Jackson County Real Property Committee met Dec. 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Call to Order (5:00 PM)
Members Present: D. Bost, Hunter, Mendoza, Jr., Mueller, Peterson and Rendleman
Members Absent: Endres and S. Bost
Also Present: Andrew Erbes, Maureen Berkowitz, Grant Guthman
Approval of Minutes
I. 17-3024 November 15, 2017 Minutes
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Mueller, to approve the November 15, 2017 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
II. 17-3025 Frisch Tax Appeal
This is for informational purposes only.
III. 17-3026 Knight Hawk Coal Application 2017
Highway Department
A. SIMPO-Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization
B. Jackson County Bike Paths/Trails
C. Payment of Highway Monthly Claims
A. Peterson informed the committee that the SIMPO Policy committee met on Monday, the IDOT I57 road safety review has been completed and there are a few recommendations and the conclusion is that the crashes on I57 are due to driving not road conditions, there is planning money for 2018, an ADA, a safe routes to schools and highway 13 traffic light studies will be d one. The committee discussed the four lane highway, stop lights with tones for the hearing impaired, and what things the planning money could be used for.
B. Peterson mentioned that there have been meetings about a bike path from Marion to Carbondale.
C. D.Bost moved and Mueller seconded to authorize payment of the Highway monthly claims in the amount of $183,216.84, motion carried.
IV. 17-3027 2018 Maintenance Resolution
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Mueller, to approve Resolution 2017 -43 for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
V. 17-3028 County Engineer Salary Agreement
A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Mueller, to approve the Agreement with IDOT for County Engineer's Salary. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
VI. 17-3029 Hickory Ridge Road Speed Study/Ordinance
Guthman explained that the speed study showed that the road warrants a 45 mph speed zone and it is currently a 55 mph area. This change will go into effect once the ordinance is passed and the signs have been posted.
A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Mendoza, Jr., to approve Ordi nance 2017-09 for the Establishment of an Altered Speed Zone (Hickory Ridge Road). The motion carried by unanimous vote.
VII. 17-3030 Tractor Lease
Guthman explained how they went out for and received bids. He also informed the committee that the funding for the new tractor is already in his budget. A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by D. Bost, to approve recommendation to enter into a 3yr lease to own with the trade in for a new tractor for the Highway Department. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Land Use & Economic Development
A. Greater Egypt Regional Planning & Development Commission
B. Supervisor of Assessments
1. Land Division: John & Karen Pierson, 14-19-200-012
C. Jackson Growth Alliance
D. Comprehensive Plan
E. River Levee Project Update
A. Peterson informed the committee that Greater Egypt had a very nice Holiday party the night before where they gave out several awards to local community groups and businesses. She went to say that Greater Egypt held elections and there is a new Chair.
B. Berkowitz began by showing the committee the land areas that will be divided on a map, it is 22 acres being split into three parcels. She reviewed the health and highway departments concerns and how they are being addressed. The committee discussed the subdivision ordinance, discussed where access points could be, and asked Guthman several questions about the area.
D.Bost moved and Hunter seconded to approve a variance for the Peirson land division, parcel #14-19-200-012
C. Mueller gave a brief synopsis of the work being done and future plans.
D. No new information at this time.
E. No new information at this time.
County Buildings & Grounds
VIII. 17-3031 Building Purchase for Probation
No new information at this time.
Old Business
Peterson informed the committee that the CCHS History Club is projecting February as when they will be able to purchase the Lincoln portrait for the Courthouse. She also showed the committee the thank you letter from the I Can Read program and mentioned their upcoming luncheon.
New Business
The committee discussed how to declare the county a no burn area in light of the fact that it is very dry and several of the surrounding counties have declared no burning. The committee asked that legal be contacted to see how the county can do this. Rendleman asked that this item be placed on the agenda for the full board meeting.
Mueller moved and D. Bost seconded to adjourn, motion carried.