on executive view of the Abila database as staff are in the budget development process. This is a much-needed development that gives real-time access to budget managers.

Membership and Grants

-The focus has been on certification and completion of the Interlibrary Loan traffic survey for member libraries.


-Administrative team is developing plan for Design Thinking workshop for IHLS staff this spring or summer. Stacie has developed a corporate strategy for vehicle wraps partnership.

Open Meetings Act Compliance

-IHLS is in compliance.

Committee Updates


-Sandy West reported no meeting held in February.

Budget and Finance

-Sara Zumwalt reported committee held a regular meeting in February.

Facilities and Operations

-Committee did not meet in February.

Membership and Policy

-Tiffany Droege reported no meeting held in February.


-Committee did not meet in February.


-Leslie Bednar provided an update on committee meeting and activities. committee is running on schedule with anticipation of ballot to members on March 15.

Unfinished Business

IHLS Board Networking Events

-Sandy West reminded committee members the next networking opportunity is March 27, 4 p.m. at the Decatur Public Library. We anticipate a good member library turnout.

New Business

Board Parliamentarian

-Sandy West suggests board appoint a parliamentarian to keep meetings moving forward. She will bring a recommendation to the February board meeting.

System Board Authority

-Committee recommended this topic be removed from the board agenda(s) going forward.

Personnel -- (This portion of the meeting may be held in executive session pursuant to Section 5 ILCS 120 § 2(c)(1))

-Committee discussed employee compensation in open session. No action was taken.

February Board Meeting Agenda

-Committee reviewed draft agenda for February board meeting.

Public Comment



-Sara Zumwalt announced the Litchfield Public Library District Open House is Sunday, February 25 from Noon – 3 p.m.


-Motion to adjourn at 5:45 p.m. by Tiffany Droege, second by Sara Zumwalt. Motion passed by voice vote.
