City of Carbondale Planning Commission met Nov. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission
Members Present: LeBeau, Hamilton, Burnside, Love, Lilly, Litecky, and Bradshaw (exofficio)
Members Absent: Miller, Sheffer, and Henson
Staff Present: Taylor and Brightharp
1. Approval of Minutes:
Ms. Lilly moved, seconded by Mr. Love, to approve the minutes for October 18, 2017.
The motion to approve the minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote.
2. Citizen Comments or Questions
There were none
3. Report of Officers, Committees, Communications
There were none
4. Public Hearings
PC 18-08, 6:02 pm-Southern Illinois Healthcare, R-2, Medium Density Residential, to PA, Professional Administrative Office, for property located at the 300 block of North= University Avenue.
Ms. Litecky declared Public Hearing PC 18-08 open and asked Mr. Taylor to read the legal notice.
Travis Taylor, Senior Planner for the City of Carbondale, read the legal notice.
Ms. Litecky asked Megan Brightharp, Planner for the City of Carbondale, to present the staff report.
Ms. Brightharp was sworn in and read parts A and B of the staff report.
Ms. Litecky asked if there were any questions of staff.
There were none.
Ms. Litecky asked if the applicant was present and wished to speak.
The applicant was present but did not wish to speak.
Ms. Litecky asked if there were any questions of the applicant.
There were none.
Ms. Litecky asked if anyone wished to speak in favor.
There was no one.
Ms. Litecky asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition.
There was no one.
Ms. Litecky asked Ms. Brightharp to read the analysis.
Ms. Brightharp read Parts C and D of the staff report for PC 18-08, with a recommendation of approval.
Ms. Litecky asked if the Commissioners had questions for staff.
Ms. Litecky asked if the property would be accessed from University Avenue. Mr. Taylor stated access would be at Pecan or Oak Streets.
Ms. Litecky asked if there were questions from anyone to anyone.
Dr. Burnside asked the representative from SIH if the overall goal is to buy the surrounding properties as they become available in the immediate area. Mr. Milstate, Administrator for Memorial Hospital, came forward to answer the question. He stated that right now SIH is working on their current needs for that area, it is not a goal to acquire all the properties but as they become available they will look in to the possibility of purchasing them for future development.
Dr. Hamilton asked what would be moved into these new facilities or what will they be used for. Mr. Milstate stated that this is an opportunity for SIH to expanded healthcare locally and give the community access to different types of healthcare that were not available locally in the past. This will also give SIH and SIU the ability to grow their education practice that they have to benefit both entities. The SIU family practice has expanded so much over the last few years that they require more space and this will provide that space that they need. Dr. Hamilton asked for further explanation on the educational facility. Dr. Quincy Scott, Head of the Family Practice program, explained that this would allow SIH and SIU to share resources that are not currently able to be shared because of limited spacing available to both programs and this extra space will provide room for a cadaver lab and an ultrasound lab for educational purposes. This will provide a space for everyone to learn and work together, to get them ready for real world medical practices.
Ms. Litecky declared PC 18-08 closed and asked for a motion on the findings of fact.
Dr. Burnside moved that the Commission accept as findings of fact Part A and B of the staff report for PC 18-08, the applicant was present, and no one spoke in favor or opposition, seconded by Dr. Hamilton.
The motion was passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Mr. Love moved that the Commission recommend approval of the rezoning and send PC 18-08 to City Council, seconded by Ms. Lilly.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes – 6 (Le Beau, Hamilton, Burnside, Love, Lilly, Litecky)
No – 0
Mr. Taylor stated that the item would move forward with recommendation for approval and that the item would be on the City Council agenda for discussion at their meeting on November 28, 2017.
5. Old Business
There was none.
6. New Business
A. City Council Agenda from November 7, 2017
Ms. Bradshaw reviewed the City Council meetings as they related to Planning.
7. Adjournment