Jackson County Real Property Committee met Feb. 7.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Call to Order (5:00 PM)
Members Present: D. Bost, Endres, Hunter, Mendoza, Jr., Mueller, Peterson and Rendleman
Members Absent: S. Bost
Also Present: Andrew Erbes, Malcolm Leigh
Approval of Minutes
I. 18-3149 January 17, 2018 minutes
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Endres, to approve the January 17th, 2017 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Highway Department
A. SIMPO-Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization
B. Jackson County Bike Paths/Trails
C. Payment of Highway Monthly Claims
A. No new information at this time.
B. Peterson provided an email with a map of the area where the bike path from Carbondale to Murphysboro is going to be expanded.
C. Endres moved and Hunter seconded to pay the Highway monthly claims in the amount of $40,941.20 Land Use & Economic Development
A. Greater Egypt Regional Planning & Development Commission
B. Supervisor of Assessments
C. Jackson Growth Alliance
D. Comprehensive Plan
E. River Levee Project Update
A. No new information at this time.
B. No new information at this time.
C. Mueller reported that JGA is looking for small businesses who are interested in donating to them.
D. No new information at this time.
E. Rendleman inquired about where the money for the Levee District is being housed and how much the Bond was for. Peterson indicated that she will ask Mr. Holt.
County Buildings & Grounds
II. 18-3150 Courthouse Restroom Faucets
The committee discussed the faucets and bid that was received. Peterson informed the committee that putting in manual faucets is not feasible with the public access and ADA compliance.
A motion was made by Endres, seconded by D. Bost, to authorize acceptance of faucet repair proposal from Absolute Plumbing, provided it is still valid. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
III. 18-3151 Building Purchase for Probation
It is the consensus of the committee that this information be passed on to the Public Building Commission.
Old Business
New Business
Leigh with the Shawnee Lodging Association spoke to the committee about the marketing plan that they are planning to implement in 2018. The Association would like for Jackson County to provide $2225 to assist with doing Facebook and Google marketing through a marketing company from Oregon. Leigh was encouraged to submit a proposed budget, information on the marketing plan, and a request for funds prior to the March meeting.
Adjourn (5:36 PM)
Mueller moved and Hunter seconded to adjourn, motion carried.