Illinois Heartland Library System Advocacy Committee met November 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order
-Sandy West called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m.
Roll Call
Members present: Sandy West, Susan Pennington, Bev Obert, Geoff Bant, Ellen Popit,
Leslie Bednar
Absent excused: Tina Hubert
Others present: Stacie Bushong
Approval of Minutes:
Leslie Bednar motioned to approve the October 2017 minutes with the removal of the last paragraph. Geoff Bant second. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business:
Target List
-The list was reviewed and is considered a working document available to committee members to update.
Rename Committee
-Tabled until all members are present.
New Business:
School Network
-Bev Obert and Geoff Bant shared their suggestions for school outreach. Geoff suggested consulting with Laura Huth before moving forward. Ellen Popit is working on a database of members and their automation and this may assist the group's work. Discussion on how to clarify the difference between library system members utilizing SHARE for their library automation needs and those members with a different automation solution. Homework for the next meeting is to suggest options.
Committee Charge
-The committee has a focus on relationship-building and statesmanship, outreach to community organizations, elected officials, and funding sources in addition to scalable design to share with member libraries. Each committee member should send Leslie 3 charges for her to compile, the group will review at the next meeting and decide which to include to define the committees charge.
Public Comment:
-Stacie Bushong confirmed that 105 invitations were sent for the board networking event November 28.
-A poll will go out to committee members to determine the next meeting date.
Susan Pennington motioned to adjourn. Leslie Bednar second. Motion carried. Adjourned 4:38 p.m.