
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carbondale - Planning Commission met Jan. 10.

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City of Carbondale - Planning Commission met Jan. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

1. Old Business:

Mr. Taylor stated that the Election of Officers committee had met and Mr. Love announced the committee’s nomination of officers to be Ms. Litecky as chair, Mr. Sheffer as 1st Vice Chair and Dr. Burnside as 2nd Vice Chair.

Dr. LeBeau moved to approve the nomination of officers, seconded by Mr. Henson.

The motion to approve passed with a unanimous voice vote.

2. Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Love moved, seconded by Dr. Burnside, to approve the minutes for November 29,


The motion to approve the minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote.

There was a mistake at the end of the minutes to change Dr. LeBeau as adjourning the meeting not Ms. Litecky.

3. Citizen Comments or Questions

There were none

4. Report of Officers, Committees, Communications

There were none

5. Public Hearings

PC 18-10, 6:07 pm- Dr. Ahmed Tariq is requesting a Special Use Permit for a Group Home II located in the 1100 block of East Rendleman Avenue within an R-2, Medium Density Residential, District.

Ms. Litecky declared Public Hearing PC 18-10 open and asked Mr. Taylor to read the legal notice.

Travis Taylor, Senior Planner for the City of Carbondale, read the legal notice.

Ms. Litecky asked Megan Brightharp, Planner for the City of Carbondale, to present the staff report.

Ms. Brightharp was sworn in and read parts A and B of the staff report.

Ms. Litecky asked if there were any questions of staff.

Ms. Litecky asked if they would have to do any storm water retention. Mr. Taylor stated that they would have to do storm water retention because the code requires such for new construction.

Ms. Litecky asked if the applicant was present and wished to speak.

Dr. Ahmed Tariq came forward and stated that this location was picked because of its central location within the city and that it has access to many surrounding businesses and facilities for those that would live at the location. Dr. Tariq also stated that he felt this facility would help with the neighborhood that surrounds that location and enhance the environment. Dr. Tariq also stated that they would make the entrance to the facility between Dogwood and the gas station so it would not cause issues with traffic. He also spoke about the safety of the residents at the facility by putting up fencing and adding security cameras.

Ms. Litecky asked if there were any questions of the applicant.

Dr. Hamilton asked for more information regarding the type of individuals that would be using the facility, such as age group, types of disabilities they might have, etc. Dr. Tariq stated that it would be anyone above the age of 55 and that there would be staff there 24 hours. Dr. Tariq also spoke about the need for these types of facilities because people do not always have a means to afford more expensive faculties. He is looking to make a nice and affordable place for people to spend their old age and not have to worry about finances. He shared some personal experiences with older members of his own family.

Dr. Hamilton also questioned the medications that these types of individuals might need and administering the medications. He also wanted to know about the transportation of the residents. Dr. Tariq stated that he planned to hire nursing and medical staff to administer medications as needed. He also plans to have an office on site so he can see the residents as they need medical assistance. Dr. Tariq also stated that he planned to purchase a vehicle for the facility to transport residents to different locations as needed.

Ms. Litecky asked if there was any State oversite of the facility. Dr. Tariq stated that there would be a staff member that would have to be state certified and go through training.

Ms. Litecky asked if anyone wished to speak in favor.

There was no one.

Ms. Litecky asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition.

Mr. Taylor stated that he had received a letter in opposition from Evelyn Aiden because of the traffic congestion that it might cause on Walnut and it could cause disturbance in a quiet neighborhood.

Ryan Watkins of 1137 East Rendlemen came forward to speak in opposition. Mr. Watkins stated that he and his neighbors had signed a petition against putting an assisted living facility in their neighborhood. Mr. Watkins stated that he had since spoken with Dr. Tariq and many of his concerns had be addressed but he still wished to speak for his neighbors. He then read a letter that he had sent to Dr. Tariq and there was then discussion about the letter, items in the letter included safety concerns, traffic concerns, medical care for the residents, and the noise of construction of the facility. The main concern seemed to be the increase of traffic in the residential neighborhood. He decided not to turn in the petition that he and his neighbors had signed because most of his concerns had been addressed.

Ms. Litecky asked Ms. Brightharp to read the analysis.

Ms. Brightharp read Parts C and D of the staff report for PC 18-10, with a recommendation of approval.

Ms. Litecky asked if the Commissioners had questions for staff.

There were none.

Ms. Litecky asked if there were questions from anyone to anyone.

Dr. LeBeau asked what would happen with the abandoned gas station located near this property. Ms. Brightharp stated that there is a family that owns it and is currently renovating it to reopen after the winter season.

Mr. Henson asked if there would be any semi traffic at this location. Mr. Watkins spoke about this concern and stated that the concrete median is the main concern as was the traffic on Walnut Street.

Dr. Hamilton asked if the police department had been involved in the past about the residence that Mr. Watkins spoke about. Mr. Taylor stated that to his understanding the police have been called out to that location in the past. Mr. Taylor also spoke about some of these concerns about traffic might be better addressed when a site plan is submitted by Dr. Tariq.

Ms. Litecky asked about the street width requirements for emergency vehicles to access the facility. Gail White of White and Borgognoni Architects came forward to speak, he stated that he had been working with Dr. Tariq on plans for the facility. He stated that the exact measurements would have to be discussed with the City Planning and Engineering Departments but he gave rough estimates of the space that is needed for these types of vehicles.

Ms. Litecky declared PC 18-10 closed and asked for a motion on the findings of fact.

Mr. Sheffer moved that the Commission accept as findings of fact Part A and B of the staff report for PC 18-10, the applicant was present, one letter was presented in opposition, no one spoke in favor and one spoke in opposition, seconded by Mr. Love.

The motion was passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Mr. Sheffer moved to vote on the seven criteria as one, seconded by Mr. Love.

The motion was passed with a voice vote, but Dr. Hamilton was opposed.

Mr. Sheffer moved that the seven criteria had been met in PC 18-10, seconded by Ms. Lilly.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes – 7 (Miller, LeBeau, Sheffer, Henson, Burnside, Love, Lilly)

No – 2 (Hamilton and Litecky)

Mr. Sheffer moved that the Commission recommend approval of the special use permit and send PC 18-10 to City Council, seconded by Dr. Burnside.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes – 9 (Miller, LeBeau, Sheffer, Hamilton, Henson, Burnside, Love, Lilly, Litecky)

No –0

Mr. Taylor stated that the item would move forward with recommendation for approval of PC 18-10 and that the item would be on the City Council agenda for discussion at their meeting on January 23, 2018.

6. New Business

A. City Council Agenda from December 19, 2017 and January 9, 2018.

Ms. Bradshaw reviewed the City Council meetings as they related to Planning.

7. Adjournment

Ms. Litecky adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m.
