City of Carbondale Sustainability Commission met Nov. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
1. Roll Call: Mr. Beck called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m.
Members Present: Mr. Beck, Mr. Kunath, Mr. Grant, Mr. Thorne
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Loren Polley
Others Present: Two Carbondale residents. Sarah Heyer from KCB.
Minutes: Mr. Thorne set a motion for approval of August 17th, 2017, minutes, all in favor.
2. Communications:
Review of the current Status Report of the Former Koppers Wood-Treating Site. Updates should be posted on website. Current reports should be sent to the sustainability email as well.
Old Business: Polystyrene Foam, Plastic bag ban. Relook at Operating Papers and vote. Power purchase agreements are allowed in the state. Figure out who is interested in solar. Sarah Heyer presented a report of City of Carbondale polystyrene foam usage.
New Business: Paving grids need to be looked at for usage. Local Dicamba usage needs to be evaluated.
Citizen Comments:
Commission Comments:
Adjournment: With no further business to be conducted the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.